Еженедельно App Srore пополняется десятками игр. О наиболее ярких релизах мы сообщаем вам незамедлительно. В подборке же собраны все интересные приложение для iPhone и iPad, вышедшие за последнее время.
Alphabear 2
Категория: Игры, Головоломки, Словесные Бесплатно 
Alphabear 2 — уникальная словесная головоломка на английском (для людей любого возраста!), продолжение гениальной игры 2015 года!
В Alphabear 2 вы составляете английские слова, выбирая буквы в клеточках. Когда вы используете буквы в соседних клетках, появляются мишки! Чем больше букв вы используете, тем быстрее мишка растет и тем больше очков вы получаете! Когда вы набираете достаточно очков, медведь становится постоянной частью вашей коллекции. И эти мишки могут объединяться и помогать вам в следующих играх!
Alphabear 2 — забавная головоломка, но она создана для того, чтобы помочь вам выучить английский. Ее частично финансировало министерство просвещения США, а в разработке участвовали профессора, специализирующиеся на преподавании языка.
Так чего вы ждете? Самое время сыграть в лучшую головоломку 2018! :-)

В Alphabear 2 вы составляете английские слова, выбирая буквы в клеточках. Когда вы используете буквы в соседних клетках, появляются мишки! Чем больше букв вы используете, тем быстрее мишка растет и тем больше очков вы получаете! Когда вы набираете достаточно очков, медведь становится постоянной частью вашей коллекции. И эти мишки могут объединяться и помогать вам в следующих играх!
Alphabear 2 — забавная головоломка, но она создана для того, чтобы помочь вам выучить английский. Ее частично финансировало министерство просвещения США, а в разработке участвовали профессора, специализирующиеся на преподавании языка.
Так чего вы ждете? Самое время сыграть в лучшую головоломку 2018! :-)

Doctor Who Infinity
Категория: Игры, Головоломки Бесплатно 
Doctor Who Infinity is a new game platform for experiencing the Doctor's stories, with 6 adventures coming by the end of 2018.
Unique puzzle game play changes from level to level with increasing complexity, where characters like the Doctor, Missy, Jo Grant appear on the board, as do opponents like Daleks, bombs, vehicles, and time vortexes. You have never played anything like this before. The game design is an innovation on the award-winning puzzle mechanic used in Doctor Who: Legacy with the mechanics tightly intertwined with story, immersing you in the story.
- FREE download of the game allows you to play the introductory arc of the first story as well as an introductory section of all stories released on the platform.
- Each story features a different Doctor from a different era of the show, including both modern and classic Doctors, companions, monsters as well as entirely new characters to discover!
- Brought to life by Michelle Gomez, Ingrid Oliver, Katy Manning, Bella Ramsey, Celyn Jones, Steffan Rhodri, Nick Briggs and other incredible actors, as part of an amazing audio experience overseen by the award-winning audio director of Monument Valley, Stafford Bawler.
- Each story is written by major Doctor Who author: George Mann, Gary Russell, Scott Handcock (launch stories) and Jac Rayner, Mike Collins in post launch stories coming soon.
- Comic book artists Mike Collins, David Roach, Neil Edwards, Dylan Teague, Kris Carter, John-Paul Bove, Emma Vieceli, Patrick Goddard bring these launch stories richly to life.
PLEASE NOTE that this game is aimed at the adult Doctor Who fan, comfortable with mature, dramatic themes.
Accolades / Reviews:
**Winner of UK Game of Show at Game Developer Conference 2018 from UKIE!**
Doctor Who Magazine says "These are the best Doctor Who stories ever told in a video game".
“The game was stimulating visually, audibly and mentally. I really enjoyed the story telling. It felt like the sort of thing one might see in the actual television program... It was a really unique puzzle experience that I've not seen utilised in other games.”
-The Gallifrey Times
“Overall, The Dalek Invasion of Time is a fantastic start to Doctor Who Infinity. ...While the gameplay is more refreshing than what we’ve seen in Doctor Who Legacy, it’s the story and the presentation that’s the main draw for this series.”
"On the board you’ll have to battle Dalek gems, protect character gems, deploy character gems, etc...It’s an interesting tactic in a gem game, and it’s, dare I say, revolutionary?"
- Geeks WorldWide

