Скидки на игры для iPhone и iPad (iOS) в App Store

Иногда даже у самого бывалого игрока может дрогнуть рука при виде цены на новую игру. Но как быть, если все равно хочется сыграть? Дождаться скидки!

Большинство разработчиков время от времени снижают цены на свои продукты или вовсе делают игру временно бесплатной. Будьте в курсе таких акций, следите за обнвленим раздела «Скидки на игры для iPhone и iPad (iOS) в App Store».

Ежедневно вручную мы отбираем и добавляем в раздел только самые интересные предложения российского сегмента магазина приложений Apple. В нашем списке распродающихся игр вы найдете не только популярны приложения. Мы также обращаем внимание на малознакомые, но интересные продукты.

Важно не забывать, что у каждого предложения есть свой «срок годности». Следите за обновление раздела и приобретайте с выгодой.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Боевики 75p. ► 15 р.
A-2481 — the horror game — одна из немногих игр, которая действительно заставит вас по настоящему испугаться.

Задумывались вы когда-нибудь над тем, возможно ли управлять разумом человека на расстоянии? Реально ли это? Вот и нашего героя игры посещали те же мысли. Журналист небольшой провинциальной газеты находит обрывки информации о секретном военном бункере времен СССР, под кодовым названием «А-2184». Где по всей видимости проходили в обстановке полной секретности такие исследования. Не колеблясь ни минуты, вы решаете отправиться на поиски ответов, для своей новой статьи!
Mental Hospital V
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Боевики 149p. ► 75 р.
Mental Hospital V – хоррор на выживание от первого лица, с великолепной графикой и пугающей до ужаса атмосферой.

История Mental Hospital V – начинается с небольшого расследования в психиатрической лечебнице журналиста Марка. При весьма загадочных обстоятельствах, он исчезает, а остальных, принимавших в этом участие, находят мертвыми. В поисках истины, за дело берется его родной брат.

Пытаясь понять, что же все-таки произошло и кто такая Элис, вы столкнетесь с нелегким выбором: попробовать спасти брата, пропавшего в злосчастной больнице, или спасти свою жизнь?! Непростая задачка жаждет вашего решения. Выход есть всегда! Попробуйте найти свой в столь деликатной ситуации.
F1 2016
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Спорт, Гонки 749p. ► 299 р.
F1™ 2016 – Текст для App Store
• F1 2016 – это умопомрачительная мобильная гоночная игра, в которой игроку предстоит попытать счастья за штурвалом болида своего героя FORMULA ONE™ на протяжении целого сезона, одного заезда и гонки на время на любой одной из 21 официальных трасс сезона 2016-го года.
• Попробуйте высококачественное универсальное приложение, работающее на iPhone, iPad и Apple TV, заплатив всего один раз и без необходимости во встроенных покупках.

• Бросьте вызов величайшим гонщикам мира, среди которых Льюис Хэмилтон из MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team, Себастьян Феттель из Scuderia Ferrari, Макс Ферстаппен из Red Bull Racing, Фернандо Алонсо из McLaren-Honda и Серхио Перес из Sahara Force India F1 Team, а также многие другие. В целом же, представлено 22 величайших гонщика мира и 11 команд сезона 2016.
• F1 2016 содержит весь список трасс ФОРМУЛЫ-1 с 21 гонкой по всему миру, включая абсолютно новое ГРАН-ПРИ ЕВРОПЫ 2016, проводившееся в чудеснейшем городе Баку. В сезоне 2016 мы также стали свидетелями возвращения после годичного перерыва культовой трассы Хоккенхаймринг и ГРАН-ПРИ ГЕРМАНИИ.

• Визуально ошеломительная игра для всех пользователей iOS 9 и 10, станьте свидетелями насыщенного игрового процесса в мире гонок Формулы-1 благодаря симбиозу передового процессора A10 и технологии Metal на новейших устройствах от Apple, делающих игровой процесс еще более быстрым и плавным. Это позволяет игре осуществлять рендеринг 1,4 млн. полигонов на экране, одновременно применяя целый массив эффектов постобработки консольного уровня и множественную выборку сглаживания.
• Данные эффекты включают глубину поля, расфокусировку, виньетирование, хроматическую аберрацию и шкалу цветов. Все это вкупе обеспечивает несравненную точность имитации визуальной обстановки и уровень погружения, невиданные ранее в видеоиграх FORMULA 1TM на мобильных устройствах.
• Помимо качественной графики, игра также использует Taptic Engine в iPhone 7 для обеспечения тактильного отклика и делает возможным стереозвучание (в трехмерном окружении) благодаря использованию стереодинамиков iPhone 7.

• Для игры на ходу F1 2016 предлагает беспрецедентную гибкость и игровые режимы, среди которых режим сезона, где вы можете соревноваться на протяжении всего сезона 2016 в любом требуемом вам порядке, а также, впервые, собственный сезон, в котором вы выбираете продолжительность и трассы для создания своего идеального мини-чемпионата. Также сюда добавлены опции быстрой гонки и гоночного уик-энда, которые содержат дополнительные тренировочные и квалификационные события, а также испытание, в котором необходимо установить самое лучшее возможное время, и состязания в рамках глобальных списков лидеров в гонках на время или событиях недели.

• Ощутите восторг Формулы-1 вместе с простой, но при этом глубокой моделью управления автомобилем, обеспечивающей игроку всю полноту управления, с четырьмя опциями, включающими сенсорное управление, поддержку акселерометра, различные вспомогательные опции рулевого управления и торможения, настройки чувствительности и наклона камеры, доведенные до совершенства благодаря многолетнему опыту создания титулованных игр-бестселлеров на тему Формулы-1.

• Соревнуйтесь в ограниченных по времени событиях с новым испытанием каждую неделю.
• С боями доберитесь до вершины списков лидеров и даже демонстрируйте свои рекорды в Facebook.

• Убедитесь в том, что на вашем устройстве доступно как минимум 2,67 Гб свободного пространства. Для обеспечения оптимальной производительности мы рекомендуем перед игрой перезагрузить ваше устройство и закрыть другие приложения.
Party Hard Go
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Боевики 529p. ► 149 р.
"You’ll easily find yourself losing hours at a time to the intriguing puzzling rhythms of the killing." 8/10 - PocketGamer

It's 3am. Your neighbors are having a loud party. Stop them in Party Hard, tinyBuild's award winning Stealth Strategy game. Follow detective John West as he uncovers the truth behind a series of stabbings at parties taking place around the USA.

"Amazing Stealth Strategy Game" - Eurogamer
"Weirdest Game" - Hardcore Gamer
"A ridiculous sense of humor" - Venturebeat
"I love it" - Jesse Cox

In Party Hard, you play as someone who is really tired of the neighbors having loud parties. Instead of calling the police, you decide it’s a better idea to kill everyone – using your faithful knife and the environment. The tactical strategy follows a series of killings at parties through-ought the USA.

The developers used to work mostly on casual, family-friendly games - until they participated in a game jam, creating the first prototype for Party Hard. TinyBuild backed up the original developers – Pinokl Games – to create a full version that's now on iOS!

Party Hard has semi-procedural environments and focus on unique ways of killing people. In the greatest traditions of sneaking games, your main goal is not to get caught, while silently picking off unsuspecting victims one by one. Dancing and blending in during a suspicious situation is key.

- A (not)serious story that follows a series of murders through the USA
- 19 unique levels in the main campaign with random variations on each one
- Half a dozen extra levels
- Use traps, cause explosions, become a ninja
- Multiple unlock-able characters
- Special random events, like a bear coming in and killing everyone for you
- Trigger the DEA, SWAT cars, paramedics, firefighters to come in and ruin the party

5 Playable Characters!
- The guy who wants to get some sleep
- The ninja who is fast, stealthy, has a smoke bomb, but shouldn't be seen
- The cop who can carry around bodies without suspicion, and frame other people
- The girl who can knock people out
- The butcher who has a chainsaw
This War of Mine
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Симуляторы, Приключения 1150p. ► 149 р.
"If you've not already played this brilliant, heart-wrenching game, then mobile is as good a place as any to let it completely destroy you." - , 9/10, Pocket Gamer UK

"This War of Mine isn’t exactly “fun,” but it’s definitely a game worth playing." , 9/10, 148apps

"I'm really excited to go home and download 11 bit studios' title on my iPad" , Game Informer

В «This War of Mine» вы играете не за солдата элитных войск, а за группу мирных жителей, пытающихся выжить в осажденном городе, испытывая нехватку еды, лекарств и постоянную опасность со стороны снайперов и мародеров. Игра дает возможность прочувствовать войну с абсолютно новой перспективы.

Игровой процесс в «This War of Mine» зависит от смены дней и ночей. Снайперы не позволяют вам покинуть убежище днем, поэтому вам приходится заниматься другими делами — отстраивать свое укрытие, торговать, заботиться о выживших. Ночью, выбрав одну из уникальных локаций, вы можете отправить кого-нибудь на поиски провизии, которая поможет вам остаться в живых.

Принимайте решения, руководствуясь своими моральными принципами. Попробуйте сберечь всех своих людей или пожертвуйте кем-нибудь, чтобы повысить шансы остальных. Во время войны нет хороших или плохих решений, есть только задача — выжить. Чем скорее вы поймете это, тем лучше.

