Скидки в App Store на 04 декабря: сегодня серия стратегий Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon, Space Program Manager и друге игры

Скидки в App Store Acht 04.12.2016 0
Скидки в App Store на 04 декабря: сегодня серия стратегий Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon, Space Program Manager и друге игры
Каждый день в App Store распродаются десятки игр и программ для iPhone и iPad, а некоторые из них раздаются совершенно бесплатно. Сегодня серия стратегий Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon, Space Program Manager и друге игры
Рубрика «Скидки в App Store» – это попытка привлечь внимание читателей app-s.ru к наиболее интересным, на наш взгляд, приложениям, которые временно стали совершенно бесплатными или цены на которые существенно снизились.

Great Battles Medieval
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Образование, Ролевые игры 749p. ► 379 р.
В этой эпической RPG-стратегии вы возглавите армию в величайших средневековых войнах, возродив былую историю.

Это война нескольких веков. Каждый воин должен стоять насмерть. Испытанию подвергнется мужество каждого бойца. Но среди всех солдат есть лидеры, которые не дрогнут. Станете ли вы одним из них?

* Карта заданий свободной формы, позволяющая игрокам самостоятельно решать, где и когда сойтись в исторических битвах.
* Более 20 различных видов боевых единиц, тщательно изученных и воссозданных с невероятной точностью.
* Практически бесконечное количество комбинаций экипировки.
* Специализация войск в более чем 100 неповторимых навыках.
* Играйте за англичан в качестве Черного принца.
* Инновационная система боевых карт, дающая бонусы и штрафы в бою.
* Наиболее детальная и реалистичная модель средневековых сражений из когда-либо созданных.

Дополнительная информация на сайте:
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Da Orks
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Категория: Игры, Настольные, Стратегии 1150p. ► 379 р.
Год – 941.M41. Огромный Космический Скиталец появляется в звездной системе Армагедона. Он выглядит необитаемым, и жители Армагедона гадают, какие несметные богатства сокрыты в нем. Они не подозревают, что внутри затаились несметные полчища орков, готовые обрушить смерть и разрушение на ничего не подозревающий мир... Судьба Армагедона повиснет на волоске, и лишь от ваших действий будет зависеть исход битвы.

Как самый доверенный Ноб Газкулла Траки, вы поведете орочьи орды на величайший ВАААГХ в истории. Докажите в очередной раз, что «чилавеки – ничтожные твари, которых нужно растоптать». Позаботьтесь о том, что даже Космодесантники не смогут ничего сделать против Великой Зелёной Волны.

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Da Orks – это вторая часть в серии варгеймов, посвященных войнам за Армагедон, одному из самых знаменитых конфликтов во вселенной Вархаммер 40,000. В этой гексогональной пошаговой стратегии игрок управляет войсками Орков против имперских сил Стального Легиона и нескольких подразделений Космодесанта – Кровавых Ангелов, Ультрамаринов и Саламандр. Кровопролитные сражения разворачиваются под палящим солнцем Армагедона, среди враждебных песчаных пустынь и в сумраке исполинских городов-Ульев.

Визитная карточка игры - вовлекающая динамичная кампания, которая может закончиться как историческим поражением, так и эпичной победой орков. В ходе кампании игрок сможет переносить своих закаленных в бою ветеранов из одной битвы в другую, улучшать их снаряжение и накапливать их боевой опыт.

Мультиплейерные баталии играются на готовых или пользовательских картах, на ПК или iPad, с использованием удостоенной многих наград системы PBEM2++ от Slitherine. Игроки могут выбирать из пяти доступных фракций: Стальной Легион, Орки, Ультрамарины, Саламандры и Кровавые Ангелы. В распоряжении каждой из фракций – огромное количество различных юнитов.


Большая кампания, состоящая из трех актов и 18 отдельных сценариев, посвященная Второй Войне за Армагедон со стороны Орков. Каждый сценарий можно также сыграть отдельно.

Дополнительная обучающая кампания, показывающая путь к вершинам власти Газкулла Траки.

Сражайтесь бок о бок с Газкулом Тракой, Дурдоком Гротсником и другими полностью озвученными легендарными персонажами.

Переносите закаленных в боях ветеранов из сценария в сценарий, накапливайте их боевой опыт и улучшайте их оружие и снаряжение в ходе кампании.

Развитая модель боя учитывает 20 различных параметров юнитов, ландшафт, укрытие и мораль.

