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I Am Dolphin
Сообщений: 118
app-s # 121:3108.10.2014 + -
I Am Dolphin
Издатель/Разработчик: Kat McNally
Experience a completely unique, revolutionary, and insanely addictive game. We promise it's unlike anything you've ever played!

"...remarkably lifelike movements, from the twitch of his tail to the depths of his dives..."
-National Geographic

Feel pure movement. Torpedo through the water, hunting down your prey. Crunch into a savory fish. Your heart will beat faster as you lunge and swerve for your life. Chase and be chased by devious sharks and fish too smart for their species. Play with creatures whose motion is so lifelike, you will scratch your head in disbelief.

Leap into the air, twisting and turning, for the sheer joy of it. Experience the magic and joy as Bandit, Simon, or Zoey in I Am Dolphin.

- Pure physics: Every creature and every movement is physics-based and procedurally generated in real time.

- Unique interactive experience: Our proprietary Kata Engine is custom designed from the ground up to create brand new gaming experiences. Nothing else compares.

- Advanced artificial intelligence: Each shark and fish has unique locomotion and intelligence. Some lurk carefully, waiting for the opportune moment. Others are aggressive, betting you are not quick enough with your reflexes to turn predator into prey. Others avoid conflict and try to outsmart you.

- 9 unique sharks, each with their own movement and personality: Bull, Lemon, Blue, Tiger, Blacktip, Dogfish, Hammerhead, Mako, and Great White shark.

- 10 unique fish, far more intelligent than normal: Mackerel, Cod, Salmon, Herring, Mullet, King Mackerel, Rainbow Runner, Mahi Mahi, Red Snapper, and Redfish.

- Play as Bandit the Bottlenose Dolphin, Simon the Commerson’s Dolphin, or Zoey the Orca. Each one is special and unique.

- Plays perfectly on iPhone4s or above, iPod5 or above, and iPad2 or above.

"You can really feel the physics of a dolphin’s movement in 'I Am Dolphin'. It has been carefully crafted to engender greater empathy and awareness for these creatures. It’s visceral and unique. As you play with the dolphins you begin to feel 'at one’ with these magnificent mammals. The realism of the simulation holds the potential to serve as a conservation tool for engaging the public to support global protection of dolphins and whales."
- Diana Reiss, PhD, World Renowned Expert on Dolphin Intelligence
Marine Mammal Scientist, Hunter College, NYC and Author of "Dolphin in the Mirror"

"Putting us in the shoes (or, more accurately, fins, hooves, and paws) of various virtual critters helps us see the real world from a number of unique perspectives."

"Move over, Goat Simulator; a new game is looking to dethrone your spot as the ultimate animal physics experience.... a huge draw will simply be the fun of playing with the physics of the animals."
-The Escapist
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