Скидки на игры и программы в App Store

Игры и программы Игры Программы
​Как заполучить на свой iPhone или iPad самые лучшие игры или программы российского сегмента магазина приложений Apple и при этом не пробить дыру в кармане? Конечно, следить за скидками в App Store!

Ежедневно вручную мы отбираем для вас только самые интересные предложения. В поле внимания попадают не только популярные игры и программы, ставшие бесплатными или цены на которые были снижены. Мы также следим за ценами на малоизвестные, но не менее качественные программные продукты.

При этом важно не забывать, что купить приложение со скидкой можно лишь в рамках определенного промежутка времени. Порой очень короткого. Следите за обновлениями раздела «Скидки на игры и программы в App Store»​ и экономьте.
Farmscapes HD (Premium)
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Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Приключения 229р. ► Бесплатно
Супер предложение - Farmscapes HD (Premium) доступна бесплатно. Играйте БЕСПЛАТНО в нашу игру-хит Township!

Помогите фермеру Джо восстановить ранчо в новой игре от Playrix! Продавайте жителям города продукты с ранчо Джо, составляя матч-3 цепочки из свежих овощей, сочных фруктов, яиц, меда и цветов. Заработайте средства на восстановление ранчо и создайте неповторимый дизайн, используя элементы трех стилей: европейского, американского и мексиканского. Будьте готовы проявить все свои способности и сделать ранчо по-настоящему уютным и процветающим.

- Уникальное сочетание трех жанров: матч-3, тайм-менеджмент и симулятор
- Разнообразные мини-игры
- Бонусные уровни на поиск предметов
- Увлекательный сюжет и красочная графика
- Оригинальные забавные персонажи
- Оформление ранчо в неповторимом стиле

Игры Playrix доступны для iPhone и Mac. Ищите "Playrix" в App Store.

Посетите наш сайт Playrix.ru
Cледите за нами в Twitter.com/Playrix
Присоединяйтесь к нашей группе в Facebook/PlayrixGames
Data Monitor Pro - Control Data Usage in Real Time
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Категория: Финансы, Утилиты 99р. ► Бесплатно
* Manage the Data Usage on your device in Real Time. *

Data Monitor Pro will monitor both Cellular (4G/LTE/3G/Edge/GPRS) and WiFi data usage in real time from your device. This app will let you be in control of your data usage to avoid the costly overage charges your provider may charge providing alerts when data usage reaches user thresholds. Data Monitor Pro manages data usage from the device itself and is not reliant on setting up or logging into your provider's server or web site.

Features include:
- Simple and clear user interface with custom progress bar that graphically shows your data usage and predicted usage.
- Works with ANY cellular provider in any country including AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, Rodgers, Virgin Mobile, etc. and for all cell technolgies (4G 3G LTE Edge GPRS etc.) by reading data usage from the device.
- Billing periods and quota limits can be configured on a monthly or weekly basis to match your providers billing schedule.
- Works on any iOS device (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) running iOS 5.x or later.
- Works in the background to monitor usage and notify users when data usage reaches configured limits.

Advanced Features:
- Custom counters can be setup allow you to monitor usage during a certain period to help identify data hogging apps. Counters can be easily enabled or disabled and can even be configured to end at a predetermined time.
- History graph shows previous data usage for each day.
- Email your usage information at any time.

Data Monitor Pro is a must have app for anybody on a restrictive data plan. Don't pay those expensive overage charges again.
Infinity Blade II
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Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 229р. ► 33р.

Наш одобренный критиками бестселлер отмечает свой успех распродажей по цене ,99 $. Срок предложения ограничен – спешите приобрести!

**Лучшая игра 2011 года для мобильных телефонов по версии IGN!**
**Лучшая игра 2012 года для мобильных телефонов по версии AIAS!**
**Игра-победитель в номинациях IMGA «Безупречная игра» и «Гран-при»**
**Десятка лучших видеоигр 2011 года по версии издания Entertainment Weekly**
**15 оценок «отлично» и более 20 наград «Игра года»**

История игры-обладателя множества наград «Infinity Blade» продолжается!

IGN – 10 из 10 – Выбор редактора
TOUCH GEN – 5 из 5 – Выбор редактора
USA TODAY – 4 из 4
G4TV.COM – 5 из 5
MODOJO – 5 из 5
SLIDE TO PLAY – 4 из 4
GAMESPOT – 9 из 10 – Выбор редактора

Царь-Бог побеждён, появляется сомнительный герой, и теперь вам предстоит узнать правду, которая кроется за секретами Клинка Бесконечности. Сможете ли вы открыть все тайны и успешно овладеть силой Клинка Бесконечности в этом вечном приключении злодеев и победителей, сражающихся на мечах?

Три абсолютно новых стиля поединка

Теперь вы можете выбирать разные категории оружия, доспехов, магий, каждая из которых обладает специальными возможностями, такими как «Двойное обращение», «Для обеих рук» и стандартная категория «Оружие и щит».

Крупномасштабные глобальные поединки для социальных сетей

Вступайте в «ClashMob» – новый инновационный режим игры, в котором вы получаете награды за участие в крупномасштабных асинхронных глобальных поединках для социальной сети.

Улучшенная фирменная настройка свойств персонажей игры Infinity Blade

Создавайте и наращивайте ещё более мощное оружие с помощью мистических объектов, которые вы находите и собираете во время путешествия, пополняя свой арсенал новыми силами и возможностями!

Новейшие функции операционной системы iOS на движке Unreal
Бесспорный визуальный опыт в мобильных играх дополняют нововведения – поддержка сервиса iCloud и выхода HDMI.

Универсальная игра-приложение Infinity Blade для iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPad, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini, iPod Touch 3 (16 Гб и более) и iPod Touch 4 по одной низкой цене.

- В случае возникновения технических вопросов по приложению посетите страницу поддержки игры «Infinity Blade II» по адресу http://infinitybladegame.com/faq
- Вам необходимо обновить ваше устройство до последней версии iOS
- Родителям: Вы можете отключить покупки In-App в настойках iOS.
Love to Count by Pirate Trio
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Категория: Образование, Игры, Обучающие 129р. ► Бесплатно
*** 2012 Parents’ Choice Award winner - Parents’ Choice Foundation

Welcome to Love to Count (4+) by Pirate Trio:
- 700 maths tasks
- introducing & practicing counting, adding, subtracting and ordering
- motivating and engaging reward system
... all in the stimulating and fun world of pirates!


"The genius idea behind LOVE TO COUNT BY PIRATE TRIO is that even young kids need to know why math is relevant to everyday life in order to be motivated to learn how to use numbers." / Educational value 5/5
-- Common Sense Media

"Applicable2U was amazed at the number of mathematical skills that are reinforced as your son/daughter or student(s) are playing in the land of pirates."
-- Andrea Gardner, Applicable2U

"Love to Count is tops!"
-- LunchBox Reviews

"This app contains a true wealth of activities, making it equivalent to a beautiful, interactive app workbook for late kindergarten and grade one. The gameplay is fascinating to children even while all of the activities are directly educational."
-- Apps for Homeschooling

"Each problem is presented as a fun, interactive activity."
-- Iphone Mom

Love to Count (4+) by Pirate Trio is an educational application for the iPhone and iPad, designed for children aged from 4 to 7.

