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Сообщений: 118
app-s # 120:0607.09.2014 + -
Издатель/Разработчик: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC
Stop a crazed superpower from launching deadly nuclear missiles in this action stealth side-scrolling game set during the Cold War.

As a budding Agent for C.O.U.N.T.E.R, jump into action, stealthily sabotage dastardly plans and deceptively maintain world peace.
CounterSpy™ is packed with slick, stylized visuals that capture the spirit and feel of the era complementing equally smooth side‐scrolling cover‐based shooting gameplay.

The game utilizes procedural content generation so missions are always changing to offer something new and challenging. Discover blueprints and dossiers that give you access to new, powerful weapons and features.
Сообщений: 61
Radgil # 218:3811.09.2014 + -
Ха. на App-s.ru 4 поставили, а вот сайты специализирующиеся на PS по тройке поставили. Где подводные камни, где минусы?
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