Скидки на игры и программы в App Store

Игры и программы Игры Программы
​Как заполучить на свой iPhone или iPad самые лучшие игры или программы российского сегмента магазина приложений Apple и при этом не пробить дыру в кармане? Конечно, следить за скидками в App Store!

Ежедневно вручную мы отбираем для вас только самые интересные предложения. В поле внимания попадают не только популярные игры и программы, ставшие бесплатными или цены на которые были снижены. Мы также следим за ценами на малоизвестные, но не менее качественные программные продукты.

При этом важно не забывать, что купить приложение со скидкой можно лишь в рамках определенного промежутка времени. Порой очень короткого. Следите за обновлениями раздела «Скидки на игры и программы в App Store»​ и экономьте.
Снижение цены
Категория: Фото и видео, Образ жизни 66p. ► 33 р.
Cinamatic is the best way to create beautiful short films. Record multiple short clips that transform into amazing short motion pictures. Your Cinamatic videos can be shared straight to Instagram, Vine, or Facebook. 

- Shoot 3 to 15 second films
- Choose from an amazing set of video filters
- Instantly post videos to Instagram, Vine, or Facebook
- Get even more filters from the shop
- So much more

Cinamatic supports iPhone 4 and higher, but runs best on iPhone 5 or better (it has also been optimized for 64 bit iPhone 5s)

Questions, problems, or feedback? Reach out to us at support@hipstamatic.com
Surgeon Simulator
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Ролевые игры 199p. ► 129 р.
Вы - хирург, а Боб - жертва. Сделайте непоправимое!

Немедленно уймите тремор в конечностях и срочно позаботьтесь о самом несчастном в мире пациенте, Бобе. Вы - как-бы хирург Найджел Бурк, который завсегда готов выполнить самые невероятные операции, чтобы попытаться спасти жизнь, ну или хотя бы повеселиться, пока бедный Боб умирает.

Вступите в ряды более чем миллиона игроков, которые препарируют Боба на потеху 250 миллионам зрителей, следящих за неудачными операциями на YouTube. Теперь можно играть и на iPad - в любое время и в любом месте. Ведь в больницах происходит то же самое...

В этой версии классической игры вы найдете:
- Шесть инопланетных трансплантатов, шесть органов, о которых вы никогда не слышали и маловероятно, что сможете вообще произнести их названия;
- Настоящие трансплантаты сердца и почек;
- Два новых вида операций: подарите Бобу ослепительную улыбку с зубными имплантами и орлиный взор, пересадив ему новые глаза;
- Слишком везет? Уходите из операционной и продолжайте работать в коридорах больницы;
- Принципиально новая система управления: теперь вы управляете рукой Найджела вашими ловкими пальцами;
- Более 50 открываемых достижений, которыми можно по праву гордиться;
- Записывайте и загружайте ваши неудачные операции в любом месте (только iPad версии 4 и выше);
- И множество других нововведений, который станут для вас сюрпризом;
- Многопользовательский режим. Покажите друзьям, кто тут главный. Самое время спасти пару жизней.
Sequential for iPad
Снижение цены
Категория: Музыка 169р. ► 33р.
*** Huge sale - 80% off! Free update with new features and content on the way. ***

Instantly reshape any loop beyond imaginable. Create amazing breaks, fills and transitions. Turn even the simplest sounds into unique animated textures. Sequential is an extremely fun yet versatile app for animated effect processing.

Sequential lets you load audio samples for looped playback and apply up to 11 different effects in a rhythmical order. It includes many classic algorithms such as low- and high-pass filters, flanger, resonator, bit crusher, but goes much further with Sinevibes' trademark wave transformer, circuit bender and even synthesizers controlled by the sound's dynamics.

Creating effect patterns with Sequential is almost like a game. With its bold shapes, clever color coding and all-round use of animations, it feels alive and almost connected straight to your brain. All parameters you change are saved along the audio files and recalled without you even noticing — everything just works the way you think it should.

Whatever you hear coming out of Sequential can be recorded, even if you activate recording as you play. Moreover, all recordings are trimmed precisely to a bar, meaning you will always get audio that loops rhythmically. Instantly paste them into other apps or export via iTunes file sharing.

Sequential comes with a tasty selection of bass and rhythm loops in a wide variety of music styles, including house, drum'n'bass, r'n'b, dubstep, trap, hardstyle, electro, and more.

Quickly import loops via the general pasteboard, "open in..." menu from other apps, or via iTunes file sharing. Sequential supports .wav and .aiff files in 16 bit 44.1 KHz format.
Умелец Dr. Panda
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Категория: Образование, Игры, Обучающие 99р. ► Бесплатно
Настало время для усовершенствований дома с Умельцем Dr. Panda! Молотки, гаечные ключи, плоскогубцы и многое другое для Вас и Вашего ребенка - все для того, чтобы помочь Dr. Panda выполнить ряд проектов по дому, от строительства стены до установки ванны. Более чем 13 различных видов деятельности, где вы можете помочь милой семье животных с рядом работ, таких как сборка кровати, починка стула, установка аквариума, и даже использование отбойного молотка для срыва старых полов! Вы даже можете испытать свою креативность, смешивая краски и используя различные кисти для создания собственных проектов.

Основные характеристики:

-13 многоступенчатых мини-игр и видов деятельности
-Отлично подходит для детей 2-6 лет, дает представление об использовании различных инструментов и процессе изготовления вещей
-Отпустите свою фантазию! Красьте и устраивайте дом, как Вы считаете нужным.
-Dr. Panda входит в третье измерение! 3D объекты для сборки и починки.
- В арсенале Dr. Panda более 10 различных инструментов, от отверток до пилы ... и даже отбойного молотка!
- Тайны, скрытые на каждой картинке, только и ждут, чтобы их открыли!
-Безопасно для детей; нет рекламы третьих лиц или встроенных в приложениях покупок. Специальная система родительского замка; родители могут быть спокойны, позволяя детям играть самим.

Политика конфиденциальности

Как разработчик детских игр, мы понимаем, насколько важна конфиденциальность в этом современном, цифровом мире. Вы можете прочитать о нашей политике конфиденциальности здесь: http://www.drpandagames.com/privacy

О Dr. Panda

Dr. Panda создает детские игры с образовательными ценностями, которые помогают детям знакомиться с жизнью и миром вокруг них.http://www.drpandagames.com

Если у вас есть дополнительные вопросы или вам интересно, как мы разработали приложение вместе с детьми, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам в любое время. Просто напишите письмо на support@drpandagames.com или свяжитесь с нами через Фэйсбук http://www.facebook.com/drpandagames.
MemoCalc - Calculator that can calculate with memo -
Снижение цены
Категория: Утилиты, Производительность 66р. ► Бесплатно
Free for a limited time!
MemoCalc is a new concept of calculator mixed calculation and memo tags for taking notes.
The noted numbers can be used repeatedly for calculation and it is easy to “find the combined total sales”, “calculate an assessed value for a product and/or a service” and etc.
You can use on iPad as well as iPhone because this is universal app.