Aimed at introducing maths to your child as an enjoyable and rewarding activity, this app creatively demonstrates the idea of numbers being the indicators of order, time, weight and quantity, enhancing their natural urge to find order in the world of numbers and shapes.

Love to Count by Pirate Trio helps teach and perfect such skills as:
- knowing the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10
- counting up and down
- understanding the relationship between numbers (1,2,3…) and ordinals (first, second, third…)
- adding and subtracting
- making 10
- learning halves, quarters and thirds; recognition of symmetrical division
- recognizing left from right.

Parents are provided with a tracking screen which is helpful for evaluating child’s progress. The logging system allows the app to be used by more than 1 child without loosing their scores and rewards given for correct answers.

Love to Count by Pirate Trio aims to encourage your child to discover and understand maths, rather than learn it by heart. Solving these logical puzzles will play an important part in your child's development and help build their confidence at this early stage of schooling.


Pirate Trio takes children's privacy very seriously:
* we do not collect or share any data
* the app doesn't contain any adds
* the app doesn't contain any in-app purchase
* the app doesn't contain any social media buttons nor social media integration
* the app contains external links to our other apps
Снижение цены
Категория: Справочники, Социальные сети 66р. ► Бесплатно
StackReader is the Stack Exchange Network on your iPad.

Please note, that this app will stop working and be removed from the App Store once the Stack Exchange API 1.x is shut down. StackReader 2 coming some time soon will be a separate application working with the newest API from Stack Exchange.

Stack Exchange is the biggest and most valuable network of Q&A sites covering a variety of topics. Think of it as a combination of Wikipedia, Digg, forums and blogs. It's an online gathering of experts, and they love sharing their knowledge with you. With our app you will never miss any interesting question or answer again, it's like an RSS reader for Stack Exchange Network.

Each site in the network has its own dedicated community, which aim to provide curated content within area of their expertise. Topics range from programming through photography to cooking (and almost 100 other topics).

Feature highlights:
* access to all Stack Exchange Network sites (including most popular ones: Stack Overflow, Server Fault and Super User) on your iPad,
* follow your favorite tags, people or questions matching any search queries,
* browse questions grouped in several categories,
* built-in browser to access all functionality not yet provided by Stack Exchange Inc. (like asking questions, answering, voting, commenting),
* offline access to questions and answers,
* native iOS app, with its look & feel, sorting, searching, and sharing the most interesting questions by e-mail,
* Retina display ready

Visit our website for pointers on how to get started.

Our support team is ready to help you.
Video Touch - Транспортных
Снижение цены
Категория: Развлечения, Образование 66р. ► Бесплатно
48 HD клипов с транспортные средства

· "Чудесное приложение. Моему сыну очень нравится!"
· "Потрясающее удовольствие и для малышей. Наша дочь, которой чуть больше годика, в восторге от этой серии. Это хорошая покупка для развлечения и образования. Она ходит с телефоном по полчаса, все время улыбаясь."
· "На сегодняшний день лучшее детское развлекательное приложение. Обожаю эту разработку и все ее приложения."
· "Великолепные видео! Я купил одно из этих приложений, и, увидев качество, вернулся и купил остальные."
· "Я на самообучении, поэтому эти видео будет удивительным занятием во время лечения. Вы молодцы!"
· "Я бы порекомендовал это приложение для любого родителя, который ищет образовательные приложения для малышей, вплоть до дошкольников!"
· "Люблю все приложения «Touch». Наш сынок, которому год и четыре месяца, еще не смотрит телевизор, но мы позволяем ему играть со всеми приложениями «Touch Video» и «Sound Touch». Во время 6-часового перелета на самолете он поглощенно играл с приложением, притом ни разу не плакал!"

* 48 видео клипов с транспортные средства.
* 4 сменяющихся видео на каждого вид транспорта.
* Совместим с другими приложениями "Video Touch".

48 чудесных видео для развлечения и обучения вашего ребенка! При выборе одного из транспортных средств (автомобили, самолеты, поезда и т.д.), ваш ребенок будет смотреть видео клипы в течение 10-20 секунд. Например, пожарные автомобили с сиренами, мотоциклы с ускорением и вода, плескающаяся по бокам встречного судна. Каждый вид транспорта повторяется через 4 отдельных видео прикосновением пальца вашего ребенка. Идеально и просто!

Скачивайте это совершенное приложение для вашего ребенка, оно научит его многому, пока ребенок будет думать что он играется!
Loopseque Mini
Снижение цены
Категория: Музыка, Развлечения 129р. ► Бесплатно
Palmsounds.net turns eight years today. Our congratulations. Let's celebrate it together: Loopseque will be free for one day only.

Loopseque it's a new music ecosystem which includes powerful sequencer, sampler, fx processor and record store with many beautiful releases from talented artists.

The basement of Loopseque is a circle - a natural solution for visualization of cyclic music structure. Music starts with the first touch and within seconds becomes alive. It’s not just a rhythmic pattern in your hands, but the whole composition.

Playing Loopseque doesn't require music education or any professional skills. An intuitive interface combined with inspiring sounds gives an opportunity to plunge into the world of music to everybody.

Loopseque serves as a catalyst for collective creativity both online and in real life. Here and now, any band can create its own music, easily and fun. Thanks to the social integration inside the app, all musicians can publish there records to the web and share projects with friends via e-mail.

Despite its apparent simplicity, Loopseque is a challenge to the musician. How fast you can change the patterns, which patterns you create, what effects you use – that’s what makes the difference and determines the quality of music material.

Loopseque is a game in which “achievements” are measured by the richness of sound created by the musician on the fly, and “high score” is the number of listeners who enjoy the music of the artist.

It does not matter how old you are, what education, faith, political views, tastes and preferences you have. Loopseque is simple, it is even easier than it seems. You always see what is happening. You can create, edit, produce your song as if you've always made music.

With Loopseque you are a musician, a composer, a producer and a creator. Without delay, at first glance. Doors of Perception are open.

• Easy to use sequencer
• Sample editor, uploader & browser
• Onboard Samples library
• Audio effects
• Live track recording & loop bouncing
• SoundCloud sharing
• Project sharing via e-mail
• 22 professionally designed electronic sample sets
• 14 original project presets
• Loopseque Store with new projects and tracks by talented artists
• Dropbox Sync and iTunes File Sharing for your own sounds
• Audio copy/paste (General Pasteboard with import and export)
• WIST support for syncing with other iOS music apps
• Master classes & tutorials

• Pixel accurate design for the exciting Retina Display
• 32 bit internal audio engine
• 32 step circle sequencer
• 4х4 channels of audio tracks
• 9 patterns per channel
• Tap tempo & cue sync
• Swing enhance
• Cross-project sample set transfer
• FX set: Filter (LP & HP mode in one amazing control), Beat Repeater with automatic quantize, Reverb
• All FXs can be assigned to each of 4 channels (one-button extra fast routing)

* iPhone 4S, 4 & 3GS: great performance, smooth animations
* iPhone 3G: high quality sound, but with some function and GUI limitations

Loopseque is created by Casual Underground international community which comprises of musicians, developers, designers, artists, journalists and producers.

