AdventureQuest 3D - Fantasy MMORPG

AdventureQuest 3D - Fantasy MMORPG
Новое за октябрь 2016
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Развлечения Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
AdventureQuest 3D ( AQ3D ) is a real-time, massively multiplayer online role playing game.

Battle dragons, warfiends, frogzards, and hordes monsters alongside your friends... and thousands of complete strangers wearing epic armor and oversized weapons! Your mobile device is a portal into our persistent and ever growing online fantasy world.

* Our game actually looks like the ad you clicked to get here...
* Real Time Combat
* Growing 3D World - regular updates with new stories, areas, monsters and weapons
* True Cross-Platform - Login to our online world and play with your friends from computers or mobile devices.
* Multi-Class System - unlock and switch between different playable classes!
* New Classes added regularly
* Chat, Emotes & Social
* Crafting
* Dungeons
* A few /facepalm worthy puns

AdventureQuest 3D is an inspired re-imagining of the original hit web game and was made by the same crazy creators. Set in the most dangerous era our AdventuireQuest's timeline, every land in the world has come under attack by a mysterious new threat. Answer the call and travel to the legendary town of Battleon. Meet new unusual characters, go on incredible adventures, brace for horrifying puns, and quest through a world story line so big that you will have to help us write it as we go... did we mention our regular updates where we build the game under your feet as you play it?

"You're on your phone. I'm on my computer. Let's raid a Dragon's lair!"
AQ3D is a true cross-platform massively multiplayer game that allows you to play your character, on the same world as your friends, from your PC, Mac, Android, and Apple iOS devices.

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