Recommended to those persons;
- who calculate taking notes on separate sheets of paper.
- who often produce an estimation sheet on job.
- who wish to calculate an assessed value for a product and/or a service to buy.

MemoCalc can provide them with both functions as a calculator and a note simultaneously by a simple touch and make their jobs much easier.

Main functions;
- Possible to take notes calculation results on memo tags.
- Possible to add any text on memo tags.
- Possible to use the noted numbers repeatedly for calculation.
- Possible to classify the relevant numbers using 5 separate colors.
- Possible to get a total of the numbers by color with one click.
- Calculator functions are enriched. (display calculation formula, back-space key, exponentiation and constant calculation, on/off for operational sound)

Useful for the following works;
- to produce an estimation sheet using the recorded unit prices on memo tags.
- to calculate an assessed value for a product and/or a service to buy.
- to calculate an assessed value for a house, a car and etc.
- to find the combined total sales.
MencalHD:Mental Arithmetic Training,Improve Your Skills In Math
Снижение цены
Категория: Образование, Утилиты 66р. ► Бесплатно
Free for a limited time

iPhone version:
New Features:
•New Design.
•With mencalHD you can enter the answer by yourself

All of us can do simple addition and subtraction of one or two digit numbers without a calculator; Mencal is here to kick that ability into overdrive.
Mencal provides you with lessons and simple tricks to allow you to: work with three digit numbers; fractions of different styles regardless if you are adding them or subtracting them; and finding sums with multiplication and division. Mencal will train you to do all of it. Then the app will test you on your grasp and knowledge of the methods you've learned.

• Two-digit number like ab+ba
• Three-digit number like abc+cba
• Two fractions like 1/a+1/b
• Two fractions like (a-1)/a + (b-1)/b
• Sum of first n odd numbers
• Sum of first n even numbers

• Two-digit number like ab-ba
• Three-digit number like abc-cba
• m-n if m+n=100,1000,10000...
• Two fractions like 1/a-1/b
• Two fractions like c/a-c/b
• Two fractions like (a-1)/a-(b-1)/b

• Same ten's digit, 1's sum is 10
• Same ten's digit, 1's sum isn`t 10
• Same 1's digit, ten's digits sum is 10
• Same 1's digit, ten's digits sum isn`t 10
• two-digit number ab×cc (a+b=10)
• ab×ccc.....c (a+b=10)
• Multiply by 11
• 2-digit number if 1's digit is 1
• 2-digit number if tens place digit is 1
• 2-digit number ×2-digit number(universal)

• Divide any number by 5
• Divide any number by 25
• Divide any number by 125
• Divide any 3-figure number by 9

• Square numbers made up of 1's
• Square numbers made up of 3's
• Square numbers in the 90's
• Square numbers ten`s digit is 0
• Square a number ending in 25
• Square numbers made up of 6's
• Square numbers made up of 9's
• Square a number ending in 1
• Square a number ending in 5
• Square a number ending in 9
• Square numbers in the 10's
• Square numbers in the 40's
• Square numbers in the 50's
ВКармане - менеджер и надежный сейф для документов и персональных данных
Снижение цены
Категория: Производительность, Образ жизни 66р. ► Бесплатно
Выбор редакции Apple в России.

ВКармане — удобный менеджер и надежный сейф для ваших документов и персональных данных.

"Обязательное приложение для всех владельцев iPhone" - AppleInsider.ru

Вы когда-нибудь забывали важную информацию? Помните номер своего паспорта? Забыли пин код от карты? Потребовался ИНН, а он дома? Нужно отправить копии документов по эл. почте?

Установите ВКармане сейчас и решите проблемы.

— Используйте реалистичные шаблоны: паспорт, банковские карты, ИНН, СНИЛС, загран. паспорт, водительское удостоверение, ОМС, военный билет, свидетельства о рождении и браке, заметки и многие другие;
— Поддержка документов России, Украины и США. Новые страны в следующих версиях;
— Добавляйте и храните документы жены, детей, родителей, родственников;
— Прикрепляйте к документам фото копии;
— Легко отправляйте реквизиты документов через SMS или по эл. почте;
— Установите надежный пароль для входа в приложение и защиты ваших данных;
— Для доступа к документам не нужен Интернет. Все хранится только у вас на устройстве!
— Используйте синхронизацию iCloud и Dropbox, чтобы перенести данные с одного устройства на другое;
— Универсальное приложение для iPhone и iPad.

*** 100% надежно и безопасно ***
Ваши документы надежно защищены сверх стойким алгоритмом шифрования AES с длиной ключа 256 бит. AES-256 применяется во всем мире для шифрования данных с пометкой "совершенно секретно". Наше приложение проверено специалистами из области информационной безопасности и отвечает всем требованиям обеспечения защиты персональных данных. Подробнее о безопасности http://security.vkarmane.me

Есть вопрос, пожелание или вы нашли ошибку? Свяжитесь с нами: hello@vkarmane.me

Подписывайтесь на новости:
ВКонтакте http://vk.com/getvkarmane
Твиттер http://twitter.com/getvkarmane
Фейсбук http://facebook.com/getvkarmane

Наш сайт: http://vkarmane.me

Приложение ВКармане и его авторы, не занимаются сбором и обработкой персональных данных пользователей.
Первый Мститель. Другая война – официальная игра
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 99р. ► Бесплатно
Примечание: Требуется IOS 7 или более поздняя версия.

Станьте Капитаном Америкой и возглавьте ударный отряд Щ.И.Т. в войне с гнусными преступными организациями. Отбейте все атаки и дайте бой врагам!

Будучи командиром ударной группы, Капитан Америка должен использовать все свои тактически навыки для устранения угроз. Вам предстоит возглавить агентов и собрать из них мощную ударную силу, а когда исход боя будет решаться не в вашу пользу, вы сможете позвать на подмогу Черную Вдову или Сокола.

Найдите преступников, стоящих за всеми атаками, сорвите их планы и узнайте, какую роль в их подлом плане играет Зимний Солдат.

Игра 'Первый Мститель. Другая война' требует подключения к Интернету.

> Возглавьте ударный отряд агентов Щ.И.Т.
> Сражаясь с врагами, применяйте не только силу, но и смекалку
> С умом пользуйтесь супернавыками и неразрушимым щитом Мстителя
> Вызывайте Мстителей для оказания поддержки

> Увлекательный сюжет, созданный совместно с Христосом Гейджем, создателем комиксов Marvel
> Бросьте вызов культовым злодеям: Королевской Кобре, Надзирателю, Африканской Гадюке, Зимнему Солдату и прочим
> Иллюстрации и графика в духе настоящих комиксов

> Асинхронная игра: вступите в клан и бросьте вызов конкурентам!
> Боритесь за первые места в рейтингах
> Зарабатывайте классные награды на конкурсах

> Тренируйте агентов и улучшайте вооружение - раскройте весь потенциал в бою
> Изучайте новые приемы, чтобы атаки Капитана стали сильнее
> Открывайте и улучшайте костюмы Капитана Америки
> Исследуйте и навыки и предметы, чтобы быстрее выполнять задания


Посетите домашнюю страницу: http://www.gameloft.com.
Следите за нами в Твиттере: http://glft.co/GameloftonTwitter
Подпишитесь на новости Вконтакте: http://vk.com/gameloft_ru и получайте информацию обо всех новых играх.
Оцените нас на Facebook: http://facebook.com/Gameloft
Смотрите видео и игровые трейлеры: http://www.youtube.com/Gameloft
Читайте наш блог: http://glft.co/Gameloft_Official_Blog и будьте в курсе всех событий в Gameloft.
iTV Shows 3
Снижение цены
Категория: Развлечения, Новости 99р. ► Бесплатно
iTV Shows 3 is the best series tracker you’ve ever seen. This powerful app helps you follow your favorite shows and discover new ones in just minutes. iTV Shows 3 was designed exclusively for iOS 7.