Casual Underground lab specializes on research & development in interactive performance area, combining entertaining conceptions with high requirements to usability, advanced technical solutions and wide social integration.
Tydlig - Взгляните на калькулятор по-новому!
Снижение цены
Категория: Утилиты, Образование 169р. ► 66р.
Tydlig - это новый тип калькулятора, который позволяет забыть об ограничениях старых устройств и дарит вам по-настоящему современный и точный расчет.

Характеристики: быстрый подсчет результатов, редактируемая история, связанные числа, текстовые подписи, свободная схема изображения, функция перетаскивания чисел, обмен информацией, создание графиков в режиме реального времени и т.д.

Большинство калькуляторов до сих пор работают так же, как и 40-летние пластмассовые устройства: один ряд для отображения результатов и огромная панель кнопок с такими странными обозначения, как MR/MC/M+/M-, даже несмотря на то, что в современных устройствах вполне хватит памяти, чтобы сохранить все необходимые числа. Вместо того чтобы равняться на старые ограничения, Tydlig начинает все с чистого листа и добавляет функции, которые могут пригодиться только при работе на iPhone и iPad. В результате перед нами поразительно простой и удобный в использовании калькулятор.


* Быстрый подсчет результатов: Отредактируйте число в поле и получите автоматически обновленные результаты. Пусть калькулятор работает за вас, а не вы за него.

* Связанные числа: Выбрав нужный вам результат, нажмите на операцию, чтобы создать связанное число. Ниже автоматически будут отображаться нужные вам результаты.

* Вся история хранится на бесконечном прокручиваемом экране. Перетаскивайте числа по кругу и используйте их повторно неограниченное число раз.

* Добавляйте подпись к любому числу, создавая таблицу в свободном стиле.

* Изменяйте значение с помощью слайдера и наслаждайтесь обновленными результатами в режиме реального времени. Чтобы переключаться между скрытым и обычным режимом, слегка коснитесь слайдера.

* Отключите подсказки.

* Делитесь своими вычислениями, копируя результаты в качестве текста, копируя графики в виде изображений или используя общее меню, на котором будет отображаться вырезанное изображение всех видимых расчетов.

* Создание графиков в режиме реального времени: Удерживайте любую кнопку для "х" и нажмите на надпись "График", это установит связь между числом "х" и результатом вашего вычисления "y". Любое изменение вычисления будет отображаться в графике в режиме реального времени.

* Поддерживает внешние клавиатуры Bluetooth для осуществления быстрых цифровых и основных операций ввода (+, -, *, /).

* Tydlig работает без подключения к Интернету.

* Огромная мощность, поразительно быстрая система подсчета и свыше 20 доступных математических функций.
Снижение цены
Категория: Музыка, Развлечения 199р. ► Бесплатно
Palmsounds.net turns eight years today. Our congratulations. Let's celebrate it together: Loopseque will be free for one day only.

Loopseque it's a new music ecosystem which includes powerful sequencer, sampler, fx processor and record store with many beautiful releases from talented artists.

The basement of Loopseque is a circle - a natural solution for visualization of cyclic music structure. Music starts with the first touch and within seconds becomes alive. It’s not just a rhythmic pattern in your hands, but the whole composition.

Playing Loopseque doesn't require music education or any professional skills. An intuitive interface combined with inspiring sounds gives an opportunity to plunge into the world of music to everybody.

Loopseque serves as a catalyst for collective creativity both online and in real life. Here and now, any band can create its own music, easily and fun. Thanks to the social integration inside the app, all musicians can publish there records to the web and share projects with friends via e-mail.

Despite its apparent simplicity, Loopseque is a challenge to the musician. How fast you can change the patterns, which patterns you create, what effects you use – that’s what makes the difference and determines the quality of music material.

Loopseque is a game in which “achievements” are measured by the richness of sound created by the musician on the fly, and “high score” is the number of listeners who enjoy the music of the artist.

It does not matter how old you are, what education, faith, political views, tastes and preferences you have. Loopseque is simple, it is even easier than it seems. You always see what is happening. You can create, edit, produce your song as if you've always made music.

With Loopseque you are a musician, a composer, a producer and a creator. Without delay, at first glance. Doors of Perception are open.

• Easy to use sequencer.
• Sample editor, uploader & browser.
• Onboard Samples library.
• Audio effects.
• Live track recording & loop bouncing.
• SoundCloud sharing.
• Project sharing via e-mail.
• 22 professionally designed electronic sample sets.
• 14 original project presets.
• Loopseque Store with new projects and tracks by talented artists.
• Dropbox Sync and iTunes File Sharing for your own sounds.
• Audio copy/paste (General Pasteboard with import and export).
• WIST support for syncing with other iOS music apps.
• Audiobus support.
• Master Classes & Tutorials.

• MIDI-out: Clock, Events, CC, Latency.
• MIDI-in: Clock.
• MIDI note for each circle: channel, velocity, volume, root key.
• Attack, Release, Start and Length for each note.
• Chord maker presets.
• 4 pads for X/Y parameters, 2 sliders and 8 buttons.

• 32 bit internal audio engine.
• 32-step circle sequencer.
• 4x4 channels of audio tracks.
• 9 patterns per channel.
• Volume control for each channel.
• Tap tempo & cue sync.
• Swing enhance.
• Cross-project sample set transfer.
• Simple FX set: Filter (LP & HP mode in one amazing control), Beat Repeater with automatic quantize, Reverb.
• Extra FX set: Delay (two modes: stereo and mono), Filter (LP, HP) with LFO, new Reverb and Repeater with reverse mode and manual quantize).
• All FXs can be assigned to each of 4 channels (one-button extra fast routing).
• Background audio.
• Retina Display.
• OMAC support.

Loopseque’s first release was in August 2010 and was appreciated by the audience. A month in the top most popular music applications in the USA, – the most volume market applications in App Store. Numerous stuff-favorites, “what’s hot” and top Sales chart in the music section of the world, including the UK, Japan, Germany and many others.

Loopseque is created by Casual Underground international community which comprises of musicians, developers, designers, artists, journalists and producers.
Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop - Personal
Снижение цены
Категория: Бизнес, Производительность 169р. ► 33р.
Mother's Day Special -- Limited Time (retail $19.99 USD)!!
"Both a breakthrough and a bargain." – NY Times
"Splashtop -- Meet the most popular app on iTunes." – USA Today
"No iPad-armed road warrior should be without it." – InformationWeek
"Apple’s Top 25 best-selling iPad app of ALL-TIME." -- iTunes
#1 iPad app in US in June 2011
#1 iPad app in 30+ countries
#1 iPad business app in 100+ countries

Over 16 Million Users -- #1 Remote Desktop App for iPad! Splashtop is the easiest and fastest way to access your Mac or Windows PC from your iPad!

Use Splashtop to access your computer on the local network with best-in-class video streaming performance. View and edit Microsoft Office and PDF files. Browse the web using IE, Chrome, and Firefox with full Flash and Java support. Play 3D PC and Mac games. Access your entire media library and documents. And more!

To access your computer from across the Internet, subscribe to Anywhere Access Pack via In-App Purchase.