This War of Mine:
• Создана по мотивам реальных событий
• Управляйте действиями выживших и отстраивайте убежище
• Мастерите оружие, алкоголь, кровати, печки — все, что поможет вам выжить
• Принимайте решения — часто неприятные и эмоционально сложные
• Рандомизированный мир и персонажи в каждой игре
• Графика в стиле рисунков углем, которая великолепно отражает климат игры

PLEASE NOTE: This game is optimized for latest devices. While playing on older devices such as iPhone 4s or iPad 2 you might experience lower frame rates.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Приключения 15p. ► Бесплатно
Будьте готовы отчаянно бросать кинжалы в течение нескольких часов. iDaggers является интенсивной платформой, которая будет бросать вам вызов. Если атмосфера нагреется ,вызови свою Фею для замедленного движения и дай волю бешеному шквалу лезвий.

Окунитесь в бесконечный поток обновляемых Кинжалов и смешание в идеальной AOE Бомбы и хаотичной Ракеты.

Используйте медленное движение своей Феи когда все станет непреодолимым. Она твоя единственная надежда.

Ждите новых врагов и решите как справится с их сумасшедшими нападениями.

Наденьте наушники и вы полностью будете в зоне, особенно во время битвы с Боссом.

Будьте готовы к боям с дикими боссами для которых нужна будет стратегия н профессиональные ходы.

Почувствуйте двойное управление ручки которое ощущается легко и естественно.

Профессиональные подсказки!
√ Используйте Фею для замедленного движения и оружия чаще. Они быстро перезаряжаются.
√ Задержите , чтобы ваша Фея вас защищала. Урон снижает ее размер.
√ Переключите авто в левом верхнем углу как только вы освоите обучение.


* Доставлен вам REANIX'ом

Adventures of Poco Eco - Lost Sounds: Experience Music and Animation Art in an Indie Game
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Развлечения 299p. ► 149 р.
"Adventures of Poco Eco - Lost Sounds is mobile gaming done right. Simple, enthralling, and with charm to spare. You owe it to yourself to go and download it right this instant." - Pocketgamer

Get a full-length 7 track LP with your purchase bundled with this relaxing, exploratory audio-visual experience for all ages!

Experience a new world where there’s a lot to see and even more to hear. Help Poco Eco, the curious explorer complete his mission. Your goal is to help Poco Eco and his tribe find their Lost Sounds that they’ve lost by solving the mini puzzles and completing all twelve 3D animated levels. By downloading Adventures of Poco Eco you also get free access to Iamyank’s new LP.

This experience is built around a mixture of electronic music, fine art and design, placing you into its unique atmosphere. Adventures of Poco Eco was designed and developed by POSSIBLE Games & it features Iamyank’s newest LP - the Lost Sounds.

Iamyank is a highly acclaimed multi-talented artist: designer, musician, producer and composer from Hungary, notorious for filling venues he’s playing at the capital’s nightlife. He describes his music genre experience as dreamy electronic - influenced by all kind of soulful music. His newest album, the Lost Sounds is already available on Bandcamp.

POSSIBLE Games creates quality mobile games that entertain and challenge gamers of all levels up until the edge. Adventures of Poco Eco was designed by visual artists with years of experience in 3D, fine art, street art, fashion, typography and of course mobile game design.

Download Adventures of Poco Eco, experience dreamy beats and help Poco Eco in his mission!

For more info visit us at

Tune in to Iamyank at

We are excited to hear your opinion on Adventures of Poco Eco, please rate & review on the app page, or leave your comment at hello@possiblegames.com!
Brave Guardians TD
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Стратегии 75p. ► 75 р.
"A magic and impressive tower-defense game with wonderful graphics" - Appszoom, 8.8/10
"A gorgeous, lush game." - Tapscape, 9.2/10

Brave Guardians is an epic 3D action fantasy defense game that narrates the story of four heroes (Pepo, Tiko, Zagi & Rapu) -- each with extraordinary abilities.

Be prepared for an epic journey to defend your world against nasty fiends. This time you will take control of the brave guardians to lead them to the victory. Because Brave Guardians is not just another Tower Defense game!

- 2 Game modes (Campaign and Guardian)
- 4 different worlds (Forest, Desert, Winter, Lava)
- Over 22 unique levels with beautiful 3D environments
- 4 Guardians each with extraordinary abilities
- 6 ingame upgrade levels of the Guardians
- 4 specialized towers (Arbalet, Thunder, Cannon, Catapult)
- 6 upgrade levels of the towers in battle
- 6 ingame upgrade levels of tower's properties
- Many ingame upgrades of game properties
- Over 30 different enemies each with their own skills!
- 3 wizards enemies that will make your life harder
- Intense boss fight in each world (4 Bosses)
- Hours of gameplay with over 30 achievements

Follow us! 
Facebook Fan Page 

** Note: Brave Guardians TD is a graphically intensive 3D game, therefor we don't recommend iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad Mini devices, due to lack of memory you may face crashing issues. iPhone 3GS and prior, iPad 1 and iPod 4th Gen devices are not supported**

If you encounter any problems with the game, the most direct way to get a resolution is to email us at chundos@live.com.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Семейные, Головоломки 149p. ► Бесплатно
Шарик, перекладина, колышек и лунка. Составляющие тривиальны, но все вместе: волшебно. *Без рекламы* и *без покупок внутри приложения*, Teeter представляет собой прекрасное сочетание безупречного дизайна и инновационной игровой механики, которые обеспечат игрокам незабываемое впечатление.

Как только вводная заставка пройдет на экране, вы найдете игру, полную фантазии и восторга. И не забудьте потрясти телефон, чтобы получить сюрприз!

Загнать шарик в лунку никогда еще не было более инновационной, трудной и захватывающей задачей.

Оксфордская запятая за победу!


• Без рекламы
• Без внутриигровых покупок
• Захватывающая и уникальная механика балансировки
• Элегантная и точная физика
• Прекрасная графика
• Куча уровней
• Сразитесь с друзьями за лучший результат
• Простое управление нажатием и удержанием
• Поддержжка 3D Touch
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Спорт, Спорт 529p. ► 229 р.
***NOTE: Compatible with iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2, iPad 4, iPad3, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus -

This game will NOT Run on earlier devices including: iPad 2, iPad 1, iPad Mini 1, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 5, iPod Touch 4, iPod Touch 3***

WWE 2K, the only authentic WWE in-ring mobile game, puts the power, intensity, and raw emotion of WWE wrestling in the palm of your hand.

• Authentic WWE Action, Superstar Entrances, wrestling moves, your favorite match types, and more.
• Create a Superstar: Create the Superstar you always wanted to be. Available for use in all game modes.
• Career Mode: Choose a Custom or WWE Superstar and take him through his WWE journey. Earn Respect, upgrade your skills, earn titles, and achieve goals to earn your way to the WWE Hall of Fame.
• Training - Learn how to play WWE 2K, from beginner to pro, learning the nuances of the deep gameplay in the game’s tutorial mode.
• Real-Time Multiplayer Matches- Take your created Superstar or your favorite WWE Superstar online and play against friends or the WWE Universe .
• Tons of Unlockables: Play and unlock tons of new items to further customize your created Superstar.

PCBP (Russia) Age Rating – For children older than 16 years
Возрастной рейтинг PCBP – 16+: для детей старше 16 лет
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Семейные 75p. ► Бесплатно
- Universal app (iPhone, iPad, iPodTouch)
- Intuitive one-touch controlled endless runner
- Stunning graphics
- Relaxing audio-visual experience
- Free of ads

All over the world the grasshopper is a symbol of good luck. Therefore "Hoppetee!", meaning "go for it!" or "you did it!", is the perfect name for this courageous little hopper. Smaller than his friends, Hoppetee can’t jump as high as the big crickets can. Luckily, he comes across a ball, and by riding it, the clever insect can jump, run and float through a whimsical world -- accompanied by a catchy tune. 

Jump, run and float endlessly on different balls throughout the day and night. Be sure to make use of the hills to time jumps, maximize speed and distance. 

Score points to activate useful power-ups and fuel Hoppetee’s flow with musicalnotes to get into the groove. Don’t forget to collect fireflies, because without their light, you won’t pass the night. 

In Hoppetee!, players can enjoy the title's harmony, Hoppetee’s cute laughter and the game's uplifting message: "If you want it, go for it!"  

Website - http://www.hoppetee.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/hoppeteegame 

8/10 - GamerHub.tv
8/10 - FamilyFriendly Gaming
8/10 - iPhoneLife
4/5 - AppZapblog
4/5 - Webnews
Appadvice - Today’s Best Apps

"Hoppetee: New Mascot for the iOS Gaming World?" - iPhoneLife

"... the game just makes us happy while playing it and everyone should experience it. ... Birgit Stock is taking the Endless Runner back to its roots" - GamerHub.tv

„Hoppetee gets you in the grassland groove. Despite four years of college, I never got into the grassland groove. That was probably a mistake ...“ - technologytel 

„Jumping in Hoppetee! is a pure rush, and although I am probably overstating the point, it truly does give me a second or two of sheer wonder.“ - arcadesushi 

„Hoppetee is incredibly non-threatening and simple enough for all ages to enjoy. That doesn't mean it's without deep mechanics though, so be prepared to tear that iPad out of your child's hands, leaving them in tears.“ - gamerevolution 

„Get ready to roll into the beautiful and visually stunning world of Hoppetee!” - CanadianOnlinegamers
Rusty Lake Hotel
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки 149p. ► 75 р.
Welcome our guests to the Rusty Lake Hotel and make sure they will have a pleasant stay. There will be 5 dinners this week. Make sure every dinner is worth dying for.

Rusty Lake Hotel is a mysterious point and click game developed by the creators of the Cube Escape series.