Access everything
• With the use of multiple databases, your series information has never been so accurate
• Preview and buy series on iTunes Store right on your device

Keep track
• Mark your watched episodes
• Easily see the next episode to watch
• Receive notifications when a new episode begins

• With iCloud built in, your series and watched episodes are kept up-to-date across all your devices
• Open your trakt.tv account to keep all of your data from trakt.tv in sync

• Discover new shows based on those you have already viewed
• Access the most watched series of the moment
• Never miss a series premiere

• Access a daily calendar
• Make time zone adjustments
• Find the dates of local broadcasts in France and Germany

• Add your friends and see what they’re watching
• Share info with your friends through Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and email

• See your global progression
• Look at how much time you spend watching TV

Get the latest news by subscribing to our social media channels
• Twitter — @iTVShowsApp
• Facebook — facebook.com/iTVShows
• Google+ — gplus.to/iTVShows

To report a bug, make a suggestion or ask for support, please contact us within the App or via our website: www.itvshowsapp.com
Mencal:Mental Arithmetic Training, Improve Your Skills In Math
Снижение цены
Категория: Образование, Игры, Обучающие 66р. ► Бесплатно
Free for a limited time
iPad Version :
Example:38×32=1216(Same ten's digit,1's sum to 10)
①:Multiply tens place digit by itself plus 1
②:Add two zeros to the end of step①
③:Multiply the two one's digits together
④:Add the results of step② and ③

"This app rocks!! Great for Math Team practice!" -by Bubba Smith
"Great app, make me feel less stupid" -by Howie_Serious
"Its a useful app for anyone who wants to know the numbers deeper" -by sjzbim
"It's a good app for both kids and sometimes even adults" -by Willwang1985

Now you can easily improve your skills in mental arithmetics! Mencal is an app help you with your mental arithmetic.There are many tutorials and smart test engine in this app.

• Two-digit number like ab+ba
• Three-digit number like abc+cba
• Two fractions like 1/a+1/b
• Two fractions like (a-1)/a + (b-1)/b
• Sum of first n odd numbers
• Sum of first n even numbers

• Two-digit number like ab-ba
• Three-digit number like abc-cba
• m-n if m+n=100,1000,10000...
• Two fractions like 1/a-1/b
• Two fractions like c/a-c/b
• Two fractions like (a-1)/a-(b-1)/b

• Same ten's digit, 1's sum is 10
• Same ten's digit, 1's sum isn`t 10
• Same 1's digit, ten's digits sum is 10
• Same 1's digit, ten's digits sum isn`t 10
• two-digit number ab×cc (a+b=10)
• ab×ccc.....c (a+b=10)
• Multiply by 11
• 2-digit number if 1's digit is 1
• 2-digit number if tens place digit is 1
• 2-digit number ×2-digit number(universal)

• Divide any number by 5
• Divide any number by 25
• Divide any number by 125
• Divide any 3-figure number by 9

• Square numbers made up of 1's
• Square numbers made up of 3's
• Square numbers in the 90's
• Square numbers ten`s digit is 0
• Square a number ending in 25
• Square numbers made up of 6's
• Square numbers made up of 9's
• Square a number ending in 1
• Square a number ending in 5
• Square a number ending in 9
• Square numbers in the 10's
• Square numbers in the 40's
• Square numbers in the 50's
True Skate
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Спорт 66р. ► Бесплатно
*** Free for a very limited time only ***

The most authentic skateboarding game ever.

Touch Arcade review - 4.5/5 - "True skate is clearly something special"

The Official Street League Skateboarding Mobile Game.

Note: True Skate comes with a single skate park and contains additional content only available by In-App purchase. See below.

- Realistic touch based physics.
- Flick the board to make it react exactly how you would expect.
- Drag your finger on the ground to push.
- A beautiful skate park to get lost in including ledges, stairs, grind rails plus a bowl, half pipe and quarter pipes. (Additional skate parks are now available as an In-App Purchase)
- Smooth graphics.
- Slow motion.
- User challenges
- Replay viewer
- Global leaderboards.

Available by IN-APP PURCHASE only:
- Additional skateparks and locations.
- Street League Skateboarding courses.

Optional IN-APP PURCHASES: (The same content is also available for free by spending True Credits earned by doing tricks and finishing missions)
- Unlock all missions.
- Unlimited slow motion.
- Unlimited board image changes.
- Unlimited wheel color changes.

Trick Possibilities:
50 50 grind, 5 0 grind, boardslide, rail slide, tail slide, nose slide, darkslide, dark 50 50, suski grind, smith grind, feeble grind, salad grind, nose grind, crooked grind, lazy grind, overcrook, losi grind, bluntslide, noseblunt, kickflip, heelflip, pop shove-it, 360 pop shove-it, backside 180, frontside 180, ollie, nollie, impossible, hard flip, 360 hard flip, inward heelflip,360 inward heelflip, varial kickflip, nightmare flip, 360 flip, varial heelflip, laser flip, late tricks and more, or what ever else you can make the board do.
Pocket Snapper - iModel and Virtual Photo Shoot
Снижение цены
Категория: Фото и видео, Развлечения 66р. ► Бесплатно
To celebrate the new updated version, Pocket Snapper will be FREE [For Limited Time]. Grab it now, before it’s too late. Featured in AppsGoneFree. Your daily free app resource.

“There are so many features to your disposal that this photo app can replace all your others” - Mactrast
“It looks fantastic, it works flawlessly, and it offers you a lot of value for money” - theappreviewzone
Ever wondered how it feels like to be in a real photo shoot with stunning models? Pocket Snapper gives you the ultimate photo shoot experience with iModels. We provide exclusive pre-installed video clips of beautiful models in movement, either walking, posing or mimicking different emotions for you to snap away. No missed or blurry shots! Take pictures of dynamic scenes with distinctive fast photo capture functions. Pocket Snapper is a must for those who want to experience an exciting and interactive way of photography. You no longer need to hire models or buy expensive equipment. With Pocket Snapper, it’s all in your pocket!

Use the iModels for posing inspiration and take your own pictures or record videos with outstanding filters. Another exceptional feature is the ability to take snapshots from self-recorded video clips. Edit your photos and films creatively. Pocket Snapper throws in dozens of amazing effects and layouts to decorate in your desired way. A rich set of photo enhancement tools await you to explore.