* Use your iPad to access all of the programs and files on your computer with 100% compatibility, including PowerPoint, Keynote, Word, Excel, Outlook, Quicken, IE, Chrome, Safari, and all other PC/Mac applications

* Use your full desktop browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox) with Flash and Java support, with all of your bookmarks and your favorite plug-ins

* Enjoy the full video and music libraries that are playable only on your computer, whatever formats they’re in

* Play all the 3D games (World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Skyrim, Diablo III, etc.) and all the Flash games (FarmVille, CityVille, etc.)

* Enjoy the most vibrant experience with Apple Retina display support (when using native resolution)

Optional In-App Subscriptions:

Get Anywhere Access Pack to access your computer from across the Internet, via our global network of secure, high-performance servers:
– Access reliably across Internet, over 3G, from behind firewalls, etc.
– Optimized streaming performance under varying network conditions over Wi-Fi and 3G
– Fully secured via SSL with 256-bit AES encryption
– Subscribe monthly for $1.99 or annually for $16.99

Get Productivity Pack which includes Configurable Shortcuts & Gamepad and Whiteboard:
– Control your Windows and Mac apps and games easily with on-screen shortcuts mapped to your most commonly used functions. Use the built-in profiles for popular apps or create your own.
– Annotate over any live remote desktop screen. Great for presentations and classroom instruction.
– Subscribe monthly for $1.99 or annually for $16.99

Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. You will not be able to cancel a subscription during the active period. Manage your subscriptions in the Account Settings after purchase.

See our Terms of Service and Privacy policy at http://www.splashtop.com/terms/splashtop.


You may access up to 5 computers via your Splashtop Account.

Splashtop Personal is for non-commercial use only, i.e. use it to access your personal computers for non-work related purposes.

For commercial use in a professional environment, please use Splashtop Business which is specifically designed for the workplace offering enhanced manageability, security, and compliance (www.splashtop.com/business).

1. Install Splashtop Streamer on your PC (Windows 7, Vista, and XP), Mac (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion) , or Linux (Ubuntu 12.04). Download for free from www.splashtop.com.
2. A computer with dual-core CPU is strongly recommended for best performance.
Pilot's Path
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Симуляторы, Развлечения 129p. ► Бесплатно
Experience the thrill of adventure with Pilot’s Path – an old school top down view helicopter flying game, perfectly optimized for Retina Display. Feel like a first-class pilot, explore over 50 islands, fulfill risky missions, enjoy the trendy retro design, beautifully rendered cut scenes and the cute girl-mechanic.

Pilot’s Path is one of a very few games specifically designed to provide a better experience for players having a second iOS device, an Apple TV or a TV Out cable. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, AirPlay and all types of TV Out cables, it supports all the possible multi-device configurations and a single device, as well.

The game tells a story of a former USAF pilot. Dishonorably discharged after an accident with an expensive military plane, he makes his way back to the sky carrying out missions for criminal underground bosses. Download now, hit the sky and feel the rush!

· Randomly generated maps for each new game
· Explore over 50 islands in 2 locations
· Collect and sell items from across archipelagos
· Make improvements to your helicopter
· Upgrade hull, fuel capacity, speed, radar range, and more

· Joystick controls that make flying easy and intuitive
· Beautifully rendered graphics and cut scenes
· Retro design maximized for retina and full HD displays

· Simple, super easy TV and remote setup
· Control remotely with another iOS device via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
· Play on a TV or a projector – HDMI, Airplay, VGA, RCA supported
· Configurable TV resolution for slow Wi-Fi connections
· Full HD and other resolutions natively supported
· Universal app, optimized for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
· Game Center achievements

· Spyglass - augmented reality & GPS navigator
· Scany - Wi-Fi/LAN network scanner
Toad Rider
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Развлечения 33p. ► Бесплатно
Featured by Apple in "Best New Games" and "Fun Runners" sections. Inspired by the classic Battletoads game, loved by millions over the world!

Toad Rider is a super intense and challenging game for people with split-second reflexes, machine-like focus, and nerves made of steel.

"Toad-ally awesome!" - PocketGamer

"I'm really digging Toad Rider. The action ramps up at a good pace, so eventually you're swiping and tapping by the seat of your pants, and it's a lot of fun!" - TouchArcade

"If you want to re-experience the sweet anguish of one of gaming's most difficult and celebrated levels ever, download Toad Rider when it launches on iOS" - PhoneArena

Help Zody the Toad escape from a group of evil scientists in a far away lab. Your escape journey will be action-packed:

• Move swiftly with your hoverbike around tricky obstacles.
• Take down evil scientists before they shoot you!
• Dash into glass walls to survive.
• Perform cool, amazing stunts.
• Experience awesome dynamic lanes.
• Pimp your jet. Pimp your toad.
• Compete with your friends on Game Center and Facebook!

Got what it takes? Download Toad Rider now! (available for iOS only)
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 99p. ► 33 р.
10000000 is a Dungeon Crawling RPG Matching Game. Run the dungeon and match to handle the things you encounter

“This game is so good it makes me want to cry” - Eli Hodapp – Editor In Chief – TouchArcade

“This is one of my favorite iOS games in a long time. Buy it. Love it. Pass it on.” - Ben Kuchera – Penny Arcade Report

“Freedom costs 10 million. I’m half-hoping I never make it” - Mike Fahey – Kotaku

“Mashes together two of the most interesting genres of the last years: the puzzle RPG and infinite runner. And it’s damned good.” - Owen Faraday – Pocket Tactics

Upgrade your castle, improve your gear, train skills and brew potions

Can you score 10000000 and earn your freedom?

• Kill monsters and find loot
•Improve your gear and train skills
• Find wood and stone to improve your castle

Test your skill

• More than 60 objectives to complete
• Over 20 different monster types to fight
• Find items and use them effectively
• Fast paced action gameplay

Classic Gaming

• Retro graphics
• Old school music

"I played this for like 8 hours, it's a fantastic little game."

"I got sucked into this more than I expected"

"Adds so much to the genre, What a great game!"
AirDisk Pro - Wireless Flash Drive
Снижение цены
Категория: Производительность, Утилиты 66p. ► 33 р.

AirDisk Pro allows you to store, view and manage files on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. You can connect to AirDisk Pro from any Mac or PC over the Wi-Fi network and transfer files by drag & drop files straight from the Finder or Windows Explorer.

AirDisk Pro features document viewer, PDF reader, music player, image viewer, voice recorder, text editor, file manager and support most of the file operations: like delete, move, copy, email, share, zip, unzip and more.

Support MS Office, iWork, Text & HTML
An ability to in app create your own audio playlist with repeat, shuffle, background playback and remote control from multitask.
Files transfer between PC/Mac with password protected.
Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, Zip, Unzip, UnRAR, Create File and Folder.
File sharing with other iPhone/iPad devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection with automatic search of nearest available devices around you.
Drag and drop files upload via your PC/Mac web browser or USB via iTunes File Sharing.
Built-in text editor that allows you to edit your text files or source codes on your iOS device.
An ability to create text files, image captures, video records, voice recordings and import pictures from photo library.
An ability to protect your files from viewing by others.
This app is developed for both iPhone and iPad, you need to purchase only once.