Разнообразный ландшафт, включая враждебные песчаные пустоши, коварные вулканические каньоны, кислотные реки, непроходимые джунгли, окрестности и обширные внутренние пространства городов-Ульев.

Более 400 юнитов, разделенных на 7 классов с уникальными ролями. В игре представлены Стальной Легион, Орки, Ультрамарины, Саламандры, Кровавые Ангелы и даже гигантские Гарганты и Титаны!

Более 200 видов вооружения, каждое с уникальными характеристиками и визуальными эффектами. При этом каждый юнит может использовать до трех различных видов вооружения.

10 специальных созданных вручную карт для Мультиплейера, плюс неограниченное разнообразие пользовательских карт.
Plague: Лекарь vs Инквизитор
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Обучающие, Стратегии 75p. ► 15 р.
Спешите скачать за 15 руб. игру, которая стоила 229 руб.! Предложение актуально только в течение этой недели ;)

Новая, не имеющая аналогов, стратегия (с элементами RPG) о жестоких временах Ренессанса!
В "Plague: Лекарь vs Инквизитор" вы встретите:
*** Разветвленные сюжеты, которые можно проходить разными способами
*** 19 вариантов сюжетных концовок (12 в "Лекаре" и 7 в "Инквизиторе")
*** Около 50 недугов, с уникальными симптомами и колоритным описанием
*** Около 200 игровых персонажей в диалогах

Доносы, интриги, клевета...
Пытки, казни, расследования...
Облавы, аресты, приговоры...
Жестокость и чёрный юмор...

+++ Сыграй за любого из пяти персонажей: Цирюльник, Аптекарь, Ученый, Знахарка, Монах.
+++ Проводи диагностику и подбирай для каждой болезни лучший способ лечения.
+++ Делай опыты, создавая "хиллинги".
+++ Проходи сюжетные квесты с осторожностью - некоторые решения могут привести к преждевременной гибели персонажа.
+++ Вкладывай заработанные монеты в постройки медицинских учреждений, покупку научных трактатов или трать их на взятки инквизиторам.

+++ Сыграй за экзорциста или пыточных дел мастера, за специалиста по экспертизе или мастера ведения допросов.
+++ Принимай жалобщиков и доносчиков - и решай их проблемы.
+++ Расследуй преступления, оценивай подозреваемых - и принимай нелегкие решения о казни или помиловании.
+++ Сжигай еретические книги и устраивай облавы на ведьм.
Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Справочники 749p. ► 379 р.
Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager (SPM) Road to the Moon is the ultimate game of space exploration.

It is the mid 1950s and the race for dominance between the US and the Soviet Union is about to move into a new dimension: space. Take charge of the US or Soviet space agencies - your duty is be the first to the moon. Carefully manage your budget by opening programs, spending R&D funds on improving the hardware, recruiting personnel and launching space missions in this realistic turn based strategy game.

Road to the Moon features the race to the Moon, the historical event that started in the early 1960s and that ended in July 1969, after the successful completion of the Apollo 11 mission.

The game features both a campaign and a sandbox mode. In campaign mode, you will be able to play as the Director of either NASA or the Soviet Space Agency in order to beat the other side to be the first on the Moon. You can also lead the Global Space Agency (GSA), a fictional space agency that combines programs from all the major space agencies in the world. In the GSA campaign, you will need to address the requests and short-term goals issued by government, and is geared towards those players who prefer a game experience focused on exploration instead of competition. Alternatively, all three space agencies feature a Sandbox mode, which provides a more open-ended experience and allows you to try out different approaches without any political pressure.

You will be able to develop dozens of programs. Some examples include the X-15 and the PKA space planes, the Sputnik satellite, the Mercury, Voskhod, Apollo and Soyuz manned spacecraft and the Mars Viking probe.

• Three different campaign modes: play as NASA or the Soviet space agency in order to be the first to the Moon or play as the Global Space Agency (GSA) and deal with the short-term objectives issued by politicians.
• Manage all aspects of your space agencies from their inception in the 1950's through to the manned lunar landing missions
• Play the race to the Moon campaign mode against other players using Slitherine’s cross platform PBEM system.
• The Sandbox mode allows you to play as any of the three space agencies and removes all competition restrictions.
• Create space programs and launch missions inspired by real programs such as the X-15 Space plane, the Sputnik satellite, the Gemini, Vostok and Apollo manned spacecraft and a lot more!
• Research and develop dozens of mission components from several program categories.
• Develop your facility with advanced structures and upgrades including the Vehicle Assembly Building and the Mission Control Centre.
• Recruit and train astronaut candidates and assign them to missions.
• Assemble an elite team of Scientists, Engineers, Technicians (SET), Flight Controllers and Flight Crews for the best chance of success."
• Manage your agency's budget.
• Mission components have an associated reliability factor and can cause catastrophic failures.
• Vast amounts of historical research ensure that the game's huge database features missions that launched and many more that never left the drawing board!
• A vast array of components built in 3D and rendered out in exquisite detail allow you to follow the progress of your missions via animated sequences.