Remember, creativity has no boundaries. Let loose and snap away!

+ Exclusive iModel video clips
*3 glamorous models with diverse themes
*Exclusive model profiles, snapshots and collections of videos
*Limited free videos will be released nonscheduled – stay tuned!

+ Powerful camera functions
*Fast camera capture & continuous shooting
*Smart focus system
*Adjustable self- timer
*Support to photo/record vertically

+Superb video recording/ editing features
*24 dynamic FX effects – can be applied instantly
*Combine & trim recorded video clips into a short film – Produce your own movie!

+ Awesome photo editing options
*15 artistic filters for endless fun
*15 stylish frames to make your photos unique
*4 collages to make creative layouts – Photo Collage, Photo Brick, Picture Clothesline & Cover Style
*Quick photo brightness adjustment
+ Ways to share your photos & videos
*Instant sharing via Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, SkyDrive, Picasa, YouTube
*Save directly to Photo Library

+ Redesigned user interface
*Simple and intuitive gesture operation
*Organized album management – Allow to preview the photos taken
*Quick start for first time users
*Support 9 languages interface – English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese
iPacking - Easy Trip Packing List
Снижение цены
Категория: Путешествия 66р. ► Бесплатно
"iPacking Makes Packing for any Trip Quick and Efficient"
– Lifehacker

"Don't forget your important items"
– AppPicker

“iPacking is a Must-Have App for Personal and Business Travelers & Makes Packing Fast, Simple, Accurate & Fun"
– appshout


iPacking is an excellent and funny packed app. The app can help you pack your luggage and handle any type of trip you take. Whether you are going to business trip, taking a vacation, going camping or just a road trip. Even more wonderful was that the app lets you more like packed.


- A great "Pack Now" option to help users efficiently complete their packing list, while they use simple and intuitive gestures to navigate through each item.
- A database of over 340 possible travel items, plus the option to add an unlimited number of items.
- A database of various travel templates – such as camping, business trip, and so on – that can be customized to fit each user’s current and future requirements.
-The ability to create an unlimited number of lists and categories to easily manage the packing duties for any kind of trip -- whether it’s across the city, or on the other side of the world.
- A handy filter to see items that are packed or unpacked.
- Social integration to share packing lists with family, friends and colleagues via Facebook, Twitter or email, so they can confirm that the packing list is complete.
- An “Unpack All” option for travelers who are essentially repeating the same trip, and want to ensure that they take the same items.
- Show only items that are packed, unpacked, or show them all.
- Edit item number.
- Add the item to a new or existing category.
- Copy List : when you need to create a similar one.
- Easier edit items for rearrange, rename, change the category and move them.
- Print your list directly to a printer.
- Save list as template.

iPacking isn’t only for trips. Create lists for shopping, Todo and other miscellaneous tasks.

# We hope you to use iPacking on iOS7, because iOS7 has more powerful performance:)
TinyPDF - Fill Forms, Annotate PDF with Professional Reader
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Категория: Бизнес 169р. ► Бесплатно
TinyPDF is a professional app to annotate, read, manage and share your PDFs. With TinyPDF, you can easily annotate PDFs, add bookmarks, highlight texts, add notes, sign on PDFs, add stamps or draw with your own finger.

TinyPDF offers powerful file management. It’s easy to get PDF documents into Tiny PDF and send them out. You can transfer PDFs with computers, emails or cloud storages such as Dropbox, Google Drive and Box.

Annotate PDF
*Highlight, underline and strike-through texts.
*Fill forms.
*Create notes.
*Free-style drawing on PDF.
*Add texts.
*Add signature.
*Add professional stamps.

File Sharing and Management
*Email PDF directly with all annotations.
*Open PDF in other applications.
*Dropbox, Google Drive and Box.
*Print via AirPrint
*Create folders to manage documents.
*Sort documents by name, date or size.
*Delete, move, copy and rename documents.
*Create password to protect your documents.

PDF Reader
*Tabbed reading.
*Customize page display and scroll direction.
*Full text search.
*Manage bookmarks, outlines and comments.

If you have any problems or suggestions please send a mail to pdfmaster@appxy.com. You will get the response with solutions in a short time.
Dark Lands
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 99р. ► Бесплатно
"[...] Dark Lands comes with a bold, moody, silhouetted visual aesthetic". 4/5 148Apps

"The inclusion of combat into a side scroller/runner style game serves to add a depth to the game [...]". 8,5/10 Capsule Computers

Игра Dark Lands совместима со следующими устройствами: iPhone 4 и выше, iPad 2 и выше, iPod Touch 5-го поколения

Dark Lands — увлекательный раннер с эпическими сражениями в мире теней и величественных пейзажей.

Оптимизируйте характеристики своего героя, чтобы пройти режим приключения и выжить в бесконечном режиме. Вперед в мир выживания!

Погрузитесь в Древнюю Грецию, населенную мрачными мифологическими существами. Проложите путь через орды скелетов и троллей, сразитесь с ужасными скорпионами и минотаврами.

Избегайте многочисленных ловушек, расставленных на вашем пути. Старайтесь извлечь из них максимум пользы и обратить против своих врагов.

Оптимизируйте своего греческого воина: оснастите его спартанским шлемом и другими защитными доспехами.

Выберите оружие и отправляйтесь навстречу судьбе!

- Бегите и сражайтесь с помощью суперточного управления

- Пройдите 40 миссий в режиме приключения и постарайтесь выжить в бесконечном режиме

- Индивидуализируйте своего героя, выберите для него оружие, доспехи и оптимизируйте его характеристики

- Сражайтесь с ордами мифологических существ (воинами-скелетами, минотаврами, гигантскими скорпионами и т. д.)

- Избегайте ловушек и обращайте их против своих врагов

- Развивайтесь в прекрасном мире света и теней, напоминающем о гончарном искусстве Древней Греции

- Играйте в ритме эпической завораживающей музыки

- Разблокируйте более 50 достижений и впишите свое имя в пантеон легендарных воинов Dark Lands
Big Action Mega Fight!
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Категория: Игры, Боевики, Аркады 99р. ► 66р.
Big Action Mega Fight! is a classic-style beat 'em up/brawler game with a modern twist! Hilarious cartoon fighting action meets incredibly fluid touch-screen controls, designed from the ground up for smartphones and tablets.

Megatropolis is overrun with vicious criminal gangs and it's up to Brick Strongarm and his killer moustache to save the city!


"Double Stallion is clearly paying homage to a simpler time of gaming. A time when you could tell a man was a real man because he was wearing a cut-off denim jacket and studded leather gloves."

"There’s no denying the primal charm that comes from a scrolling beat-em-up, and Big Action Mega Fight! achieves this with aplomb."