- Pick-up-and-play: easy to start, but it will be hard to put down
- Tons of puzzles: a total of 6 rooms full of unique and various brain teasers
- Thrilling and engaging story: there will be 5 dinners with intriguing guests and staff
- Full of suspense and atmosphere: Rusty Lake Hotel is a surreal place, where anything can happen…
- Impressive soundtrack: every room has its own designed theme song
- Achievements: an all-time gallery you never seen before

Tap on the arrows to navigate inside the rooms and lobby.
Interact with guests, staff and objects by tapping.
Select found items in your inventory and tap somewhere on screen to use them.

We will unfold the Rusty Lake story one step at a time. So check RustyLake.com every day for new content and follow us: @rustylakecom.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Головоломки, Настольные 149p. ► 75 р.
PepeLine - простая и очень захватывающая 3D головоломка. Испытайте свой мозг и поменяйте местами коробки вашими пальцами, чтобы воссоздать путь для решения каждой головоломки.

Pepe & Line потерялись в волшебном мире. Помогите им найти свой путь и исследуйте разнообразие природы в этой уникальной игре!


- Для детей и взрослых

- Часы и дни забавы

- 4x4, 5x5, ZigZag, 3 в 1 и намного больше

- Режим Вызов, режим звезд и против часов

- Сад, джунгли, горы, лава, пустыня, лес, корабль

- Крутящий, магический, 1 Шаг, и т.д.

- ПЕРЕЗАПУСК: Перезапустите уровень быстро.
- ОТМЕНА: Ошиблись? Просто поместите его обратно.
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RPG Symphony of the Origin
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Ролевые игры 599p. ► 149 р.
Spring RPG Sale! Save up to 75%OFF on 4 titles! ($7.99 -> $1.99)

Humans, elves, dwarves, the Evils of the Earth-depths, and golems!
Different people, different tribes, different motives- all come together in this classic fantasy RPG!

The lands where the humans, elves and dwarves live continue to be attacked by hideous creatures that have appeared from the very bowels of the earth. The attacks are frequent and widespread, and the attackers commit the most terrible of atrocities.
These attackers have been dubbed the 'Evils of the Earth-depths'
One day, Granzalk Castle is the subject of an attack by the Evils of the Earth-depths.
In the midst of the fierce fighting, Ryle, a young apprentice swordsman whose parents were both killed in a previous attack by the Evils, and who vows revenge, finds himself in the underground chambers of the castle. In one of those chambers, he discovers a golem built to oppose the Evils.
And so the quest begins: Ryle takes the fate of the kingdom on his shoulders, and, along with Denoas, the golem built to oppose the Evils, sets off first to the village of the elves...

This is KEMCO's first brand-new RPG designed from the ground up especially for smartphones!
Don't miss the epic story that unfolds around Ryle and Denoas and the characters they encounter, each with their own intentions and motives!

Smoothly Animated Dynamic Battles
Smooth animation and dramatic voice effects bring the characters' battle scenes to life.
There are huge numbers of enemies trying to stop your progress. Some of them even have parts which are destroyed when they are damaged beyond a certain level. For example, an enemy might be clad in formidable armor to begin with, but if that armor is destroyed, the enemy's appearance changes and defense ability drops… but on the other hand, the enemy's movements might become swifter.
Don't ignore these changes- use them to alter the battle situation to your advantage!

Customize Weapons and Statuses!
The characters' weapons are each made up of parts, and by combining these parts, you can change attack strength, not to mention the magic and skills the characters can use.
What's more, by reinforcing weapons at a Weapon Shop, you can upgrade the weapons to be much more powerful than they originally were.
In addition, by assigning Merit Points on the Status screen, you can strengthen different statuses as you want- and you can adjust these statuses at any time.

*This game features some in-app-purchase content. While in-app-purchase content requires additional fees, it is not necessary for finishing the game.
*The actual price might differ depending on the region.
Rusty Lake: Roots
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки 229p. ► 149 р.
James Vanderboom's life drastically changes when he plants a special seed in the garden of the house he has inherited. Expand your bloodline by unlocking portraits in the tree of life.

Rusty Lake: Roots is the second premium point-and-click adventure by Rusty Lake, the creators of the Cube Escape series and Rusty Lake Hotel.


- Pick-up-and-play:
Easy to start but hard to put down.
- Unique storyline:
Experience the beginning and end of characters' lives and build your own family tree.
- More than 33 levels:
The biggest Rusty Lake game so far is filled with puzzles
- Full of suspense and atmosphere:
Switching from calm to very dark moments
- Immersive soundtrack:
Each level has its own theme song and variations
- Achievements:
The tree has more secrets to unravel

Tap on the arrows, drag or swipe to navigate around the environment. Some objects you can drag. Interact with people and objects by tapping. Select found items in your inventory and tap somewhere on screen to use them.

We will unfold the Rusty Lake story one step at a time. So check RustyLake.com every day for new content and follow us: @rustylakecom.
Mysterium: The Board Game
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Настольные, Развлечения 529p. ► 229 р.
***SPRING INTO PLAY! Download Mysterium at special price from 20th to 26th of March.***

The official adaptation of the famous board game Mysterium!

*** IMore: "If you've played Mysterium, and like it, then this is a no-brainer. Get the game!" ***

*** Boardgamequest: "A solid digital translation of a great cooperative game. Bringing a social game to the digital world is never easy, but Mysterium does an admirable job at it".***

Mysterium is a cooperative deduction game set in the 1920s in which a ghost guides a group of psychics to uncover a murderer, as well as the weapon and location of the murder, using only visual clues. Choose your favorite way to play: take on the role of the ghost who gives others clues, or as one of the psychics trying to interpret "Vision Cards".

In this mobile version, you will find:
• A faithful adaptation of the original game with gorgeous graphics
• A game variant with or without clairvoyancy
• Additional cases and dream cards from expansions in the in-game shop
• A story mode to discover the background of each psychic
• Solo play with AI partners
• Multiplayer support up to 7 players using online (cross-platform: tablet / mobile / computer)
• Worldwide Leaderboards

Languages available: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish.


Currently not supported devices (512Mb RAM or less)
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 4S
- iPad Mini 1
- iPad 2
- iPod


You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
Potion Explosion
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Головоломки, Настольные 379p. ► 229 р.
*** SPRING INTO PLAY! Download Potion Explosion at special price from 20th to 26th of March.***

The official adaptation of Potion Explosion, the award-winning puzzle board game.
Play this game solo or against players from all over the world with Solo, Online and Local Pass & Play modes!

In Potion Explosion, you will explode ingredients, trigger chain reactions and gather it all in your caldron. You will then use your hard-earned unicorn tears, fairy dandruff and other magical ingredients to craft powerful mixtures with wacky effects! May the best wizard win!

At the beginning of the game, each player is given potions to complete with specific effects and ingredients. You will have to select ingredients in the dispenser; once your selected ingredient is removed, the ingredients above will slide down. If two ingredients of the same nature collide, they explode and you get them too! You can then use your ingredients to cook up your potions. You only have a limited tank space to store remaining ingredients from one turn to another, so choose carefully! Once a potion is completed, you score points, get to use its powerful effect and pick another potion to craft. The wizard with the most points wins!

Play against up to 3 adjustable AIs to sharpen your potion crafting skills!

Play against wizards from all over the world online and get to the top of the worldwide leaderboard!

To sum up, the game features include:
• The magical universe of the board game, fleshed out and digitally enhanced
• A tactical gameplay, allowing for different playstyles and strategies
• A Solo mode against up to 3 adjustable AIs
• An online Multiplayer Mode with a worldwide leaderboard

You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital

Languages available: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

*IMPORTANT* Potion Explosion requires an iPhone 5 (or newer), iPad 4th Generation (or newer), iPad Mini 2 (or newer), or iPod Touch 6th Generation (or newer)
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Настольные, Карточные 529p. ► 149 р.
*** SPRING INTO PLAY! Download Splendor at a very special price from 20th to 26th of March ***


The OFFICIAL digital adaptation of the best-selling board game Splendor.
In Splendor, you embody a rich merchant during the Renaissance. You will use your resources to acquire mines, transportation methods, and artisans who will allow you to turn raw gems into beautiful jewels, attract nobles and earn prestige.

Press Reviews and awards:
** Spielbox: ""The app is a sparkling jewel…""
** Pocket Tactics: ""... I’m not sure there’s a better looking board game app on the market.""
** Pocket Gamer: ""... it's a sure-fire winner.""
** Forbes: ""...high replay value. Looks and sounds great, plays smoothly...""
** Play Board Games: ""The Splendor App is pretty splendid...""
** Purple Pawn: ""The quality of the tabletop-to-mobile adaptation is first-rate.""
** Honor: Best Board Game App 2015 (BoardGameGeek)
** Received the award of the Golden Geek Best Board Game App 2015

The digital version of Splendor faithfully adapts all the various elements of the Space Cowboys’ award-winning board game:
- Fast and easy to learn, yet hard to master.
- Lavish graphics and cards, true to the original game.
- “Renaissance” graphical and musical ambiance.
- Solo mode, pass & play and online multiplayer (2 to 4 players).
- An exclusive game mode: scenario-based “Challenges”.
- Historically-accurate background stories for Challenges set in the 15th to 16th centuries.
- Multiple types of Artificial Intelligence, based on unique strategy behaviors instead of difficulty.
- 3-minute step-by-step interactive tutorial to learn the game and digital interface.
- Achievements board.
- Worldwide leaderboards and rank system by connecting with a Days of Wonder account.