Designed in consultation with Dr. Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot and the second human being to set foot on the Moon.
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Настольные 1490p. ► 749 р.

Available in English, French, German and Spanish!

"Armageddon, a world whose name has become a byword for war and destruction on a massive scale…" -Lord Commander Solar Eugenian

There is no peace amongst the stars... It is the 41st millennium and there is only war!

We live in the Imperium of Mankind, the greatest empire the galaxy has ever known. Millions of planets united in their adoration for the Emperor.

But we are not alone…

A massive space hulk is drifting towards Armageddon, and the planet is threatened by the war hungry brutal Orks. Welcome to the battlefield!

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon is a fantasy war game set in the Second War of Armageddon. You take the role of defending the planet as the Imperium of Man against the Ork invaders. Throughout the campaign you will also be joined by three chapters of Space Marines: the Salamanders, Blood Angels and the Ultramarines.

In this hex-based, turn-based strategy game, players will lead the Imperial forces of the Armageddon Steel Legion and Space Marines from a variety of Chapters against the Ork invasion through over 30 scenarios, on the hostile terrain of the planet and its gigantic Hive Cities.

The game features a complex plot, involving known characters from the Warhammer 40,000 universe and while advancing through the campaign, the player will have the ability to carryover his core force from scenario to scenario.

Players fight alongside Commissar Yarrick and Commander Dante against the cunning Ork Warboss Ghazghkull Thraka and carry over battle-hardened veterans from scenario to scenario, using their experience and upgrading their equipment.

On top all this extensive modding options are available through a powerful and easy-to-use game editor.


• Large branching campaign with 30 major scenarios, plus additional 5 tutorial scenarios that explore the story in detail.
• Hundreds of hours of gameplay fun with huge replay value and several difficulty settings.The game portrays the Second War for Armageddon in great detail, from the initial Ork landings to the final liberation of the planet.
• Fight alongside Commissar Yarrick and Commander Dante against the cunning Ork Warboss Ghazghkull Thraka.
• A complex plot, which can develop during a mission, right in the middle of battle, creating an engaging story line with unexpected twists.
• Meet several iconic characters like Inquisitor Horst, Governor Von Strab and many more, who will guide you through an epic scenario based adventure all with their unique voice-overs.
• Players lead Imperial troops of the Armageddon Steel Legion, with supporting assets from a number of Space Marine chapters against the ferocious Orks.
• Carry over battle-hardened veterans from scenario to scenario, using their experience and upgrading their equipment and weaponry.
• Detailed combat model with custom terrain, cover and morale effects.
• Guide your troops on Armageddon`s hostile ash wastes, through treacherous volcanic canyons, over acid polluted rivers, through dense jungles and through massive Hive cities.
• 300+ unit types representing Armageddon Steel Legion, the Orks, Blood Angels, Ultramarines and Salamanders Space Marine chapters and even Titans!
• Multiple weapon systems per unit, each with their unique stats and graphical effects.
• 20 different unit stats plus many unique special traits and abilities.
• Toggle options to set the game to your own liking like to enable/disable: Fog Of War & Undo Moves.
• A separate set of maps are designed and balanced specifically for asynchronous multiplayer via Slitherine's PBEM++ system.
• Play as either Orks or the Imperial forces in multiplayer.
• Includes a Hotseat mode.
Slitherine's Legion
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Образование, Настольные 749p. ► 379 р.
#1 Best selling board game in 28 stores!

Forge a mighty civilization on your iPad in this epic empire building game set during the Roman Empire!

80% Touch Arcade "Legion demonstrates that these people can handle strategy on every scale"
80% Board Game Geek "Overall, it is a classic game of a caliber not often seen on iOS"
80% Pocket Tactics "Legion is one of the most rewarding games on the App Store".
80% Gamezebo "It’s very much a game on the right platform"

One of Slitherine’s best and critically-acclaimed classic turn-based strategy games is here for the iPad! Legion for the iPad is the first of many of classic strategy games getting faithfully transferred to the portable tablet. Not one shred of content is lost!