- Punch your way through over 35 stages of non-stop fighting action
- Upgrade your fighter and learn new special attacks like: Fistnado, Orbital Punch, Poultry Rain, and more
- Intuitive touch-based controls will make you forget you ever needed a controller to play fighting games
- Luscious hand-drawn sprite animation and varied detailed environments
- Gripping dramatic storyline
- Bodacious soundtrack that'll make you wish it was still 1989

- iOS controller support
- iCloud support
- Game Center achievements and leaderboards
- Optimized for iOS 7


Get the soundtrack:

Get some swag:


Best played on iPhone 4S+, iPad 2+ and iPod Touch 5th Generation.

Big Action Mega Fight! is the perfect compliment to your arsenal of mobile games!

WinZip Full Version - The leading zip unzip and cloud file management tool
Снижение цены
Категория: Утилиты, Производительность 169р. ► 66р.
“Trying to open a zip file on your mobile phone? Good luck -- unless you happen to have this handy tool installed. It launches directly from your inbox to give you a look inside those pesky file packages. “ - Mashable

Get the world’s #1 zip utility on iOS! Create Zip and Zipx files, encrypt, open Zip, Zipx, 7z or RAR files, and easily share by email, Dropbox, Twitter or Facebook.

WinZip makes it easy to handle Zip and RAR files on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch!
Whether you received a Zip, Zipx, 7z or RAR file as an email attachment, or want to download and view the contents of a Zip, Zipx, 7z and RAR file from the web, just “Open with WinZip”. Sharing files is safe and simple too, with direct integration with Dropbox and support for AirDrop.

Now you can:

• Choose Zip or Zipx to compress and email large files and photos with ease
• Unzip major compressed file types, including .ZIP, .Zipx, .RAR, .7z and LHA with just a tap
• Protect your Zip/Zipx files from prying eyes with powerful 128 or 256-bit AES encryption
• Easily view all images in a zip file with the enhanced image viewer
• Browse your Photo Album and easily multi-select, zip and share photo collections
• Open and save email attachments or Dropbox files in a My Files folder locally on your iPhone or iPad
• Share zip files to Facebook and Twitter
• Unzip and view most common file types including: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pages, .numbers, .key, .rtf, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, and more
• Easily upload files to Dropbox and manage Dropbox files

View any of the following types of files within your Zip or RAR file:

• Word documents (.doc, .docx)
• Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx)
• PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx)
• PDF files (.pdf)
• Photos and images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff)
• Text files (.txt, .ini, .inf, .bat, .js, .log, .xml, .css, .java, .cs, .h, .m, .cpp, .c, .sql)
• Web documents (.htm, .html, .jsp, .asp)
• Rich Text Format documents (.rtf)
• Keynote presentations (.key)
• Numbers spreadsheets (.numbers)
• Pages documents (.pages)
• Media files (.m4a, .mp3, .wav, .mp4, .mov)
Cradle of Rome 2 HD
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки 169р. ► Бесплатно
С Приложением Дня HD бесплатно только сегодня
Cкачайте Приложение Дня HD и каждый день в течение 24 часов наслаждайтесь одним платным приложением абсолютно бесплатно

Добро пожаловать в легендарный Cradle Of Rome 2 – продолжение популярной линейки Cradle!

Вы когда-либо мечтали стать правителем собственной страны, где всё зависит только от вас? Игра Cradle of Rome 2 HD в жанре «три в ряд» поможет осуществить эту мечту. Вам представляется уникальная возможность стать императором Римской империи! В Cradle of Rome 2 HD вас ждет еще более увлекательный геймплей, новые режимы игры, постройка города с уникальными жителями, мини-игры, впечатляющие бонусы и неповторимый сеттинг. Собирайте ресурсы и развивайте свой город. Рим – это символ богатства и успеха, так что не подведите своих жителей!

P.S. Игра Cradle Of Rome 2 отлично подойдет для любого возраста – от 3 до 133!

- Увлекательный геймплей в жанре «три в ряд»
- Три захватывающих игровых режима
- Оригинальные мини-игры
- Новые бонусы, здания и жители
- Неповторимый сеттинг и уникальная атмосфера античности
- Посмотрите ролик Cradle Of Rome 2 на YouTube: http://youtu.be/pPV4z3iW3_0?t=3s
- Остались сомнения? Попробуй бесплатную версию - Cradle of Rome 2 (HD)

● Cradle of Rome – 100 захватывающих уровней 3-в-ряд, от которых вы не сможете оторваться!
● Golden Trails: The New Western Rush — вас ждут захватывающие приключения и удивительная атмосфера Дикого Запада!
● Golden Trails 2: The Lost Legacy – отыщи более 2 000 предметов и раскрой тайну пиратских сокровищ!
● Star Defender 3 – более 100 уровней и широкий выбор инопланетных космических кораблей и оружия!
● Star Defender 4 — проиграйте более 100 захватывающих уровней, выполните 8 секретных миссий и спасите человечество, сокрушая все на своем пути!
● Заходи на Mac App Store за другими играми Awem!

Загляни к нам: http://www.awem.com/
Подружись с нами: http://www.facebook.com/awemgames
Следуй за нами: http://twitter.com/#!/awem
Смотри нас: http://www.youtube.com/user/awemgames
Читай нас: http://pinterest.com/awemgames/
Снижение цены
Категория: Утилиты, Образ жизни 99p. ► Бесплатно
*Free for a week*
Fully support cloud based notebook, let you store and share your notebook through cloud

Download Pento to keep your artistic expressions fresh and life's experiences at your fingertips. Discover your thoughts with our notebook that records your words and memories as well as saves your favorite reading material. Access your life in moments and keep your memories fresh in your mind. Drag and drop videos and pictures, paint artwork, collect writings and reading materials to keep your memories alive.

Pento notebook is developed with state-of-the-art technologies which is different with most notebooks on the market. Traditional notebook software can only make notes which contain words and pictures; under using our new technologies, Pento is a cloud based notebook software, which can take rich media information from web like online video from YouTube, snapshot of websites ,etc.

- Microsoft SkyDrive hosted cloud notebook service
- Directly login and register SkyDrive to enable cloud notebook
- Store, add, delete, sync notebook on cloud
- Upload or download notebook through incremental updates
- Share cloud notebook to your friends
- Import shared cloud notebook of your friends

- Personal notebook
- Multiple methods to edit and insert media to notebooks
- Rich media notes.
- New note page management system for fast page adding, removing and rearranging.
- Website information can be picked up directly from build-in browser
- Direct information picking from build-in twitter reader.
- Support Undo/Redo your editing
- The anchors page of popular web sites
- With 35 Filters to generate colourful pictures and notebook cover

- Quick navigation for page thumbnails
- Share pages with email and twitter
Calculator Magic - All in 1
Снижение цены
Категория: Производительность, Утилиты 99р. ► Бесплатно
---#1 Calculator app on iPhone/iPad/iPod.---

Solving complex mathematical equations has never been so easy on iOS. This app can perform operations ranging from logarithmic functions, solving differential and integral equations, matrices to representing equations in graphical form. This app can replace the best scientific calculators available in the market on the basis of functionality and most importantly simplicity which makes it very convenient for the user. Available in the market for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, this app is a cure for your calculations phobia!


► Interface: It has elegant and intuitive interface. Simple to grasp and easy to use.