Splendor introduces a special game mode called Challenges. Challenges are based on historical events and anecdotes of the 15th and 16th centuries, setting up a real scenario in various places across the world. They teach you advanced techniques and offer rules variants. They put the player in unique situations with a goal to reach. Either earn a certain number of points or pick up a special card combination, in a limited time or limited number of moves.
Become a game expert and achieve 48 challenges along the trading routes of the world (Madrid, St. Petersburg…), not to mention duels facing great historical figures such as Charles V or Marie Stuart.

You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
Languages available: English, French, German
A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Головоломки 379p. ► 229 р.
*** 40% off to celebrate the launch of our new puzzler: Cosmic Express! ***

A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build is an adorable puzzle game about being a monster and making snowmen.

* Adorable graphics by Benjamin Davis (Sushi Snake).
* Featuring a gorgeous original soundtrack by Ryan Roth (The Beginner's Guide, Starseed Pilgrim, The Yawhg).
* Lovingly-crafted puzzle design from Alan Hazelden (Sokobond, These Robotic Hearts of Mine, Traal).
* No in-app-purchases or ads.
* iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 5, iPad 2, iPad Mini or later recommended.


Top 10 apps of 2016 - TIME magazine
Best Character Design - Intel Level Up 2014
Official Selection - Develop Indie Showcase 2014
Official Selection - Screenshake 2015
Official Selection - BAFTA Inside Games Arcade 2015
Official Selection - Different Games Arcade 2015
Official Selection - Fantastic Arcade 2015
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Приключения 299p. ► 149 р.
После окончания масштабной войны в 2398 году, сеть разумных компьютеров, известная под названием Nightgate, осталась единственной выжившей формой жизни на планете Земля.

Пройдите через 50 уровней, тщательно созданных вручную. Избегайте врагов, уворачивайтесь от пуль и управляйте временем, раскрывая все новые и новые тайны, которые хранят в себе цифровые пейзажи Nightgate.

Ключевые особенности:

• Минималистичный дизайн, футуристическое оформление пользовательских интерфейсов и сложная геометрия

• Оригинальное музыкальное сопровождение продолжительностью более 40 минут

• Играйте на iPhone, iPad или Apple TV

• Синхронизируйте данные о ходе игры в iCloud

• Полный перевод на английский, испанский, французский, японский, китайский, немецкий, итальянский, корейский, португальский и русский языки
Tank Battle - Mini War ( Classic Style Shooter )
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Аркады 459p. ► Бесплатно
It is a very classical tank battle game like NES Battle City. Almost everyone should played this type of game before.

We modified this classical game, and bring it back to 21 Century.
Mini War is 2nd Generation, the 1st Generation is Super Tank Battle. Mini War inheritance all advantages of Super Tank Battle. And we have added many new elements into it.

Game Rules:
- Defense your base
- Destroy all enemy tanks
- If your tank or your base is destroyed, it will game over

- 5 different difficulty levels (from easy to crazy)
- 3 type of different game zones (Normal, Danger, and Nightmare)
- 6 different type of enemies
- Your tank can have 3 Level upgrade
- Helper tank, now you can order it to hold position
- Many different type of map elements, you can see the screenshot
- Every map elements can be destroy
- 4 types of different board size, 26x26, 28x28, 30x30, and 32x32
- Helping items, which can help you to finish the game
- 280 maps can be played.

* Different difficulty levels should meet different people need. Expert player can direct choose Crazy level.
** When finish normal zone, danger zone will be opened. After finished danger zone, the nightmare zone will be opened. In danger and nightmare zone enemies power will be greatly increased.
*** Every 2 to 4 months we will add new maps into Mini War, just like Super Tank Battle. Super Tank Battle is now have 500 maps inside.

Mini-War is also available on other platforms.

Super Tank Battle:
iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-tank-battle/id507828762
iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-tank-battle-hd/id526064033

Looking for Super Tank Battle Map Editor?
Tank Super Wars - NES 90's Classic, Install it NOW!
Pandemic: The Board Game
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Симуляторы, Настольные 529p. ► 149 р.
*** SPRING INTO PLAY! Download Pandemic at a very special price from 20th to 26th of March ***

As skilled members of a disease-fighting team, you must keep four deadly diseases at bay while discovering their cures. Travel the world, treat infections, and find cures.
You must work as a team to succeed. The clock is ticking as outbreaks and epidemics fuel the spreading plagues. Can you find all four cures in time? The fate of humanity is in your hands!

Pandemic: The Board Game is a family-friendly cooperative game. Simple to understand and lots of fun, Pandemic: The Board Game puts you in an apocalyptic situation where you must work as a team to save the world.

*How to play
In Pandemic: The Board Game each player has a unique role with different abilities. On a turn, players will have four actions in order to cure diseases and save the world. They can remove disease cubes from the board; fly to a city in need; trade cards with fellow players; and much more.

At the end of every player’s turn, new cities are infected with disease cubes and Epidemics may arise. You must fight to prevent the outbreaks before they spin out of control.

In Pandemic: The Board Game, there is only one way to win: cure all four diseases before you run out of time!

An award-wining board game and player favorite since its release in 2008, Pandemic: The Board Game is now available as a Universal iOS app.

-7 role cards with unique abilities
-Supports games for 2, 3, or 4 players, but can be played solo if you play multiple roles
-Pass-and-play multiplayer (2-4)
-Three difficulty settings make the game suitable for beginners, intermediate players, and experts
-Fully guided interactive tutorial; plus “Info Mode” for in-game reminders of the rules
-Full rulebook included for easy access and detailed reference at all times
-Animated interface gives clear indication of the game's progress and hotspots
-“Undo” system
-Adaptive soundtrack
-Complete implementation of the board game suitable for expert play
-Interface designed and tested for ease-of-use
-Supports landscape or portrait orientations (iPad only)
-Supports multitasking

-On the Brink expansion content available as in-app purchase
-6 new roles and 8 new events
-Play with 5 players
-Legendary difficulty setting for players with a deathwish
-2 events in player deck per player

You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital

We want to know what you think. Please send your feedback, ideas, and comments about the Pandemic: The Board Game app to: support@f2zdigitalmedia.com

*Find Pandemic: The Board Game on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/PandemicTheBoardGame
Pixel Boat Rush
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Гонки, Спорт 149p. ► Бесплатно
Pixel Boat Rush is a frantic boat combat racing game! An easy to learn, hard to master, fun arcade racing game with loads of content! Featured by Apple countless times!

The gameplay mixes a one-touch racing mechanic with 2 weapon/defensive buttons. The progression features an in-depth career mode with RPG-like humoristic conversations with parodic characters, an endless mode and a boat crafting editor!


One-Touch Racing Mechanic:

Touch to accelerate, release to brake. Slow down on a wave to stick to it (bind speed requirement depends on the boat downforce, sometimes you have to slow down more). If you keep the gas pressed, you'll jump off the waves. You can stick to water before the wave begins, but if you re-accelerate on a straight line, you'll un-stick.

Releasing the gas while in the air will make you fall faster.

Obstacles and Power-Ups:

If air drag makes you quicker by staying on water, sometimes it's best to jump. It could be for grabbing a power-up, avoiding an obstacle or a tricky set of waves.


Fighting with opponent brings a whole new dimension to the game. It not only adds action, but also tactical aspects, which quickly becomes a key for victory. For instance, slowing down to get behind an opponent to avoid being hit and let him deplete his bullet on another boat.

Additional Tip:

- The acceleration button covers the whole right side. You can touch the bottom edge of the screen to avoid covering the action.

Reviews and Awards

- Featured by Apple on numerous occasions!

- (4.5/5) Touch Arcade "I'd strongly recommend it to anyone who enjoys side-scrolling arcade games or can appreciate a different angle on the racing genre"

- (4.5/5) App Advice "perfect for anyone who enjoys boat racing and fast-paced, frenzied arcade games"

- (4/5) 148Apps ''Pixel Boat Rush's unique blend of mechanics make it an excitingly original racing game''

- (4/5) Indie Game Reviewer ''This is a iOS racing game that gets so many things right. It’s simple but complex, it’s challenging but fun, Pixel Boat Rush is a great game that I highly recommend''

- (3.5/5) Pocket Gamer ''A surprisingly sharp and clever racer, Pixel Boat Rush is well worth diving into''

- (4.5/5) TheAppleGoogle "more than enough to guarantee players hours of intense high speed action in an electrifying experience"

-(4.25/5) Reviewed on the Reviews on the Run TV Show!!


More Features:

- Career, endless and arcade modes
- 15 racing tracks
- 116 racing events across 7 types of race (normal, ceasefire, eliminations, demolition, carnage, last man standing, endurance)
- 20 Licenses: series of mini-quests which unlock the next racing categories
- 64 racing boats, each with its own specific upgradable configuration: find which boat is best suited for each event!
- A boat editor with 3 custom hangars where you can craft your own boat creations!
- Over 28 types of guns
- 4 racing categories: climb the ladders and become the world champion!
- Power-ups: boost, ammo, shield, coins, repair
- Time trial mode against your best ghosts
- Trophies system for replay value: finish first in all races to collect all gold trophies
- Game Center: leaderboards (based on best lap time and trophies earned) and achievements
- Cloud save with manual upload/download and 3 save files
- MFI and other controllers support
- Rich original retro soundtrack
- Live broadcasting
AirTycoon Online 2
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Симуляторы 75p. ► Бесплатно
Welcome to Air Tycoon Online 2! - The world best airline management simulation game.

You will get 70 credits when you start every new game on this paid version.