- Able to in app create audio playlist.
- Plays all MP3 files from a folder as a playlist.
- Repeats and shuffles songs.
- Supports background audio playback.
- Supports Audio Remote Control from multitask.

- Audio (WAV, MP3, M4A, CAF, AIF, AIFF, AAC)

- Movies (MP4, MOV, MPV, M4V)
- iWorks (Pages, numbers, and Keynote)

- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
- RTF (Rich Text Format)
- RTFD (TextEdit with embedded images)
- PDF Documents
- Plain text
- Source code

- HTML web pages
- Web archives

Please visit to our website for video demo
Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage (Universal)
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки 99p. ► 66 р.
Эпическое приключение по мотивам отмеченной наградами флэш-игры!

Ледяной ветер унес Викингов, выбросив их на берег, доверху заполненный троллями, смертельными ловушками, опасными врагами и самое ужасное… тролльскими соплями!

Теперь только вы можете спасти их!

Используйте ваши ледокольные навыки для решения загадок и прорубите себе путь сквозь лед, веревки, пушки, взрывчатку, слизь и... ээ... цыплят, чтобы безопасно вернуть свой клан назад на викингский драккар!

• Основана на отмеченной наградами флэш-игре от Nitrome, расширена, обновлена и оптимизирована для iPhone и iPad!
• 140 полных действия уровней в трех разных землях!
• Красивый погружающий в себя мир, полный викингов, троллей, смертельных аттракционов и ГИГАНТСКИХ гор льда!
• Используйте специальные божественные силы чтобы быстрее пробиться сквозь сложные уровни!
• Дополнительные задания!
• Открываемые секреты!
• Эпические финальные боссы, включая гигантского Горного Тролля и его легендарное несварение желудка!

Можете ли вы испытать свою судьбу и стать новым ледокольным чемпионом?
Currency+ (Currency Exchange Rates Converter)
Снижение цены
Категория: Финансы, Путешествия 66р. ► Бесплатно
Free May 7th only with ‘App of the Day’. Download ‘App of the Day’, and every day discover one paid app absolutely free!

Whether you're a business or leisure traveler, hopping from country to country is a breeze when you have Currency+ in your hands!  This Universal currency conversion application for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch shows you what you're paying instantly and is easy to use even when you have jet lag.

- Currency Calculator
- Support For Over 150 World Currencies, Precious Metals & Bitcoin
- Historical Charts
- Background Rate Updates & Currency Alerts
- Editable Calculator Tape
- Inverse Currency Calculations
- Transaction Fees or Taxes
- Integrated Help
- 100% Ad Free

What Makes Currency+ stand out from other Currency Apps?

Currency Calculator
When you are traveling in a different country, most of the time your focus will be on converting the local currency back to your home currency. The built in calculator lets you focus on two selected currencies on one screen. The built in calculator remains on the screen at all times making data entry quick and easy.

Support For Over 150 World Currencies & Precious Metals
For times where you want to keep track of many currencies at one time, the favorites list is where you need to go. You pick from over150 world currencies and precious metals (powered by Yahoo.com). Selecting any currency in your list, enter a value and the rest of the currencies in your list will show you that amount in their own currency in real time.

Historical Charts
Currency+ has historical charts. You can view historical currency conversion charts for any two currencies. Touch the chart with a single finger to see data from any period in the past. Touch the chart with two fingers to compare currency exchange rates from any two past periods. Rotate the chart to landscape view to see the chart in even greater detail. Show charts for 1 day (real time intraday), 5day, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, 2 years and 5 years.

Background Rate Updates & Currency Alerts
Currency+ will go out and update your currency rates without taking your device out of your pocket. Whenever you open Currency+, your data will always be up to date. Do you want to be notified when a currency goes above or below a certain value? If so, Currency+ can notify you of these changes without the need to open the app. You will receive a push notification on your device whenever the currency you are watching goes beyond the limit you set.

Editable Calculator Tape
Currency+ has an integrated calculator tape that keeps track of everything that you do. You can send any value from the tap to any of your favorite currencies. You can edit/delete/insert tape values and your calculations will automatically update. Finally, you can put comments on any of your tape values to help you keep track of what your numbers stand for.

Inverse Currency Calculations
Need to do inverse or reverse currency calculations? Currency+ can switch between standard and inverse currency conversion modes on the fly.

Transaction Fees or Taxes
Currency+ can factor in transaction fees (or tax) automatically. Individuals rarely convert money at published exchange rates - most banks and exchange offices charge a fee. Enter the transaction fee percentage to give you a better estimate of your 'real' conversion rates.

Integrated Online Help
Currency+ has a built in help. You don't need to memorize everything at the time you buy Currency+. Use the help to get quick access to everything about Currency+.

Make the leap with Jump Gap Software's Currency+, the currency converter that takes you around the world and back.
TuneIn Radio Pro
Снижение цены
Категория: Музыка, Развлечения 129р. ► Бесплатно
TuneIn – это настоящее радио. Откройте для себя, слушайте и следите за самым важным из самой большой коллекции спортивных, новостных, музыкальных и разговорных станций во всем мире. TuneIn предлагает более 100 000 настоящих станций и более 4 000 000 подкастов со всего мира на ваших iPhone, iPad и iPod. TuneIn Radio Pro не использует графическую рекламу и позволяет вам записывать то, что вы слушаете.

Уже являетесь пользователем TuneIn? Зайдите в вашу учётную запись на iPhone, iPad и iPod.
Мы постоянно улучшаем работу TuneIn. Если у вас есть вопросы или предложения, пожалуйста, поделитесь ими с нами: support@tunein.com
Хотите, чтобы мы помогли вам найти лучшие жемчужины мира аудио?
- Поставьте “Нравится” на Facebook: www.facebook.com/tunein
- Следите за нами на Twitter: www.twitter.com/tunein
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Музыка 33р. ► Бесплатно
Shred LUTE and collect LOOT in the critically acclaimed action-rpg BARDBARIAN!
5/5 - TouchArcade
5/5 - Gamezebo
9/10 - ArcadeSushi
8.5/10 - Capsule Computers
4/5 - 148Apps

*** Note: 3GS, iPod Touch 4th Gen, and iPad 1 are not supported ***

“In every way imaginable, BARDBARIAN steps up as the perfect mobile experience” - Gamezebo
”The game is just amazingly fun to play“ - Touch Arcade
“The most addictive mobile title I’ve reviewed in a very long time.” - CapsuleComputers
“Combining many popular genres pays off for this original and fast-paced game.” - 148Apps
“Intriguing mix of genres that gel together brilliantly, BARDBARIAN is a breath of fresh air.” - PocketGamer

In BARDBARIAN you play as Brad the Barbarian, who is (once again) awoken to the sounds of his town under siege. Today is no ordinary day though; Brad has grown tired of fighting. The XP grind has grown dull, and his heart beats with a musical bloodlust. Crafting a magic lute out of an old war axe, he steps outside...

Use your magical axe-lute to summon followers to fight for you. Navigate your party through the hordes of enemies, dodging and attacking, preventing them from destroying your town's prized decorative crystal. Survive waves to progress, collect loot, and unlock new units.