► Basic and advanced functions- Apart from arithmetic operators, this calculator supports many scientific functions and computes advanced expressions. Powerful features are available when you need them. Available functions include the following:

→ the usual arithmetic functions and exponentiation.

→ square root, cube root, nth root, natural log, log with base 2 and 10, absolute value, factorial, permutation (p(n,r)), combinations (C(n,r)), random number, standard deviation, mean, median, summation, remainder, percent.

→ trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, tangent, hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, hyperbolic tangent and all their inverses.

→ bitwise operators.

→ Use parenthesis and nested parenthesis in your calculations.

→ Long press on any calculations that you have performed and easily use the result or expression or share the expression with any of your friends.

► Graph- This calculator allows 2-D equation plotting.

Up to 6 equations can be visualized simultaneously.

It allows dragging the graph and pinching to zoom in or out.

You can use all the basic and advanced functions into the equation for which the graph has to be plotted.

► Matrices- This calculator allows you to enter matrices in a very user friendly way and can perform operations on them.

You can set number of rows and columns (max 5 x 5) for any matrix you want to apply operation on.

Perform any mathematical function on the element of a matrix.

You can add, subtract and multiply any number of matrices. Special functions like transpose, inverse and X=AB^(-1) i.e. A/B are also provided.

► Integration - You can perform definite integration.

Use any mathematical functions and form up an expression.

Enter the upper and the lower limit which involves entering only numerical value i.e. pi() can be entered as 3.1415926.

► Differentiation - You can perform differentiation or derivative of any expression at any point.

► Equation solver- This calculator allows you to solve higher degree equations as well as linear equation in multiple variables.
It allows you to set degree (max 4) i.e. you can solve the equation with up to 4 degree with maximum number of roots being 4.

It allows you to set number of variables (max 3- x,y,z) i.e. you can solve the equation with up to 3 variables and find out their values.

► Unit converter- This calculator includes a very simple and beautifully designed unit converter with 12 categories and many different units.

Currently converts different units of the following: length, area, weight, volume, temperature, time, speed, acceleration, pressure, force, energy, power. Great for doing physics homework!

► History log- This calculator remembers what you have calculated. These past computations are always at your fingertips. You can share them with anyone and can reuse them whenever you want.

► Share- Doesn't matter how many calculations you have performed on the screen, they can be shared via one simple share button on the screen. And in a moment, it would be available for your friends to see.
Email your calculations and graphs from inside the app.

► Offline - This calculator works completely offline, no need to be connected to internet

For Feedback/Support, contact us at support@phonato.com
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 99р. ► 66р.
33.3333333% off to celebrate being featured by Apple! Get it quick!

"DUNGEONy™ is an arcade, puzzle-like dungeon crawler with random roguelike elements."

*** Featured on the App Store under 'Best New Games' ***

The game features Perma Death, RPG elements (level up your attack + stamina), Turn-based attacks, Random enemy spawns and loot drops, Multiple themed dungeons, Random 'Special' levels with unique elements, shops, BOMBS! and more.

There are 6 playable characters, each with their own difficulty; over 30 different enemies; and 4 themes of dungeon: The Castle, The Jungle, The Sewers, and The Temple. At the end of 32 levels, you square off against a formidable teleporting boss.

Don't be surprised if you die a lot figuring out what to do; retro games are light on hand-holding, so you'll find little tutorialization here.

DUNGEONy™ draws great re-play value from a mixture of character difficulty and random gameplay.

DUNGEONy™ was developed by a single individual - with music from Gas1312.

We appreciate kind reviews if you have a moment :)

There's currently a large content update in the works, which brings new playable characters, new items, new enemies, updated gameplay, harder (more strategic) overall difficulty, and new levels (including more level variations), and overall visual improvements. Stay tuned for ver 2.0!

Music by Gas1312

© Korigame Entertainment LTD.

Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/korigame

--- More games by Korigame Entertainment LTD. ---

Squishy Cats: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/squishy-cats/id680113081?mt=8

Pixel Whale: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pixel-whale/id824375932?ls=1&mt=8

fõrma: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/forma/id875172704?ls=1&mt=8
Снижение цены
Категория: Производительность, Утилиты 33p. ► Бесплатно

" There are many different reminder/to-do apps on the App Market, but Dooo takes a very unique approach towards their creation." - Dot Tech

" Dooo Is A Nice Todo App For Doers. " - Cult of Mac

" Dooo is a Visually Striking Thought Manager for iPhone." - Beautiful Pixels

" It does all this and more thanks to its impressive and well-organized interface." - 148Apps

" Dooo Provides Everything You Could Need For Task Management " - AppAdvice

Lightening idea doesn't seem to last for a long time. There might have been a
million dollar worth idea! Don't Lose Your Thoughts!! DOOO helps you.
DOOO is a utterly smart tool for organizing your ideas,pictures,voices,sketches
and even maps with quick and easy user interface.

++ User Reviews ++

+ Perfect - Just the, to-do list, app I was looking for. My schedule was
always so jumbled before I started using this great app, and the tape and priority is cool addition. Reminds me of sticky notes I would be using in
real life. Definite download for anyone with a hectic schedule,
and forgetful people.

+ Just right - They have come up with a very practical app here. Not too much not too little. I love the fact that I can voice record my todo list as I seem to remember things mostly when I'm driving but forget those things by the time I get to destination. Highly recommend it.

+ Reason I got a smart phone - Awesome I was waiting for something like this for a while! Exactly what I needed to remind me what to do. No more post it's for me

+ Most todo list miss the point of simplicity. This app is easy to put tasks in quick. The recording option is good as well. It's like the app orchestrate but a more simple clean UI.

+ Excellent app for making quick notes (written & spoken) on the fly. It's made it to my home screen. I use it to collect notes & ideas, then decide what to to with them later - one for the diary, another for Evernote (also v. good) etc
CalCube - Оперативный, красивый и простой календарь
Снижение цены
Категория: Утилиты, Образ жизни 66р. ► Бесплатно
Calcube is FREE for a limited time | Brought to you by 3 Magic Shots. Download 3 Magic Shots to get more awesome apps like Calcube for FREE

CalCube - самый быстрый из имеющихся календарей.
Вам нужно ввести только название и время события. Другие реквизиты уже настроены при первом запуске приложения. Именно это заставляет CalCube работать гораздо быстрее, чем ваш календарь по умолчанию.

Но не только это:

• Гораздо лучший обзор за неделю
• Интуитивная навигация
• Прогноз погоды от Weathercube, встроенный в календарь
• Удостоенное наград оформление
• Естественно, CalCube синхронизируется с iCloud, Google Agenda, iCal и т.д.

CalCube - The Quick, Slick & Easy Calendar by Appsuperb
Perfect Paths
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Настольные, Головоломки 129р. ► 33р.
Perfect Paths is amazing puzzle solving game where you create paths and add other instructions to move blocks to their designated positions. Blocks can be combined or separated. These simple rules create interesting environment, where each puzzle can be solved in many different ways.