[Game Introduction]

AirTycoon Online which was much loved by worldwide management simulation game players has been upgraded into ATO2 with highly luxurious and vivid 3D graphics as well as various new-added features.

Hope you DO NOT MISS this thrilling and exiting experience.

[Game Features]

-Real turn-based online airline management simulation game
-Vivid and gorgeous 3D graphics
-Realistic game background based on Historical real time
-About 150 real airplane models released as time goes by
-Manage an airline in 500 airports all over the world
-Take over other players' companies
-Detailed management report updated every turns.
-Accident events due to the increment weather and some engine failures.
-Landing Simulator
-Alliances and Code-shares
-Communication with worldwide players

[Useful game tips]

-Open a new route between the cities with high business/tour level while being less(or no) competitive.
-Make all of your flight schedules as the same as 'Available Schedule by Planes'
-Raise the fare when the occupancy is 100%
-Down the fare when the occupancy is lower than 70%
-Close your existing route resolutely and open another new route if the route is so competitive and you do not get enough profits from.
-Set up a fuel tank to save your fuel expenses.
-Build a maintenance depot and a VIP lounge at your hub city to maximize your profits.
-Manage all of your flight routes strategically by using your unmatched business skills.
-Provide your passengers unrivaled comfortability by adjusting your plane seats better and supplying a high quality of cabin service.
-Take advantage of a 'Code Share' function on competition routes.
-Generate stable revenue by purchasing or building your own airports.

Feel free contact us when you have any question, opinion or any help about our games

-Report to admin in the game
-Email : support@tradegamelab.com
-twitter : www.twitter.com/tradegamelab
-facebook : www.facebook.com/TRADEGAMELAB
Leo's Fortune
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Приключения 379p. ► 149 р.
Мы гордимся тем, что стали победителями премии WWDC Apple Design Award

Leo’s Fortune — это платформенная приключенческая игра, в которой вы выслеживаете загадочного и коварного вора, укравшего ваше золото. Прекрасно прорисованные уровни делают приключение Лео по-настоящему реалистичным.

"Совершенная игра без слабых мест"

"Стопроцентный хит"

"Leo's Fortune — платформер самого высокого полета, изысканный красавец без малейшего изъяна."
- hi-tech.mail.ru

"Я вернулся домой и увидел, что мое золото украдено! С какой-то странной целью вор рассыпал мои монеты в лесу, как крошки хлеба. Несмотря на то, что это похоже на ловушку, у меня не остается выбора, кроме как идти по следую. Независимо от дого, что ждет впереди, я должен вернуть свое богатство", — Леопольд.

ПУТЕШЕСТВУЙТЕ по красочным уровням от болотистых лесов до засушливых пустыно, от пиратских городов до заснеженных гор.

ВЫЖИВАЙТЕ среди опасных ловушек и решайте основанные на физике головоломки на 24 уровнях приключений.

ИДИТЕ по золотому следу и откройте загадку исчезновения богатства Лео.

Пройдите игру Leo's Fortune, чтобы разблокировать режим хардкора. Чтобы заработать приз в этом режиме, попробуйте пройти игру, ни разу не умерев! Соревнуйтесь с друзьями по Game Center, чтобы пройти как можно больше уровней за наименьшее время.

В игре Leo's Fortune поддерживается облачное сохранение данных и игровые джойстики для iPhone, iPad и iPod touch. Для поддержки игровых джойстиков требуется наличие iOS7 или более поздней версии; эта функция совместима с устройствами iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPad 2 или более поздней версии и iPod touch (5-го поколения).

Перед запуском уровня 7 требуется подключение к Интернету для загрузки игровых данных Leo’s Fortune.

Присоединяйтесь к сообществу Лео:

У вас есть вопросы или пожелания? Пишите по адресу: support@leosfortune.com
Sea Snake
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Головоломки 75p. ► Бесплатно
Feed your hungry Sea Snake with tasty bubbles; he just can't get enough: A genuinely 3D version of the classic 'snake' game, with three types of snake to play with!

Control the Sea Snake with simple gestures, and tilt your device to look around his undersea realm.

Score points as the Sea Snake feasts on bubbles and grows longer; compete for high scores against your friends... but watch out in case he bites his own tail. Then it's game over!
Dogfight Elite
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Симуляторы, Боевики 149p. ► Бесплатно
Воздушный бой - это многопользовательский симулятор сражений времен Второй Мировой войны!
Пролетите через все тренировочные уровни до полномасштабных воздушных боев против вражеских самолетов.
Играть в одиночку весело, но самое интересное - бросить вызов друзьям в многопользовательском режиме.
Смотрите видео игры и присоединяйтесь к сообществу на http://www.dogfightelite.com
Примечание: Пробный период включает в себя три уровня обучения и один самолет.
Если у вас возникли вопросы / жалобы, пожалуйста, посетите форумы на www.dogfightelite.com.
Я отслеживаю все запросы и жалобы и исправляю их в каждом релизе.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Настольные, Развлечения 229p. ► Бесплатно
Highly addictive, super fun puzzle game with dozens of puzzles to train your brains. Wait no more and begin your Formino adventure!

Dozens of puzzles to train your brain all gathered in one game. All you have to do is to play Formino.
Fill the given shape with all the pentomino style puzzle blocks available. Puzzle block may not overlap each other or shadowed area.
Challenge yourself through beginner to expert levels, from simple block dragging to flipping and rotating. Sounds easy, but is it really?

Formino features:

-360 puzzles, different themes.
-Unique puzzle shapes.
-Various difficulty levels.
-Hint system.
-Game Center Leaderboards and Achievements.
-Simple and intuitive game play.

Have fun!
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Развлечения 15p. ► Бесплатно
AirAttack - is Award Winning next-generation top down air combat shooter with stunning 3D graphics alongside great audio, effects and awesome gameplay.

Unity Awards 2010 - Grand Prix

*** AirAttack is also available for iPad and iPhone. ***
AirAttack was #1 paid game on Mac and iPad in more than 50 countries.

* 10 Great Missions
* 64 Different Enemy Types
* Numerous Upgrades and Special Weapons
* 3 Player Planes
* Amazing Lighting and Special Effects
* Orchestral Music
* 3 Difficulty Modes
* Arcade and Survival Mode
* Realtime Physics
* Destructible Bridges and Buildings
* Amazing 3D environments enhanced with LightMaps and SpecularMaps
* 10 Huge End Level Bosses
* 50 Achievements
* 3 Control Types: Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad
Pizza Vs. Skeletons
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Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Приключения 379p. ► 75 р.
80% OFF to celebrate the launch of our latest game, MUL.MASH.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL, for a very limited time!!!

You are BIG. You are TASTY. You are kicking some brittle undead @$$!

Top 10 iOS games of 2012 -Metacritic.com 
"Ridiculous yet Amazing" -USA Today 
"Best Casual Game of 2012" -Best App Ever Awards

Pizza Vs. Skeletons is an epic, ridiculous, 2D platform game designed from the ground up for iOS. You control a 25-foot-tall pizza as it smashes through a horde of undead rivals on land, sea, and in outer space.

Recent upgrades (version 1.1-1.65):

+ 20 New levels in 2 all new chapters, 100% free!
+ 2 Additional level styles, biplane and roof hopper!
+ 6 New Secret Ingredients
+ 3 New Achievements
+ Improved graphics for iPhone 5+ and iPad 3, 4
+ Improved speed
+ Improved score and photo sharing
+ Improved sound effect device support and playback levels
+ Mute sounds from the Pause menu
+ Support for English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish
+ New health indicator

OUR PROMISE TO YOU: No ads. No getting suckered into buying more stuff later. The whole game, for one price, for all updates, forever.

WARNING! This is not a casual game! Each level has three tiers of challenges and things can get pretty tough by the end! (Don't worry, we'll ease you in gently!) It requires iOS 6.0+ running on an iPhone (3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S), iPod Touch (4th, 5th generation), or iPad (2, 3, 4, mini). This is a big download and will require a Wi-Fi connection.

What can a 25-foot-tall pizza do? Well, pretty much EVERYTHING*

= Crush fossilized ostriches = Rescue Schnauzer puppies = Stomp obnoxious cupids = Learn Karate = Sumo wrestle an alien = Ski with comrades = Demolish a haunted skyscraper = Eat fugu = Bounce on space marshmallows = Smash the great pyramids = Celebrate Dia de los Muertos = Grow a mohawk = Visit the moon = Protect civilians = Raid a meat factory = Thwart a UFO abduction = Teach baseball players a lesson they will never forget = Plunder cash = Be a pirate = Don't be a pirate = Be a pirate with an ant's mouth = Destroy a perfectly good log cabin = Get pummeled by teddy bears = Go nuclear =

*Yes, you can actually do all this and far more!


+ 120 fantastically ridiculous levels
+ 3 distinct challenges in each level
+ Dozens of enemies
+ Huge bosses
+ Customize the perfect hero--add peppers, a powdered wig, be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... design over A QUARTER MILLION PIZZAS!
+ Facebook and Twitter: post pictures of your tricked-out hero and brag about your hi-scores
+ Universal App: buy it once, play on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
+ Game Center: online leaderboards and challenging achievements
+ High-definition "Retina" graphics for iPhone 4/4S/5 and iPad 3/4

Not convinced? Try the first 10 levels in the FREE version! Once you're ready to upgrade to this version, your progress will transfer over automatically.