Upon death you are able to visit the town shop in order to upgrade Brad, the town and your followers, in hopes to make it further next time. Over 75 different upgrades are available, plus a total of 12 unlockable units.

Finished story mode? Play Endless and Survival modes for some fun, fast and competitive gameplay variety, set your best scores, collect achievements and challenge your friends via GameCenter integration.

● Bizarre genre-bending hybrid gameplay
● GameCenter Integration with Achievements and Leaderboards
● 12 unique units to unlock
● Customize your party loadout; Over 200 possible combinations
● Collect loot from your fallen enemies and upgrade Brad, the town, and your units
● A difficulty curve that will punish you for making mistakes, and you will
● Over 8 enemy types to make you regret everything
● 4 Epic boss battles to crush your spirits
● Original, hand drawn artwork from start to finish
● An awesome Rock/Metal original soundtrack by Maximum Satan
● Endless and Survival modes with leaderboards for when you're feeling competitive
● There's a dinosaur boss
● Ratcoon!
ElephantBites - Conquering, the Overwhelming
Снижение цены
Категория: Производительность, Образ жизни 33р. ► Бесплатно
From the creator of Weather Dial:

A fun spin on an old philosophy, ElephantBites is a productivity and project management app based on the old adage, "How do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time." ElephantBites helps you take that overwhelming project and break it down into small actionable bites.
Снижение цены
Категория: Образ жизни, Образование 33р. ► Бесплатно
✳ Welcome to the HD world of Turner.
✳ HD collection of masterpieces of Turner + Interactive Biography Book + Many more other features= This App

★ 1) HD Art Gallery
In this app, we have a collection of great HD artworks throughout Turner's life history.

★ 2) Great Educational Contents
✓ We have integrated a beautiful book to illustrate the timeline of Turner and British art.
✓ You can bookmark your favorite page, and even print them out right from your apps!

★ 3) Detailed series and categories
We collect his works mainly according to different series, from genre painting to portrait.

★ 4) Advanced Search Engine
Search by artwork name, series, year or whatever keywords you can think of.

★ 5) Multiple platform supported
iPad/iPhone/iTouch Compatible! Buy one copy and get them on all your devices.

★ 6) Retina HD enhanced
This app is enhanced to display stunning graphics on iPad 3's Retina screen, enjoy HD art works!

★ 7) Documentary
Selected Youtube Documentaries on art. Visualize and enhance your understanding!

★8) Slide show with background music
Instantly turn your device into a e-frame!

★ 9) Off-line Data
✓Once you download this app, everything is all set.

✓Browse great artwork in subway, a remote island, anywhere without the help of Internet.

✓ Accessibility:
access to information without wifi or 3G connection

✓ Updated Information:
We update our image bank frequently.

❐ ©MOKOO 2012, All Rights Reserved. Design and Interface Protected by copyright law.
Problems or questions?

❐ We value your thoughts over this app. Please send us your feedback or your ideas in terms of what to be included in this app.

❐ If your suggestions and feedbacks are coming, our next update is also coming.

★ Proudly Presented by MOKOO: Technology Connecting Humanity ★
❐ MOKOO's feedback policy for Art Apps:
If there is any artwork that you think is important in western art history is not displayed in our app, please send us an email, we will include those artists and artworks in our next update.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Развлечения 33р. ► Бесплатно
###The D&D Dream 3th anniversary###
We are giving away All Games for free during a limited time!
Search the AppStore for "D&D Dream"

G.O.L is a game that provides you with a variety of experiences. You play G.O.L using a simple touch interface.
There are 3 episodes, which contain numerous stages.
Each character has their own unique comical actions and endings, making the game much more fun.

Also, you can compete with your friends as well as people from around the world for leaderboard rankings via the game center.

Fantastical adventure G.O.L will put a smile on your face!!

*Game features
- 3 episodes
- 70 stages
- Huge bosses
- 9 characters
- Various game modes and backgrounds
- Various animations

--------Next Update-------
- Episode 4.
Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read Classroom Edition
Снижение цены
Категория: Образование, Развлечения $49.99 ► Бесплатно
This Classroom Edition is unlocked and contains teacher instructions and teacher controls. To sample the app, we recommend that you download the free, non-Classroom edition which includes a free unit and eBook.

This digital reading program is based on the award-winning Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read system with which millions have learned to read. Now, we are excited to introduce our Classroom edition of this new digital reading app!

Designed to help you prepare your students for Common Core State Standards, the research-based lessons and eBooks in the program provide systematic instruction and practice with the Common Core

Foundational Reading Skills for Kindergarten including:

• Print concepts
• Phonological awareness
• Phonics word recognition

Suitable for single- or multiple-users, students can easily, independently navigate this app. Each 10-minute phonics lesson concludes with three corresponding eBooks, where students apply the phonemes, rimes and sight words they have learned in the context of a meaningful story. The program works effectively whether used daily or sporadically throughout the week. Students are able to repeat previous lessons for additional practice if needed, or move on to new lessons as appropriate.

With music, games, activities, and meaningful stories, HOOKED ON PHONICS: LEARN TO READ CLASSROOM is the simplest, most engaging and effective digital reading program on the market.

Students will enjoy songs, games, and interactive lessons in a style that has never before been seen in an educational app.

Best of all, each lesson culminates with three stories that are decodable for students who have completed the prior lessons. Children will delight in reading and rereading these stories to themselves or to a peer.

This program includes 12 Units and 36 eBooks. Each unit explicitly teaches and provides guided practice with three different phonemic rhymes and onsets and two or three sight words, using fun, engaging songs, games and stories.

Celebrate Success!

As your students move through the units and lessons, your growing-readers earn trophies and points.

The points can be used to personalize these trophies with different enhancements to make a one-of-a-kind reward that recognizes each student’s significant achievements in a very personal way.

What’s New

For the first time ever, we’ve adapted our best-selling Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read app for teachers to use in the classroom. The lessons solidly align with the Common Core Reading Foundational Skills for Kindergarten. With features that allow a teacher to lock and unlock lessons to adapt to single-and multiple-user situations, this system has the full set of lessons, songs, stories and eBooks currently available from Hooked on Phonics in digital form.

With this single purchase, your students can complete the fun, award-winning reading program that contains:

• 12 Hooked on Phonics units, each with 3 lessons and 3 embedded eBooks.

• 36 Hooked on Phonics eBooks with controlled vocabulary that is 100% decodable for the student who has completed the prior lessons.

• A trophy and points reward system for successful progression through the program. Points can be used to personalize the trophies into one-of-a-kind keepsakes.

• White board word- and sentence-builder that showcases all of the words and sights words taught in the app.

• Archive functionality to move units and eBooks that you’ve already completed to the cloud to save storage space on your device. (The units and eBooks can be re-installed at any time for free.)
Снижение цены
Категория: Музыка 199р. ► 99р.
SunVox is the Most Powerful music creation tool for iOS. It is a small, fast and powerful modular synthesizer with pattern based sequencer (tracker).
With this program you can compose music anywhere. On any device. It also available (for FREE!) for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Maemo, PalmOS, Android, and other systems.