• Simple and original gameplay mechanics which allow any player to find his own solution.
• Beautiful handcrafted levels with optimal difficulty curve. First levels were tested by 3 years old ;)
• Full-featured game center integration. Including in-game leaderboards, friend challenges...
• Stylish, beautiful minimalistic presentation.
• Gorgeous super smooth UI animations.
• Low battery usage.
• High re-playability and new levels coming out every week.
Stephen Hawking's Snapshots of the Universe
Снижение цены
Категория: Образование, Книги 169р. ► 99р.
How does the universe work? Stephen Hawking’s Snapshots of the Universe explains the principles that control our universe through simple and fun experiments. From one of the world’s greatest thinkers you’ll learn why:
- Planets stay in orbit around stars
- Black holes may not actually be black
- Time is not the same for everyone
- Objects fall at different speeds
- Stars are not always where we perceive them to be
- Motion and location depend on an outside observer
- Gravity and acceleration have more in common than you think
- Our understanding of the universe has evolved over time.

Based on the work and writings of Stephen Hawking, this app teaches both adults and students the basic theories that govern our lives on Earth as well as the movement of the stars and planets. You can play and learn at the same time in each of the eight experiments included in Snapshots of the Universe:
- Spin planets in orbit with your own solar system
- Drop objects with Galileo to learn about gravity
- Let Einstein feel some G-force in outer space
- Search for black holes in the constellation of Leo
- Discover Einstein’s warped worldview
- Plus more…

Each experiment includes an interactive portion and a deeper-dive text section that helps you understand the science and key theories. In addition, select experiments include video segments that provide further visual explanations.

Optimized and styled for iOS 7 with clean and streamlined graphic elements, the app also supports Dynamic Type so you can resize the text of the “Why?” screens.

App Support: If you experience any problems with the Snapshots of the Universe app, please e-mail us at support@randomhousedigital.com.
Ticket to Ride
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Настольные, Развлечения 229р. ► 99р.

Elegantly simple… 3 minutes to learn… tension building at every turn – definitely NOT your Father's train game!

*** Apple Game of the Week (iPad), June 9-15, 2011 – #1 in Strategy Games – #1 in Board Games – #9 in Top Apps in the App Store*** (Source: TopAppCharts, May-June 2011)

**Pocket Gamer: 9/10 with Gold Award – "A fantastic adaptation of an excellent boardgame, and a must-buy for strategy fans"

**Ars Technica: "The iPad version of Ticket to Ride impresses right from the beginning."

**Wired: "the app is a beaut. If you’re a fan of board games and you’ve got an iPad, this is definitely one you’ll want to get."

**148Apps: 5 Stars and Editor's Choice – "…the best translation of a board game to iOS yet"

**iOS Board Games (BoardGameGeek.com): 9.5/10 – "A fun and engaging app that offers a sleek and speedy online multiplayer system. It ranks up there with the best offerings on iOS."

By the makers of Small World for iPad, winner of the Pocket Gamer Awards 2011 for Best iPad Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year!

The best Online adaptation yet of Days of Wonder’s best-selling train game, Ticket to Ride features:

• Includes Pass-and-Play with up to 5 live opponents on one iPad
• Alan R. Moon’s official Ticket to Ride maps with original artwork
• Game Center and Days of Wonder Online support for Online Play against other iPad, Mac and PC gamers
• An unparalleled online player community with tens of thousands of live opponents willing and ready to play 24/7!
• Solo play against up to 4 AI players
• Additional maps of Europe, Switzerland and USA 1910 available as in-game purchases
• Terrific iPad video tutorial with voice acting for quick and easy learning
• Detailed, interactive turn-by-turn, in-game tutorial
• Contextual in-game Conductor’s Notes (web-based rules) to help you master all the maps
• Grand Central Station, a fully-animated and colorful experience to discover the world of Ticket to Ride
• Online and offline Hall of Fame
Снижение цены
Категория: Развлечения, Образ жизни 66р. ► Бесплатно
*NOTE* This app is IPAD 2+ ONLY. It requires a camera

* Featured in "New & Noteworthy" in UK & US *
* FWA app of the day 14th September 2011 *

Composite allows you to remix your surroundings to create artistic compositions. Inspired by the collages of Robert Rauschenberg, this iPad 2 app gives you the opportunity to paint pictures using the live front and back facing cameras. Simply point your device towards your subject and start painting to reveal it. A variety of control over the brush and video stream is offered to allow for different aesthetics. These include brightness, contrast, colour offset, alpha, blur and thickness.

Please email your best work to submissions@composite-app.com to be featured in the Composite gallery - http://www.flickr.com/compositeapp



"you can record your subject in real-time, toy with how it appears on your screen... and make something really expressive. This is your new time waster" - Gizmodo

"The results are striking, combining the visual effect of a painting with the immediacy of a photograph. Making a Composite image real does feel like painting with video, and turns out to be a good way of portraying the feel of a place or the atmosphere of an event." - CultOfMac

"This app is amazing. It encourages creativity by showing the user what the world can look like through the eyes of an artist. You can spend hours recreating deeply textured and richly colored images and easily save them to your camera roll. For only $1.99, you will feel like a true artist." - AppAdvice

"Composite... allow[s] you to remix your surroundings on the touchscreen, forming painterly compositions as you reveal the world via dreamy, expressionistic sketches in a real-time video stream" - The Creators Project

Also featured in:

- Wired blog
- Creative Applications
- Design.org
- Create Digital Motion
- Page Online


User comments

"With this tool in hand we can quickly and easily let the subconscious go to work without interference from the pesky thoughts. Easy, deep, and great fun" - Stephen Beveridge

"Never seen anything like it- instant fun and probably the start of a new form of art. Just genius" - Mike Renwick

"A fantastic app that really uses the features of the ipad to unlock your abstract creativity!" - Gazmondo

Very cool app
"I recently saw this on creative applications and fell in love immediately. Everything about the concept and the inspiration for it struck a cord... the iPad as an art creation tool has much potential and apps like this are helping it get there" - Paradical
WinZip Full Version - The leading zip unzip and cloud file management tool
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Категория: Утилиты, Производительность 169р. ► 66р.
“Trying to open a zip file on your mobile phone? Good luck -- unless you happen to have this handy tool installed. It launches directly from your inbox to give you a look inside those pesky file packages. “ - Mashable

Get the world’s #1 zip utility on iOS! Create Zip and Zipx files, encrypt, open Zip, Zipx, 7z or RAR files, and easily share by email, Dropbox, Twitter or Facebook.

WinZip makes it easy to handle Zip and RAR files on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch!
Whether you received a Zip, Zipx, 7z or RAR file as an email attachment, or want to download and view the contents of a Zip, Zipx, 7z and RAR file from the web, just “Open with WinZip”. Sharing files is safe and simple too, with direct integration with Dropbox and support for AirDrop.