Unique puzzle game play changes from level to level with increasing complexity, where characters like the Doctor, Missy, Jo Grant appear on the board, as do opponents like Daleks, bombs, vehicles, and time vortexes. You have never played anything like this before. The game design is an innovation on the award-winning puzzle mechanic used in Doctor Who: Legacy with the mechanics tightly intertwined with story, immersing you in the story.
- FREE download of the game allows you to play the introductory arc of the first story as well as an introductory section of all stories released on the platform.
- Each story features a different Doctor from a different era of the show, including both modern and classic Doctors, companions, monsters as well as entirely new characters to discover!
- Brought to life by Michelle Gomez, Ingrid Oliver, Katy Manning, Bella Ramsey, Celyn Jones, Steffan Rhodri, Nick Briggs and other incredible actors, as part of an amazing audio experience overseen by the award-winning audio director of Monument Valley, Stafford Bawler.
- Each story is written by major Doctor Who author: George Mann, Gary Russell, Scott Handcock (launch stories) and Jac Rayner, Mike Collins in post launch stories coming soon.
- Comic book artists Mike Collins, David Roach, Neil Edwards, Dylan Teague, Kris Carter, John-Paul Bove, Emma Vieceli, Patrick Goddard bring these launch stories richly to life.
PLEASE NOTE that this game is aimed at the adult Doctor Who fan, comfortable with mature, dramatic themes.
Accolades / Reviews:
**Winner of UK Game of Show at Game Developer Conference 2018 from UKIE!**
Doctor Who Magazine says "These are the best Doctor Who stories ever told in a video game".
“The game was stimulating visually, audibly and mentally. I really enjoyed the story telling. It felt like the sort of thing one might see in the actual television program... It was a really unique puzzle experience that I've not seen utilised in other games.”
-The Gallifrey Times
“Overall, The Dalek Invasion of Time is a fantastic start to Doctor Who Infinity. ...While the gameplay is more refreshing than what we’ve seen in Doctor Who Legacy, it’s the story and the presentation that’s the main draw for this series.”
"On the board you’ll have to battle Dalek gems, protect character gems, deploy character gems, etc...It’s an interesting tactic in a gem game, and it’s, dare I say, revolutionary?"
- Geeks WorldWide

Billion Lords
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Симуляторы Бесплатно 
Once upon a time, the Underworld was ruled by Lord of Evil…
Driven by his endless ambition, he reached out above the underground…
To stop Lord of Evil, God of Light assembled an army of heroes.
With the help of God of Light, Lord of Evil was defeated by heroes.
The death of Lord of Evil ignited the Underworld.
All Lords began to fortify their dungeons and gather their armies, to fight for the empty throne.
A war is about to begin…
- Dungeon building: Create your own dungeon with traps, and canons. Lead your enemies to their doom.
- Gather troops: Summon a wild cast of Generals and Minions, each of which features their own abilities and appearances.
- Hero invasion: Defend invading heroes and tap to cast spells to annihilate them!
- Evil League: Ally and interact with other Lords to unlock perks and benefits. The more the eviler!

Driven by his endless ambition, he reached out above the underground…
To stop Lord of Evil, God of Light assembled an army of heroes.
With the help of God of Light, Lord of Evil was defeated by heroes.
The death of Lord of Evil ignited the Underworld.
All Lords began to fortify their dungeons and gather their armies, to fight for the empty throne.
A war is about to begin…
- Dungeon building: Create your own dungeon with traps, and canons. Lead your enemies to their doom.
- Gather troops: Summon a wild cast of Generals and Minions, each of which features their own abilities and appearances.
- Hero invasion: Defend invading heroes and tap to cast spells to annihilate them!
- Evil League: Ally and interact with other Lords to unlock perks and benefits. The more the eviler!

Pico the Flea
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Приключения 75 р. 
Chapter: The House
- Contains 3 levels
- Hand painted and drawn art
- Feel of old cartoons
Additional Chapters will be free with the purchase of this app.
- Next chapter is "The Backyard"

- Contains 3 levels
- Hand painted and drawn art
- Feel of old cartoons
Additional Chapters will be free with the purchase of this app.
- Next chapter is "The Backyard"

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