Riverman Media is two brothers who have dedicated their lives to the art of 2D game making
Defender City
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Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Развлечения 75p. ► 15 р.
***** #1 Настольные игры для IPad и iPhone *****
***** Поддержка Retina разрешения для new IPad и iPhone 5 *****
«Defender City» — это игра жанра tower defense, а как и полагается всем играм этого жанра, ваша задача держать оборону и не дать врагу добраться до вашей базы. «Defender City» выгодно отличается от своих соплеменников по жанру - игра полностью нарисована шариковой ручкой на листах тетради. Всего для от рисовки игры было использовано более четырехсот листов бумаги в клеточку и исписано два десятка шариковых ручек.

У вас в арсенале будет 5 видов защитных орудий. Кроме постройки защитных сооружений, вы также сможете использовать специальные возможности: апгрейд — модернизировать защитное орудие до трете го уровня, что не редко поможет вам в казалось бы безвыходной ситуации. В игре насчитывается 40 разнообразных уровней - построенных так, что пройти уровень просто расставляя бездумно защитные орудия не получиться. И раз за разом вам предстоит продумывать тактику боя. И в конце концов остановить нашествие врага на ваш город.

► appleinsider.ru - С Defender City никогда не будет скучно. Играть в нее можно долго, даже очень долго..

► planetiphone.ru - Геймплей очень динамичный, играть весело и интересно.

Особенности игры:
►►Рисованная графика
►►Атмосферная музыка и звук
►►40 уровней
►►3 вида апгрейдов
►►3 вида противника (легкий, средний и тяжелый танк)
►►5 видов защитных орудий.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Симуляторы 379p. ► 229 р.
"1849 ... might just be the only real city-building game on iOS" - Owen Faraday, Pocket Tactics

The year is 1849, and gold has just been discovered in California. You decide to head out west, to seek fame and wealth in the approaching Gold Rush.

Will you strike it rich and become an overnight mining magnate? Or build your fortune bit by bit by supplying 49ers with pickaxes and blue jeans?


1849 is a city management game set during the California Gold Rush. Your task is to build towns, populate them with workers, and keep your citizens housed, fed, and entertained. You’ll have to manage and coordinate extensive production and trade networks to make sure your towns thrive.

Updated with two new scenarios!
The Epilogue presents two final scenarios, taking place in the period after the gold rush, as the people of California attempted to forge a new identity in a state that went through an irreversible transformation.

Key Features of 1849:

- A campaign mode that traces the development of the Gold Rush from mining camps to bustling cities. Each city scenario presents players with unique starting conditions, victory goals, and obstacle events.
- Sandbox mode with a procedurally-generated map for your location, based on geography (from the Pacific coast to the Sierra Nevada mountains), precipitation, resource availability, and starting lot size.
- Vivid Old West towns with geography and architecture directly inspired by California’s Gold Country.
- Over 50 resources to dig up, farm, refine or manufacture as you build complex towns and cities.
- Classic city management gameplay meets modern technology in a sim tailored specifically for tablet / touch screen play.
- Developed by SomaSim, a new studio dedicated to producing deep simulation games for today’s players.
Devious Dungeon 2
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Категория: Игры, Боевики, Ролевые игры 75p. ► Бесплатно
Devious Dungeon 2 is a medieval action platforming game by the creators of Random Heroes and League of Evil!

It is said that great adventures await behind the walls of this dark castle. The castles ever shifting halls are filled with deadly monsters! Treacherous traps have claimed the lives of many adventurers! It is rumoured the castle contains treasures beyond imagination. However, it is also the domain of the summoner and he does not look kindly upon uninvited guests!

Can you defeat the summoner and claim the lost treasures of the castle?

- Randomized maps with 5 worlds
- Hero classes - Barbarian, Mage and Rogue
- Lots of weapons and gear
- RPG styled upgrades
- Boss Battles
- Mini-bosses and Collectable Treasures
- Mission system
- Achievements
- iCloud Game Saves
- Universal (play on all your devices)

** Note: While the game is playable on iPod Touch 4th gen: we strongly recommend playing on newer devices for smoother frame-rates. **
MORPH - intriguing puzzle
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Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Аркады 75p. ► Бесплатно
From the ominous dangers of a dark square world, MORPH an adorable little creature is propelled by adept chooses into the light, finding his way from world to world in this extremely astute puzzle game. Careful thought is necessary to avoid treacherous obstacles which would lead to a certain horrible death and find the hidden path to the portal leading to the light a symbol of your growing enlightenment.
Dead by Death: Metroidvania Dungeon Platformer
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Категория: Игры, Боевики, Ролевые игры 149p. ► 29 р.
"Dead by Death is probably the best Castlevania-style action platformer that I've played in quite some time." - by TouchArcade

'Dead by Death' is a Metroidvania style action platformer. The hero will explore dungeons where are full of traps and find out hidden secrets. To defeat demons till you die or live for glory.

- 32 well-designed adventure dungeons
- 4 challenging bosses
- 9 kinds of interesting weapons
- Various enemies and traps
- Discover secrets and collect treasures for skill upgrades
- Works on iPhone and iPad (Native display aspect ratio)
- MFi game controller support
- Premium game without IAP or Ads

We are looking forward to your communication with email: game(at)willsh.com
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки 149p. ► 75 р.
Дезире – это поэтичный черно-белый классический квест.

Когда учительница спрашивает Дезире, почему он не нарисовал солнце, как все другие ученики, мальчик непринужденно отвечает: « В моей голове всегда ночь. »

Дезире от рождения не различает цвета, так что он станет вашим гидом в мир черного и белого. И заранее простите его за нерешительность, жизнь редко была с ним добра. Вместе с вами он начнет свой путь с самого раннего возраста и встретит несколько персонажей, которые перевернут его видение мира и разбудят сильнейшие чувства. И кто знает, может быть, в конце пути ждут цвета?

По своей сути, эта игра – критика современного мира, одержимого извращенными желаниями потреблять и получать прибыль.

В игре вас будут ждать 4 главы, более 50 сцен, более 40 персонажей и множество загадок.
True Skate
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Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Спорт 149p. ► Бесплатно
Официальная игра Лиги уличного скейтбординга для мобильных устройств.

Самая популярная игра в 80 странах. Ее обожают скейтеры по всему миру.

Оценка Touch Arcade: 4,5/5. «True Skate — это действительно нечто особенное!»

Примечание. True Skate выпускается с одним скейтпарком. Дополнительный контент можно приобрести только из приложения. Подробные сведения представлены ниже.

- Реалистичная динамика движений, разработанная под сенсорный экран, создает ощущение, будто вы катаетесь на скейтборде.
- Проведите по доске — и она точно поддастся вашему движению.
- Проведите пальцем по земле, чтобы оттолкнуться.
- Прекрасный скейтпарк, где можно затеряться! С выступами, лестницами, перилами для гринда, боулом, а также рампами хафпайп и квотерпайп. (Дополнительные скейтпарки теперь можно приобрести в приложении.)
- Замедленное воспроизведение.
- Испытания от пользователей.
- Совместный просмотр повтора.
- Общие таблицы лидеров.

- Дополнительные скейтпарки и места
- Курсы Лиги уличного скейтбординга

Дополнительные ПОКУПКИ В ПРИЛОЖЕНИИ (тот же контент доступен бесплатно за баллы True Credit, которые можно заработать, выполняя трюки и задачи):
- Разблокировка всех задач
- Неограниченное замедленное воспроизведение
- Возможность неограниченно менять изображение на деке
- Возможность неограниченно менять цвет колес
- Разблокировка списков
- Разблокировка скейт-комплектов

Возможности трюков
50 50 grind, 5 0 grind, boardslide, rail slide, tail slide, nose slide, darkslide, dark 50 50, suski grind, smith grind, feeble grind, salad grind, nose grind, crooked grind, lazy grind, overcrook, losi grind, bluntslide, noseblunt, kickflip, heelflip, pop shove-it, 360 pop shove-it, backside 180, frontside 180, ollie, nollie, impossible, hard flip, 360 hard flip, inward heelflip,360 inward heelflip, varial kickflip, nightmare flip, 360 flip, varial heelflip, laser flip, late tricks and more, or what ever else you can make the board do.
Cut the Buttons HD
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Семейные 149p. ► 75 р.
– Более 8 000 000 загрузок
– TOP-1 в 48 странах
– TOP-5 в 82 странах

Новая, революционная игра «Cut the Buttons» – настоящая мультитач игра. Быстрая, послушная, эффектная и захватывающая. Дайте своим мозгам отдохнуть. Никаких вступлений и предысторий. Все просто. Запускаете игру и режете пришитые пуговицы.

Сотни копий «Cut the Buttons» были скачаны для образовательных целей, так как игра была признана специалистами, как уникальный тренажер мелкой моторики для игроков всех возрастов.

«Не просто увлекательная аркада для взрослых и детей, но и пример для разработчиков того, какой должна быть мультитач-игра для iPhone и iPad». — iphones.ru

«До извращения великолепные визуальные эффекты и инновационный геймплей «Cut the Buttons» поднимают игры для iOS на совершенно новый уровень». — iphone4c.com

«Осмелюсь сказать: в App Store не было ничего подобного». — appgefahren.de

"Кто сказал, что уже невозможно вводить новшества? Только не издатель «Cut the Buttons» ". — iphonesoft.fr

«Ошеломляющая игра с оригинальной графикой». — ondenews.it

- уникальный игровой сюжет
- уникальный интерфейс
- уникальный режим «Multiplayer»
- уникальная графика
- уникальные звуковые эффекты

Возьмите ножницы двумя пальцами. Осторожно, не порежьтесь. Срежьте пуговку запуска игры, двигая лезвиями ножниц так же, как настоящими. Если вам удобней играть левой рукой – настройте в меню игры направление полета лоскутков с пуговками.
За 100 пойманных в кружку пуговиц вы получите дополнительные баллы или вернете потерянную пуговку.