[ Jordan Rudess about this app ]
Sunvox is a serious music application. I am personally running it on my iphone. In the overcrowded world of music apps, Sunvox stands out as both unique and powerful. If you are a musician and own an iphone, you owe it to yourself to try this amazing application!

[ Key features ]
• Modular interface.
• Highly optimized synth algorithms.
• Support of 16/24/32bit WAV, AIFF and XI samples.
• XM (FastTracker) and MOD (ProTracker, OctaMED) import.
• Multitrack WAV export;
• WiFi export/import;
• MIDI import/export;
• Mic/Line-in recording;
• Real-time recording;
• Audiobus (INPUT and EFFECTS slots) and JACK support.

[ Brief instruction ]
The main menu - button with wrench in the upper right corner of the screen.
Use multitouch to scale/move content of timeline and pattern editor.
How to connect one module to another? For multitouch devices: first touch on source, second touch on destination. For other devices: select the first module (source); click on the LINK button; select the second module (destination).
REC button is only for notes and controllers recording. If you want to record sound - use the Sampler module (REC button under the Sampler controllers).

[ Built-in synthesizers & effects ]
• Analog Generator;
• DrumSynth with 120 unique synthetic drum sounds;
• FM synthesizer;
• MetaModule (use it to build your own synths/effects);
• Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI, AIFF);
• SpectraVoice (FFT-based synthesizer for warm atmospheric sounds);
• Side Chain Compressor;
• Distortion;
• Echo;
• 3Band equalizer;
• Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch);
• Flanger;
• Loop (for glitch effects);
• Reverb;
• Vocal Filter (for human voice simulation);
• Vorbis Player;
• WaveShaper;
• and more ...

[ Bug reports ]
Found a bug? Have some questions? Just write me directly: nightradio@gmail.com
The answer comes immediately!

Official SunVox homepage + video tutorials:

User manual:

Development status of the new version:

SunVox music:
Virtual ANS
Снижение цены
Категория: Музыка 199р. ► 99р.
Virtual ANS is a software simulator of the unique Russian synthesizer ANS - photoelectronic microtonal/spectral musical instrument created by Russian engineer Evgeny Murzin from 1938 to 1958.
The instrument was used by Stanislav Kreichi, Alfred Schnittke, Edison Denisov, Sofia Gubaidulina, Edward Artemiev and other Soviet composers.
You can hear the sound of the ANS in Andrei Tarkovsky's movies Solaris, The Mirror, Stalker.

While the other similar programs are just fun toys, the Virtual ANS is a full-featured professional tool which allows you to create unusual, deep, atmospheric sounds. With this app you can draw a complete piece of music, or convert sound to image (sonogram) and then make some complex sonogram modifications.
Actually the potential of the program has not been explored yet, so it (as well as PixiVisor) is more appropriate for people who are searching for something new, not afraid to experiment with sound.

[ Key features ]
• unique Virtual Analog sound engine;
• unlimited number of pure tone generators;
• powerful sonogram editor - you can draw the spectrum and play it at the same time;
• any sound (from a WAV file or a Microphone/Line-in) can be converted to image (sonogram) and vice versa;
• MIDI Input;
• supported file formats: WAV, PNG, JPEG, GIF, VNS (Virtual ANS 1.x);
• Jack and Audiobus support;
• iTunes File Sharing;
• Wi-Fi Export/Import;
• more functions in the next Virtual ANS updates...

[ Official Virtual ANS homepage ]

[ Bug reports ]
Found a bug? Have some questions? Just write me directly: nightradio@gmail.com
The answer comes immediately!

Please try my other apps:
* PixiVisor;
* SunVox;
* PixiTracker.
12 Minute Athlete HIIT Workouts
Снижение цены
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес, Спорт 99р. ► Бесплатно
12 Minute Athlete HIIT is FREE for a limited time | Brought to you by 3 Magic Shots. Download 3 Magic Shots to get more awesome apps like 12 Minute Athlete HIIT for FREE

12 Minute Athlete is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) program of incredibly effective workouts that you can do in around just 12 minutes a day with minimal equipment and no gym membership.

Get in the best shape of your life today. No excuses!

Includes detailed instructions and video demonstrations of the exercises to help you get through each of the workouts. Just pick how long you want your workout to be, choose which equipment you want to use, then work as hard as you can!

Also includes an easy-to-use interval timer and stopwatch so you can do your own workouts at any time.

- 185+ full-body HIIT workouts to choose from. Workouts are either 12 minutes, 16 minutes or time challenge.
- Short, intense workouts focus on strength, cardio, interval and core training.
- Seven possible equipment choices with option to choose bodyweight-only workout as well.
- Simple functionality, easy and fun to use.
- 35+ bodyweight and equipment-based exercises included.
- Access to step-by-step instructions and video demonstrations for every exercise at any time.
- Ability to save favorite workouts and interval timers for easy access.
- Share your workout on Facebook and Twitter.
- Interval timer and stopwatch gives you the option to do your own workouts at any time.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 99р. ► 33р.
10000000 is a Dungeon Crawling RPG Matching Game. Run the dungeon and match to handle the things you encounter

“This game is so good it makes me want to cry” - Eli Hodapp – Editor In Chief – TouchArcade

“This is one of my favorite iOS games in a long time. Buy it. Love it. Pass it on.” - Ben Kuchera – Penny Arcade Report

“Freedom costs 10 million. I’m half-hoping I never make it” - Mike Fahey – Kotaku

“Mashes together two of the most interesting genres of the last years: the puzzle RPG and infinite runner. And it’s damned good.” - Owen Faraday – Pocket Tactics

Upgrade your castle, improve your gear, train skills and brew potions

Can you score 10000000 and earn your freedom?

• Kill monsters and find loot
•Improve your gear and train skills
• Find wood and stone to improve your castle

Test your skill

• More than 60 objectives to complete
• Over 20 different monster types to fight
• Find items and use them effectively
• Fast paced action gameplay

Classic Gaming

• Retro graphics
• Old school music

"I played this for like 8 hours, it's a fantastic little game."

"I got sucked into this more than I expected"

"Adds so much to the genre, What a great game!"
Recordium – профессиональный аудио регистратор, запись звука и заметки
Снижение цены
Категория: Бизнес, Производительность 169р. ► 33р.
*** В 10-ке лучших приложений в более чем 53 странах ***
Это приложение отмечено Apple, TheNextWeb, The Guardian, LifeHacker, The Telegraph, MakeUseOf, iMore, AppAdvice и многими другими компаниями!

«Recordium» - мощное, но элегантное приложение звукозаписи для «iPhone», «iPad», и «iPod Touch». «Recordium» позволяет делать пометки при воспроизведении или записи аудио, помогая сосредоточиться на ключевых моментах ваших аудиозаписей. Для любой части записи можно использовать примечания, ярлыки или картинки, что даёт возможность поиска среди коллекции файлов звукозаписи и позволяет быстро отыскать важнейшие и выделенные части записи. Также можно поделиться своими записями с друзьями посредством сервиса «Dropbox» и других «облачных» приложений.
Приложение «Recordium» обладает интуитивно понятным интерфейсом, плавным воспроизведением и другими многочисленными опциями для настройки размера и качества записи посредством различных алгоритмов сжатия. Это далеко не все свойства, которые делают это приложение важнейшим инструментом каждого пользователя, особенно студентов, журналистов и музыкантов.