Legion for iPad is set in Ancient Rome, where the player must make strategic choices to control their armies and carve an empire from the assortment of tribes and city states that populate Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Britain. When the battle is joined, Legion moves to the tactical layer as players must position their troops to take advantage of terrain, troop formations, and their weapons to acquire victory with a detailed pre-battle planning stage and then watch the battles fight out with hundreds of soldiers on screen giving the iPad its biggest battles yet!

Legion for iPad has everything a strategic and tactical wargamer wants: historical accuracy of maps, scenarios, uniforms, weapons, a detailed economy that ranges from city construction and allocating working to training new units, diplomacy that must be used carefully to gain allies and thwart enemies, to awesome battles. Legion for iPad comes with three levels of difficulty, perfect for those that want to get started with strategy gaming or experienced veterans looking for a challenge.

Perfect for the gamer on the move, Legion is a true strategy classic that is easy to reach out and ‘touch’!

* 20+ sides - gamers play against up to 20 unique opponents, each depicting the nations of the Roman Empire era.
* Detailed economy - players control their cities, allocate workers, increase production by constructing new buildings, build fortresses for protection and train new regiments.
* Historical accuracy - all maps, scenarios, uniforms and weapons are accurately modeled to capture the flavor of the ancient world and its warfare.
* Diplomacy - with so many nations, careful use of diplomacy will be required to succeed.
* 3D battlefields - the battlefield is made up of rendered terrain and will affect the combat model.
* Huge battles - based on historical data, the combat model gives the most realistic look and feel as hundreds of men are displayed in epic battles.
* Battle system - improved strategic and tactical elements.
* Improved - diplomatic, economic, and management elements.
* 3 levels of difficulty - provide a challenge for all gamers.
Iron Hero: Collision
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Боевики 75p. ► Бесплатно
IronHero: Collision – Where strategy meets the action!

Take control of the battlefield and emerge victorious after you eliminate all threats to mankind. This epic clash of tanks will put your skills as a commanding general to the test over the course of a tough battle tank campaign.

Set in an apocalyptic future, your base is mankind’s last defense against an autonomous bio-mechanical entity.

You will need to demonstrate command and strategy skills as you are thrown into numerous battles where you will have to defend your base and destroy your enemy. You’ll have to overcome hoards of tanks and weapons of mass destruction.

Construct, upgrade and strategically place your tanks and guns for maximum impact.

Turn your base into a fortress by thinking ahead and strategically constructing and positioning your units.

In each of the games levels, you will have to think quick and make the right strategic decisions to emerge victorious.

You will have to make your way through various enemy defenses and counter-attacks, adjusting your tactics as you battle against increasingly difficult AI.

IronHero: Collision - Command your base and lead your army of tanks to victory!


Intuitive controls – There’s barely any learning curve at all as the controls are easy to master.

Addictive gameplay – You’ll be playing this for hours on end.

Challenging AI – This game’s AI will force you to think carefully about every decision.

3D Graphics – You’ll feel like you’re right in the heat of battle.

Over 50 tank battles – Dozens of challenges will each require unique positioning and tactics.

9 normal tank units and 2 super-units – Develop a creative strategy by using different tanks for different purposes.

5 normal turrets and 1 player base turret – Strengthen your defenses to protect against enemy offensives.

Chance to purchase extra gold to upgrade units – If you find yourself struggling to get to the next level, purchase gold to upgrade your resources.

All units are upgradable – Keep upgrading your weaponry as you progress through the game.
Ancient Legacy
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Приключения 149p. ► 75 р.
Toucharcade 4/5 - "A Clever Hybird of Roguelike And Board Game"

Ancient Legacy is a table-top style RPG with rogue-like elements. You play as a hero who must explore a dark world while fighting monsters, building their base, solving quests, and collecting four Ancient Legacy to seal the evil god.

- Roll the dice and swing your sword as you test your luck and strategies
- Venture across a world map that connects to 5 different areas
- Build and upgrade your camp to help you on your journey
- 4 powerful Ancient Legacy to collect
- 4 environment boss wait for you to challenge them
- 9 heroes with different abilities to choose and play (7 need to be unlocked)
- 10 achievements to conquer
- 32 kinds of enemies to face off against
- 63 random events with mythical creatures, strange allies, and more
- Endless fun as you fight, explore and adventure with dice


Gameplay Movie

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