CLASSIC Не упускайте лоскутки с пришитыми пуговками. По возможности ловите срезанные пуговки в кружку.
ARCADE За выбранное вами время старайтесь срезать как можно больше пришитых пуговок.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Не срезайте прикрученные пуговки.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Не давите на дисплей. Рука может устать от излишнего давления. Пальцы должны скользить над экраном.

* В меню игры вы можете нажимать на пуговки пальцем.
* Чтобы заработать больше баллов, старайтесь срезать больше трех пуговиц за один рез несколько раз подряд.
* Сократите количество движений рукой. Старайтесь срезать больше одной пуговки за один рез.

Получайте удовольствие. Играйте один. Играйте с друзьями.
Режьте. Режьте. Режьте.
Chain Breaker
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Аркады 75p. ► Бесплатно
It's time to break the chains!

You have always dreamed of breaking the chains and getting absolute freedom? You can do it right now!
Welcome to a distant clouded realm. The evil wizard has stolen the magic cow. Help the knight rescue the magic cow.
Overcome obstacles, solve puzzles, fight against enemies and many more. You have never seen such gameplay.

*Unique Physics Gameplay
*Innovative 2D Runner
*Funny Characters
*Fabled Art Style
*Hidden Treasures
Dexter Slice
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Головоломки 229p. ► Бесплатно
A chilling new puzzle game celebrating 10 years of "Dexter" and featuring voice-over by James Remar (Harry Morgan).

Press, slide and hold a fiendish array of sharp and pointy objects to clear each level. Just be careful where you put your fingers!

Over 120 levels with more levels and features on the way!

Dexter: Slice is the spiritual successor to the popular 2010 release Slice HD. As with the previous game, Dexter: Slice presents players with an onscreen field of EXTREMELY SHARP cutlery. Moving each knife reveals buttons that must be quickly pushed before the blades slide back into place. The longer you play, the more challenging the puzzles become, sometimes involving as many as ALL 10 FINGERS - eventually requiring a masterful combination of careful planning, limber fingers and quick reflexes. Fail, however, and anguished screams accompany realistic blood splatters that decorate the screen. You didn't need that pinky, did you?

Michael C. Hall will reprise his role as Dexter in our upcoming update along with new levels and additional game features.
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Ролевые игры 75p. ► 29 р.
Жуткий и атмосферный хоррор пробирается с РС на iOS!

«Не столько хоррор, сколько игра об идее хоррора», — Rock Paper Shotgun
«„Тук-тук-тук“ — это потрясающе красивый survival-хоррор, где стиля больше, чем здравого смысла», — IGN
«Одна из увлекательнейших и очаровательнейших игр, что попадалась мне в последнее время», — GameFront

В глубине дремучего леса стоит необычный дом. Трем поколениям Жильцов он служил и лабораторией, и жилищем.

С недавних пор последний Жилец стал замечать пугающие изменения в привычной обстановке – пропадают вещи, слышится шум и скрежет. Из леса идет что-то непонятное. По ночам и вовсе кажется, что кто-то хозяйничает в полумраке комнат, чердаков и подвалов.

Надо как-то продержаться до рассвета, не смыкая глаз и стараясь не сойти с ума от страха.

Бродя по дому, избегая прямых встреч с неведомым, Жилец считает время до рассвета. Но именно ночью он может разгадать основную загадку: что происходит? Реальны ли Гости, или это пагубные последствия бессонницы? Что случилось с лесом? Что на самом деле творится в доме? Где грань между материальным и воображаемым?

Как в это играть:

-Прятаться. Имитация игры в прятки с персонажами ночных кошмаров.
-Не смотреть, куда не надо. Цель каждой игровой ночи — дожить до рассвета в здравом уме.
-Включать свет. Только в освещенных комнатах можно ждать и ходить относительно спокойно.
-Заполнять пустое пространство. Дом помогает Жильцу. Нужно только восстановить его и навести в нем порядок.
-Искать. Что-то важное было утрачено Жильцом. Причина происходящего кроется где-то внутри. У всего происходящего есть разгадка, которую можно вытащить на свет.
-Ждать. В этой игре нужно смотреть и слушать. Всматриваться и вслушиваться. Нужно дождаться рассвета.
-Соблюдать правила игры! Только для этого необходимо понять, во что с тобой на самом деле играют.
Flight Unlimited 2K16 - Flight Simulator
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Гонки 379p. ► 75 р.
80% Off - Today Only (Normal Price $4.99)

"One of the most gorgeous games in the app store"
"It looks like an Xbox One or PS4 Game"

Soar across the beautiful skies of the San Francisco bay area, Las Vegas, and Switzerland, in Flight Unlimited 2K16. Flight Unlimited utilizes advanced streaming technology to provide some of the best visuals in mobile gaming.

The HD scenery is a first in mobile flight simulation and covers an area over 10x larger than its predecessor. The scenery is so detailed you can even find your house.

The campaign tasks with you missions such as rescuing a prisoner from Alcatraz, B2 Bomber surveillance over the Swiss Alps, landing your Cessna on the Golden Gate Bridge, and more!

Over two years in the making, Flight Unlimited has been redesigned from the ground up. The flight model was developed by an aviation expert.

The game features Ultra high definition satellite imagery of the San Francisco Bay Area and Switzerland. Never before has this level of detail been provided in a mobile Flight Sim. Flight Unlimited is pushing the limits of graphics on mobile devices for aviation games.

Buzz the Golden Gate Bridge, take a fly-by of Alcatraz, scream past Levi Field, and even take a look at the future home of the world champion Golden State Warriors.

- Ultra HD Satellite Imagery covering over 500 SQ Miles.
- 4K HD Cockpits for each aircraft modeled from the ground up
- Campaign mode with GTA style missions
- The only mobile Flight Sim with Volumetric Clouds
- 24 Hour Day/Night Cycle
- Weather effects
- Trigger failures such as engine trouble and detached wings
- Landmarks such as Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, AT&T Park, Oracle Arena, and more
- 13 aircraft each modeled with accurate flight physics. New aircraft released weekly.
Z Steel Soldiers
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 599p. ► 379 р.
“Lead your Z: Steel Soldiers into the next century rebooted for the rocket fuelled fans of real time strategy games.

In the bloody aftermath of ‘Z’ comes Z: Steel Soldiers. All your favourite strategies and gameplay from the classic version, with graphics that have powered into the 21st century, vivid 3D landscapes, and a state of the art engine that brings your game to life. Meet the new breed of robots, with a taste for war and a warped sense of humour. Z: Steel Soldiers – you’ve never had it so good!”

When you take control of your Steel Soldiers unit, you’d better hit the ground running, as you take some superb war machinery straight into the heat of battle. You can start to build up your forces when this firefight is over. Right now you’d better just dig in!

Every theatre of the war is intertwined with the non-linear plot, revealing more twists and turns than a roller coaster, this is no ordinary battle, and these are no ordinary troops. They are fearless troops who drink rocket fuel and pick fights with saber-tooth snow slugs just for fun. You’ve never met robots quite this screwed-up before...


* 30 Distinct, lush levels spread across 6 unique worlds.
* Air, ground and sea units ranging from WW2 based vehicles through to modern jet fighters.
* Significantly enhanced 3D Graphics packed full of scalable features such as reflections and particle systems providing intense and rich landscapes.
* Real-time environment forces, both local and world forces affect the environment to such detail that even plumes of smoke are split as helicopters come soaring through.
* 9 different robots each with unique abilities.
* Revolutionary fast-resource style gameplay; The more territories you take, the larger the resource ‘flag’ in that territory and the faster and more you can build; leaving you to deal with the real objective – all-out warfare!
* Our most advanced AI yet, that will stop at nothing to rid the universe of Zod and his band of space renegades...
* 60 Game Center Leader boards
* 19 Game Center Achievements

StonePacker Pro
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Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Головоломки 149p. ► Бесплатно
StonePacker is a great game to pass the time and figure out how to best beat the level. Captivating game with zen-like quality. Feels more like an executive toy then a game. StonePacker appears to lovers of Tetris and jigsaw puzzles. Very enjoying and addictive game.

Stones (with a strange metal look) are falling from above. They have different sizes. Some are just squared, some are rectangles. You can move the stones to left and right after they have landed. On the easiest levels the stones come in waves, in the more difficult levels the stones almost fall all at ones. Try to move the stones so there will be as few gaps as possible. Sound easy, yes, sometimes it is, but the magic with StonePacker is that is so fun to play, to move, to pack the stones.

"StonePacker is best" ✭✭✭✭✭
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Категория: Игры, Приключения, Ролевые игры 379p. ► 149 р.
"...a design masterpiece." 5/5 - TouchArcade
2016 Game of the Year - TouchArcade, Gamezebo
Time's Top 10 Games / Top 50 Apps of 2016

Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, an outlandish, story-driven Crafting RPG overflowing with sass!

Become Flux Dabes, a galactic trucker whose latest shipment gets derailed by a chin-strapped alien menace named Hewgodooko, leaving you stranded on an alien planet. As you hustle to retrieve your packages you’ll become enmeshed in a nefarious plot of world domination, which will require all of your wits and both of your glutes to overcome. Learn recipes from the local sentient life, make new friends, uncover ancient secrets and deadly bosses, tame everything and build yourself a home-away-from-home as you learn to thrive on planet Woanope.

▼▼ Key Features ▼▼

-● Expansive Crafting System ●-
Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!