«Recordium» - смотри, что ты слышишь!

Особенности «Recordium»:

*****Выделение аудио *****
Выделение важных отрезков записи во время записи или воспроизведения.
Лёгкое редактирование выделенных фрагментов при нажатии на «волну» аудиодорожки.

Применение такого количества ярлыков к своей записи, которое необходимо.
Добавление разнообразных примечаний к любой части дорожки.
Добавление картинки в любую часть дорожки (из камеры, или галереи устройства).
Предварительный просмотр примечаний в одно касание.
Лёгкое перемещение примечаний в пределах дорожки.
Редактирование или удаление примечаний в одно касание.

**Инструменты редактирования**
Обрезка/вырезание несущественных частей записи.
Вырезание любой части записи в новый файл.
Удаление любой части, даже из середины дорожки.

**Запись высокого качества **
3 разных частоты записи (8, 22, 44,1 kHz), позволяющие управлять размером и качеством записи.
4 разных формата записи: WAV, CAF, AIFF, MP4.
Особый формат сжатия MP4: (1 час записи занимает менее 30MB)

**Мощные функции записи **
Запись и фоновое воспроизведение.
Пауза при записи.
Защита от разрывов позволяет продолжить запись после перерыва для разговора по телефону.
Запись всего необходимого без временных ограничений.
Функция автоматического сохранения позволяет сохранять каждую запись.
Улучшенная громкость записи позволяет улавливать голоса с дистанции.
Функция автоматической паузы сокращает размер файла, пропуская перерывы в разговоре.

**Мощные функции передачи файлов **
Загрузка записей в «Dropbox», «Google Drive», «Evernote» и другие «облачные» сервисы.
Отправление записей через электронную почту прямо из «Recordium».
Перенос записей на компьютер посредством синхронизации по «Wi-Fi».
Передача файлов через «iTunes».

**Управление файлами **
Поиск по названию, примечаниям и ярлыкам.
Быстрое проигрывание записей из перечня файлов.
Полезная система управления файлами и папками.
Изменение названий файлов или папок во время записи или воспроизведения.
Добавление, удаление, перемещение и переименование файлов звукозаписи.
Детальная информация о записях, включая размер, продолжительность и дату создания.

**Импортирование разных форматов **
Форматы импортируемых файлов: MP3, MP4, WAV, AIFF, и CAF.

Высокочувствительная «волна» аудиодорожки.
Увеличение, уменьшение и визуальное перемещение по «волне» аудиодорожки пальцами.
Разная скорость воспроизведения с возможностью корректировки уровня кульминации.
Перемотка вперёд/назад с интервалом в 5 секунд.
Train Crisis Plus
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Головоломки, Стратегии 66p. ► 33 р.

This full version is 100% ads free and has no limited tries for levels.

Would you like to travel through the history of the railroad?

This amazing game lets you play in four different railroad environments, where your goal is to overcome all the obstacles that appear on each level and guide each colored train toward its corresponding destination.

Download Train Crisis now! A puzzle and addictive strategy game with HD graphics where you have to prove your quick mind and reflexes in full 3D environment.

Train Crisis promises hours of challenging fun!


- 7 Eras of rail-road history (Industrial Era, Far West Era, Modern Era and Future Era).
- Spectacular High-definition 3D environments that recreate perfectly the three eras with many details as vegetation, animals, mountains, rocks, tunnels, banks, portals, etc.
- Train Crisis provides 168 challenging levels for players to conquer.
- In-game tool to help you solve puzzles more easily.
- Social features Game Center
- Cloud saving: share your progress across multiple devices and restore it upon reinstallation
- You must interact with several elements to get past the level: changing junctions; timed traffic lights; trap tunnels; transportation of money; ghost trains and parts of the track obstructed with rocks you must blow up.
- Spectacular colorful graphics effects with explosions of trains and rocks.
Shadowrun Returns
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Ролевые игры 329p. ► 169 р.
"Perhaps iOS isn't the first platform you'd think of when looking for an RPG, but Shadowrun Returns might change that. Kickstarted by fans of the SNES classic, it blends character customization, an engaging story line, great design, and a solid tactical-combat system with great aplomb." - The Verge

“Shadowrun Returns drops players headfirst into this richly realized fiction, combining classic role-playing storytelling with modern tactical battles . . . running the shadows has never been more fun.” - 8.5/10 – Game Informer

MAN MEETS MAGIC & MACHINE. The year is 2054. Magic has returned to the world, awakening powerful creatures of myth and legend. Technology merges with flesh and consciousness. Elves, trolls, orks, and dwarves walk among us, while ruthless corporations bleed the world dry. You are a shadowrunner - a mercenary living on the fringes of society, in the shadows of massive corporate arcologies, surviving day-by-day on skill and instinct alone. When the powerful or the desperate need a job done, you get it done... by any means necessary.

The unique cyberpunk-meets-fantasy world of Shadowrun has gained a huge cult following since its creation nearly 25 years ago. Now, creator Jordan Weisman returns to the world of Shadowrun, modernizing this classic game setting as a single player, turn-based tactical RPG.

- The complete Shadowrun Returns campaign (12+ hours of gameplay) now optimized for touchscreen input
- Explore a grim cyberpunk future where magic and technology rule the streets
- Make every action count in gripping, turn-based tactical combat
- Create and customize your character from one of six unique archetypes
- Over 350 different weapons, spells and abilities: sling fireballs, kneecap enemies with your shotgun, or roundhouse kick them in the face!

***NOTE: Shadowrun Returns requires an iPad2 or newer to run. A WiFi connection is required for download. Please ensure you have approximately 1.6 GB of storage space. To OPTIMIZE your playing experience, you may also want to close other apps before playing.***

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/HarebrainedSchemes
Follow us on Twitter: @WeBeHarebrained
Join the Shadowrun Community: www.shadowrun.com
Chunky Comic Reader
Снижение цены
Категория: Развлечения, Книги 99р. ► Бесплатно
Try an app that makes your comics look great, makes reading them a pleasure, and takes all the friction out of importing and managing them.

• Ultra clean and simple to use
• Smart upscaling makes even low-res comics look great
• Auto contrast/tint fixes yellow pages and faded ink
• Self-organising library - just drop in your comics and go
• Download comics in the background while you read, directly from your cloud file-storage service
• Upgrade to pro, and download from your PC, Mac or NAS as well
• Parental controls let you flag specific comics as ok, and passcode-lock everything else out of sight
• Single-page or two-up page view
• Right-to-left reading mode
• Post screenshots directly to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit or Tumblr
• Reads and understands comic tag info

Chunky supports CBZ, CBR and PDF comics, and understands ComicRack and ComicBookLover tags. It can browse and download directly from Dropbox, Transporter, GDrive, OneDrive, Box, Bitcasa, Pogoplug, Mediafire and Copy, and you can copy files in and out with iTunes on your computer. Upgrade to Pro and it'll also talk to Mac or Windows shared folders, FTP or SFTP servers, and run a mini web-server you can use to copy files in and out.

If you find Chunky useful, help a nerd out and take a second to rate/review it? Thanks :)
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