Now you can:

• Choose Zip or Zipx to compress and email large files and photos with ease
• Unzip major compressed file types, including .ZIP, .Zipx, .RAR, .7z and LHA with just a tap
• Protect your Zip/Zipx files from prying eyes with powerful 128 or 256-bit AES encryption
• Easily view all images in a zip file with the enhanced image viewer
• Browse your Photo Album and easily multi-select, zip and share photo collections
• Open and save email attachments or Dropbox files in a My Files folder locally on your iPhone or iPad
• Share zip files to Facebook and Twitter
• Unzip and view most common file types including: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pages, .numbers, .key, .rtf, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, and more
• Easily upload files to Dropbox and manage Dropbox files

View any of the following types of files within your Zip or RAR file:

• Word documents (.doc, .docx)
• Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx)
• PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx)
• PDF files (.pdf)
• Photos and images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff)
• Text files (.txt, .ini, .inf, .bat, .js, .log, .xml, .css, .java, .cs, .h, .m, .cpp, .c, .sql)
• Web documents (.htm, .html, .jsp, .asp)
• Rich Text Format documents (.rtf)
• Keynote presentations (.key)
• Numbers spreadsheets (.numbers)
• Pages documents (.pages)
• Media files (.m4a, .mp3, .wav, .mp4, .mov)
Foxcard Pro &Сканер визитных карточек, читатель Визитная карточка, признание карта
Снижение цены
Категория: Бизнес, Производительность 33р. ► Бесплатно
[Описание функции]
FoxCard является самым специальным софтом распознавания визитной карточки, обладает выдающейся техникой распознавания и самой быстрой скоростью распознавания, может быстро, точно распознавать визитную карточку на разных языках, автоматически сохраняет их в адресной книге.

Кроме того, он имеет своеобразные функции, которые отличаются от однородных софтов:

Мгновенно распознавать визитную карточку, быстро сохранять в адресной книге мобильника;

Добавлять скульптуру головы, картину и письменность, примечание для визитной карточки;

Полностью местное распознавание, не нужно соединяться с сетью, гарантировать абсолютную безопасность данных.

Язык распознавания:
Английский, французский, немецкий, итальянский, испанский, португальский, шведский, русский

[Наши предложения]
Чтобы достигать лучшего эффекта, гарантируйте вашу сфотографированную картину

- Чем четче, тем лучше (просим, чтобы в месте, где луч света хороший, фотографировать, при фотографировании насколько только возможно не дрожать)

- Чем картина больше, тем лучше (просим, чтобы при фотографировании насколько только возможно навести картину на рамку напоминания)

- Положить мобильник наверху визитной карточку, насколько только возможно сохранять параллельное направление.
AppZilla 4 : 200 apps In 1!
Снижение цены
Категория: Утилиты, Развлечения 33р. ► Бесплатно
AppZilla, the monster of the App Store, is BACK! With a whopping 200 apps inside, AppZilla is a must have for any iOS device!

AppZilla 4 sports NEW ADDITIONS like FingerFlo, Filter Cam, Monster Booth, Protein Calculator, Checkers, Star Chains, QR Code Generator, Jigsaw Puzzle as well as updated fan-favorites like Battery Life, Language Translator, Space Cows, Age Calculator, Sleep Sounds, Media Vault, Solitaire, and more!

AppZilla is a one-of-a-kind app that spans Productivity, Entertainment, Photo Effects, Games, Health & Fitness, Conversion Tools, Finance, Music and Audio, Reference, and more - truly earning it the nickname - "swiss army knife of the App Store".

Check out the app list below and discover what makes AppZilla 4 the best AppZilla we've ever made!

------ Feature Highlights ------

- Optimized for iPhone 5/iPod 5 Screen
- Optimized for iOS 7
- App Category Views
- Auto-Launch App System
- Dot-Lock Protection for apps
- Mark apps as favorites for quick access
- Hide/Unhide/Reorder apps
- English and Metric Units
- App Search

------ AppZilla™ Apps ------

(NEW!) Blur Camera
(NEW!) Bracket Master
(NEW!) Breakker
(NEW!) Calling Codes
(NEW!) Checkers
(NEW!) Cheer Horn
(NEW!) Code Buster
(NEW!) DJ Booth
(NEW!) Earthquakes
(NEW!) Emoji Banner
(NEW!) Filter Camera
(NEW!) FingerFlo
(NEW!) Fireplace
(NEW!) Fish Flip
(NEW!) Flash Cards
(NEW!) Flip Book
(NEW!) Food Alerts
(NEW!) Frame Camera
(NEW!) Slam Van
(NEW!) Gift List
(NEW!) Glow Camera
(NEW!) Grocery List
(NEW!) Guitar Tuner
(NEW!) Hearts
(NEW!) Enforcer
(NEW!) Jigsaw Puzzle
(NEW!) King’s Corner
(NEW!) Leet Speak
(NEW!) Margin Calculator
(NEW!) Medicine Alerts
(NEW!) Minefield
(NEW!) Monster Booth
(NEW!) Mood Tracker
(NEW!) Num Convert
(NEW!) Nut Guide
(NEW!) Mosaic Camera
(NEW!) Packing List
(NEW!) Photo Jot
(NEW!) Product Alerts
(NEW!) Protein Calculator
(NEW!) Pure Tones
(NEW!) QR Generator
(NEW!) SAT Vocabulary
(NEW!) Savings Calculator
(NEW!) Scanner
(NEW!) Shorten URL
(NEW!) Sketch Camera
(NEW!) Slide Puzzle
(NEW!) Speedometer
(NEW!) Speak It
(NEW!) Squeak Toy
(NEW!) Star Chains
(NEW!) Static Camera
(NEW!) Sudoku
(NEW!) Sunrise
(NEW!) Vehicle Alerts
(NEW!) Thimblerig
(NEW!) Timer Tiles
(NEW!) Tire Alerts
(NEW!) Train Lanes
(NEW!) Weather Radio
(NEW!) Yield Calculator

Age Calculator
Alarm Clock
Angle Finder
Area Code
Auto Camera
Battery Life
Big Button
Toon Camera
BMI Calculator
BMR Calculator
Book Lamp
Bubble Level
Censor Camera
Coin Flip
Color Detect
Color Pick
Color Strobe
Contact Clean
Contact Share
Cook Timer
Crystal Ball
Currency Converter
Date Calculator
Days Until
Dice 12
Dice 6
Distort Camera
Dog Clicker
Drum Set
Face Warp
FDA Alerts
Game Buzzer
Geo Minder
Glow Paint
Group Email
Heart Rate
Interval Timer
Language Translator
LED Banner
Loan Calculator
Loud Mouth
Match It
Max Rep Calculator
Media Vault
Moon Phases
Morse Code
Motion Alert
Movie Timer
Night Camera
On This Day
Path Tracker
Photo Cloak
Photo Filters
Pitch Pipe
Plumb Bob
Police Scanner
Price Calculator
Punch Clock
Random Fact
Random Num
Reverse Dictionary
Reaction Time
Salary Calculator
Sale Price
Secret Camera
Secret Microphone
Sleep Sounds
Sound Box
Space Cows
Speed Test
Spin Pick
Sports Radio
Stink Bomb
Surface Level
System Info
Text Cloak
Tip Calculator
Unit Converter
and more!
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