-● Self-managing, Infinite Inventory ●-
In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. You'll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!

-● RPG-Style Character Progression ●-
Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.

-● Skill-Based Combat ●-
Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!

-● Intuitive Base Building ●-
Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!

-● Tameable Creatures ●-
Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!

-● Huge World... with Huge Problems ●-
Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin' packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, there's a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!

-● Effortless Cloud Saving ●-
Just because your battery died or you accidentally dropped your device into a bottomless chasm, doesn't mean your save has to die with it. With BscotchID, you can easily store and retrieve your save from the cloud, and move it between your devices!

-● Controller Support ●-
Tired of rubbing your sweaty hands all over your beautiful touchscreen? No problem! We've got support for most mobile-compatible controllers, so you can rub your sweaty hands on some joysticks instead!

Compatible Devices & OS:
● iPhone 5 or newer
● iPad Mini 2 or newer
● iPad 3 or newer
● iPad Air (any)
● iPad Pro (any)
● iPod Touch 6th Generation or newer
● Recommended iOS 9.0 or higher
NBA 2K17
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Категория: Игры, Спорт, Боевики 599p. ► 299 р.
Following the record-breaking launch of NBA 2K16, the NBA 2K franchise continues to stake its claim as the most authentic sports video game with NBA 2K17. As the franchise that “all sports video games should aspire to be” (GamesRadar), NBA 2K17 will take the game to new heights and continue to blur the lines between video game and reality.

• Revamped Gameplay Controls and physical controller support
• Deeper MyCAREER mode that includes Off-Day Simulator, more MyPLAYER equipment and attribute options, upgraded badge system, and more
• Play with new Historic players
• Expanded EuroLeague with new teams added
• Alternate Team Uniforms
• Earn more Virtual Currency
The Bard's Tale
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Категория: Игры, Ролевые игры, Развлечения 229p. ► 75 р.
50% OFF!!! On sale at a price so low, even Crazy Thorvald thinks it's crazy! Get it before we come to our senses!

#1 RPG in 75 countries, including USA, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, Japan, and China!

Sync your saved games between iOS and Mac!
Includes classic games trilogy!

They said it couldn’t be done… a full-scale massive 3D epic role-playing game on iOS! See why it’s the BIGGEST iOS game ever made!

“The Bard’s Tale is easily the funniest game I’ve ever played, and I’ve played all the funny games out there.” – IGN

You are the Bard, a selfish rogue weary of pointless sub-quests and rat-infested cellars. Through magical song you summon characters to join your quest for coin and cleavage!

“Ready your weapon and bladder as you embark on this ridiculously addicting quest and the funniest adventure of the year, The Bard’s Tale” – Game Chronicles

Prepare to immerse yourself in over 20-30 hours of adventure, featuring:

• 50 enemy types (not counting bosses!)
• A vast world to explore with towns, wild forests, rivers, castles, towers, secret dungeons, snowy mountains, caverns, haunted tombs and more
• A full cast of bizarre NPC’s
• Over a dozen special boss enemies to defeat
• 16 magical characters to discover and then summon at will to aid you
• Over 150 unique items of weaponry, armor, instruments, tokens, artifacts and loot!
• More Song & Dance numbers than any other game, including a zombie dance-off!
• Over 14 hours of outstanding voice-acting from top Hollywood talent, including Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride) as the Bard, and the inimitable Tony Jay as the Narrator

But wait! That’s not all! Enjoy these great new additions in the iOS version:

New Features:
• Leaderboards—for accumulated Silver and Experience!
• Achievements—over 50 spread throughout the game!
• Autosave—option to save automatically when you near a save-book in game.
• iCloud Saves—option to save to iCloud, enables sharing saves across your iOS devices.
• Time-Savers—optional in-app purchases are available to pump up your Bard and save you time! (Note: All such items are attainable through normal game-play, with time and persistence, just as in the original console release.)
• Classics Games—includes original classic games The Bard’s Tale 1, 2 & 3.
• Supports 60beat® GamePad.

Universal App with Adaptive Rendering:
For a single low price, play on all your compatible* devices! The Bard’s Tale takes full advantage of your hardware to maximize your experience--including HD resolution and 60Hz video refresh on capable devices.** iOS adaptation by Square One Games.

“This game is satire in its sharpest form” – Cheat Code Central

Play The Bard’s Tale today!

* Compatible with iOS 4.0 and higher on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 3rd generation, iPod Touch 4th generation, iPad, and iPad2&3.
** HD on iPhone 4S/5, iPad2,Mini,3&4, iPod Touch 5G. Enhanced rendering includes: environment mapping, dynamic water surfaces, full shadow cast, and 60Hz display-refresh (with in-game “Battery Savings” option turned off).

We are committed to improvement. Please send support requests through The Bard’s Tale Support link below.

Please note: Installation over Wi-Fi can temporarily require as much as 3.4GB of free space on your device.
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Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки 229p. ► 75 р.
Limited time 99c Sale! 70% off the multi-award winning iOS classic regarded by many as the best adventure puzzle game of all time! IGN Mobile Puzzle Game of the Year, Apple App of The Week. Enjoyed by over 10 MILLION players and loved by reviewers and gamers the world over!

* Gesundheit! is one of the rare games for iOS that I think everyone should play. 9.5/10 Editors Choice (IGN) 
* The sort of experience that shows off the wonderful things people can create for this platform. 5/5 Stars. Don't miss it. (TouchArcade.com) 
* Perfectly executed a beautiful surprise, both original and captivating. 9/10 (FunTouch.net) 
* 4.5/5 a tight, focused and tailor-made experience that I challenge any gamer not to fall in love with. A True AppStore Gem (TouchGen) -Editors Choice. 
* A refreshing game that comes highly recommended to fans of action puzzlers (Appmodo.com) 
* 8/10 plays like a bird’s-eye view of Metal Gear Solid. The dark humor and steep difficulty will please grown-ups. (The Daily) 
* The experience is wrapped in a beautiful, adorable package…most players will be delighted by Gesundheit! (Gamezebo.com) 
* A+ Game of the Month. (ireviewT.com). 

Gesundheit! combines extraordinary hand-drawn visuals and animation with an infectious gameplay to create a vibrant and colorful world where cute characters face off against wacky monsters, pigs will fly, and snot happens!? 

Also available 'Gesundheit!' for iPad.
For more updates and news on Gesundheit! and other upcoming titles, follow us on twitter @revolutionaryco or on Facebook!
Z The Game
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Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Стратегии 299p. ► 229 р.
The classic Real Time Strategy Game by the Bitmap Brothers, just got better. Fans of this classic strategy title are in for a real treat. Everything is in here from the terrific comedy cut scenes to the frantic game play making this is the definitive version of Z.


*Edge Magazine: 8/10 of all the RTS games before and since, there's never been anything else quite like Z.
*148Apps.com: 4/5 " A Solid Classic. Anyone who enjoys strategy games should find plenty to love here.
*AppSpy.com: 4/5 Z The Game hits the spot
*TouchGamers.de 9/10 Z the best strategy game for the iPhone
*MetroOnline.co.uk:7/10 Cleverly originally gameplay that ensures a fast pace and a minimal of faff. Excellent old school graphics and context-sensitive music.
*iReviwt.com: 4.5/5 Plus Must-Have Award
*Appsnap.com: 7/10

•Z is a real time war game played in a totally free environment.
•A breathtaking race to capture territory and resources. Crush your enemy before they overpower you.
•Over thirty minutes of humorous movie sequences provide intros and outros for each level.
•Movie and in game voiceovers are spoken in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish.
•Z has a conditional Music system, which reflects in real time the mood of the battle.
•Z has six types of Robot soldiers each with their own individual personalities. Will they carry out your orders and march into the jaws of hell? Or will they chicken and run?
•Robots perform up to 40 different actions, armed with rifles, machine guns and antitank missile launchers.
•Twenty challenging levels set on five planets each with a unique terrain ranging from Arctic waste to lands of fire and lava.
•In game world map and radar which can be displayed at any time.
•Lots of hardware for you and your soldiers to control, ranging from three types of tanks, jeeps, repair vehicles and armoured personal carriers to field guns and missile launchers.
•Robot leaders provide you with spoken alerts throughout the game.
•Capture and control installations including factories manufacturing robots and vehicles, radar and vehicle repair facilities.
•You choose what kind of robot or vehicle your factories manufacture.
•Z comes with pictorial player guide.
•Z is a dual app that can be played on either your iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch for a single purchase.
•Gamecenter achievements

Z is... the fastest, funniest, most frantic, feature-packed action-strategy game you'll play this century!
Devious Dungeon 2
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Категория: Игры, Боевики, Ролевые игры 229p. ► 75 р.
Devious Dungeon 2 is a medieval action platforming game by the creators of Random Heroes and League of Evil!

It is said that great adventures await behind the walls of this dark castle. The castles ever shifting halls are filled with deadly monsters! Treacherous traps have claimed the lives of many adventurers! It is rumoured the castle contains treasures beyond imagination. However, it is also the domain of the summoner and he does not look kindly upon uninvited guests!

Can you defeat the summoner and claim the lost treasures of the castle?

- Randomized maps with 5 worlds
- Hero classes - Barbarian, Mage and Rogue
- Lots of weapons and gear
- RPG styled upgrades
- Boss Battles
- Mini-bosses and Collectable Treasures
- Mission system
- Achievements
- iCloud Game Saves
- Universal (play on all your devices)

** Note: While the game is playable on iPod Touch 4th gen: we strongly recommend playing on newer devices for smoother frame-rates. **
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