Каждый день в App Store распродаются десятки игр и программ для iPhone и iPad, а некоторые из них раздаются совершенно бесплатно. Сегодня огромное количество отличных предложений. Распродаются порты SKYHILL, ROME: Total War, Tempest: Pirate Action RPG, Colt Express и еще масса других великолепных мобильных игр.
Рубрика «Скидки в App Store» – это попытка привлечь внимание читателей app-s.ru к наиболее интересным, на наш взгляд, приложениям, которые временно стали совершенно бесплатными или цены на которые существенно снизились.
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 599p. ► 299 р. оценка пользователей 
Приключенческая RPG, завоевавшая сердца более 50 000 игроков на Steam, теперь на ваших мобильных! Стань лихим пиратом и борозди морские просторы на вооруженном до зубов корабле, торгуй, собирай лучших головорезов в свою команду. Тебе понадобится солидный арсенал: пушки, мортиры, огнеметы и разные корабельные снасти.
Но самые сокрушительные морские артефакты ты получишь только за выполнение сложных и интересных многоуровневых заданий.
Бесконечные странствия по необъятным морским просторам, полным приключений и тайн.
Более сотни заданий в трех регионах, на десятках островов.
Раздели огромный мир Tempest с двумя друзьями — устройте войну между собой или будьте компаньонами.
Покупай корабли, улучшай корабли, украшай корабли.
Купить подешевле, продать подороже — это не путь пирата. Грабь галеоны, топи военные корабли, разрушай форты!
Кракен привел своих морских друзей!
Используй мистические кристаллы, чтобы отражать ядра врагов, обрушивать на противника метеориты или вызывать гигантского спрута.
Прокачай своих пиратов от салаг до бывалых морских волков.
Но самые сокрушительные морские артефакты ты получишь только за выполнение сложных и интересных многоуровневых заданий.
Бесконечные странствия по необъятным морским просторам, полным приключений и тайн.
Более сотни заданий в трех регионах, на десятках островов.
Раздели огромный мир Tempest с двумя друзьями — устройте войну между собой или будьте компаньонами.
Покупай корабли, улучшай корабли, украшай корабли.
Купить подешевле, продать подороже — это не путь пирата. Грабь галеоны, топи военные корабли, разрушай форты!
Кракен привел своих морских друзей!
Используй мистические кристаллы, чтобы отражать ядра врагов, обрушивать на противника метеориты или вызывать гигантского спрута.
Прокачай своих пиратов от салаг до бывалых морских волков.

Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Головоломки 149p. ► 75 р. оценка пользователей 
Rubek представляет собой минималистический цветовой пазл. Ваша задача, прокручивая куб, подобрать правильный цвет пола и выстроить путь, решая головоломки, чтобы достичь цели! Разомните свой мозг на 70+ уровнях разной сложности, собирайте звезды и посоревнуйтесь за свое место на доске лидеров!
> Умопомрачительные головоломки
> Красивая эстетика минимализма
> 70+ специально сбалансированных уровней
> Интегрированная доска лидеров Game Center
> Поддержка цветов для дальтоников
> Умопомрачительные головоломки
> Красивая эстетика минимализма
> 70+ специально сбалансированных уровней
> Интегрированная доска лидеров Game Center
> Поддержка цветов для дальтоников

Ticket to Ride
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Настольные, Развлечения 229p. ► 75 р. оценка пользователей 
*** HAPPY SUMMER! Download Ticket To Ride and in-apps purchase* at a very special price from June 22 through 5 July***
*except for Ticket to Ride USA 1910
The official adaptation of Days of Wonder's best-selling train board game, Ticket to Ride, now on mobile version!
In addition to the exciting multiplayer mode, players will enjoy a new intuitive user interface, new social media capabilities to share exciting moments, and play against live opponents from all around the world on the various boards!
With over 50 million games played online and a new game starting every 4 seconds on average, Ticket to Ride offers a game experience unique amongst its peers.
**Ars Technica – « Ticket to Ride is impressive right from the start. »
**Pocket Gamer: 9/10 with Gold Award – ""A fantastic adaptation of an excellent board game, and a must-buy for strategy fans""
**Carrefour des Cultures – « The transition from the board to the digital is very successful… The best iPad board game of its category. »
**148Apps: 5 stars and selected by the editor - « The best board game adaptation on iOS so far. »
**iOS Board Games (BoardGameGeek.com): 9.5/10 – ""A fun and engaging app that offers a sleek and speedy online multiplayer system. It ranks up there with the best offerings on iOS.""
Ticket to Ride includes :
• Alan R. Moon's official Ticket to Ride USA map with original artwork in full high resolution
• 7 additional maps and 2 mini-expansions (containing 3 variants each) available in the shop in-game, with their own specificities:
· Switzerland (map)
· USA 1910 (game variants)
· Europe (map)
· Legendary Asia (map)
· India (vertical map)
· Nordic Countries (vertical map)
· Europa 1912 (game variants)
· Pennsylvania (map)
· Germany (map)
· …Extra content is added regularly!
• Solo play against up to 4 AI players.
• Multiplayer support
· Online Play (WiFi, 3G, 4G) against other iPhone, iPad, Mac (non-exhaustive list).
· An unparalleled online player community with tens of thousands of live opponents.
· Pass-and-Play with up to 4 live opponents (can include AI players too).
· True cross-platform: players can challenge each other on other supported platforms including Mac, iPhone, iPad.
• Detailed, interactive, turn-by-turn, in-game tutorial.
• Contextual in-game notes to help you master all the maps.
• Online and offline Hall of Fame.
For more information, please visit
Find all the latest news for Ticket to Ride Digital on Facebook, Instgram, Twitter and Youtube !
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
Also, according to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play online games with Ticket to Ride or use the chat in the Online lobby.
Languages available: English, French, German
*except for Ticket to Ride USA 1910
The official adaptation of Days of Wonder's best-selling train board game, Ticket to Ride, now on mobile version!
In addition to the exciting multiplayer mode, players will enjoy a new intuitive user interface, new social media capabilities to share exciting moments, and play against live opponents from all around the world on the various boards!
With over 50 million games played online and a new game starting every 4 seconds on average, Ticket to Ride offers a game experience unique amongst its peers.
**Ars Technica – « Ticket to Ride is impressive right from the start. »
**Pocket Gamer: 9/10 with Gold Award – ""A fantastic adaptation of an excellent board game, and a must-buy for strategy fans""
**Carrefour des Cultures – « The transition from the board to the digital is very successful… The best iPad board game of its category. »
**148Apps: 5 stars and selected by the editor - « The best board game adaptation on iOS so far. »
**iOS Board Games (BoardGameGeek.com): 9.5/10 – ""A fun and engaging app that offers a sleek and speedy online multiplayer system. It ranks up there with the best offerings on iOS.""
Ticket to Ride includes :
• Alan R. Moon's official Ticket to Ride USA map with original artwork in full high resolution
• 7 additional maps and 2 mini-expansions (containing 3 variants each) available in the shop in-game, with their own specificities:
· Switzerland (map)
· USA 1910 (game variants)
· Europe (map)
· Legendary Asia (map)
· India (vertical map)
· Nordic Countries (vertical map)
· Europa 1912 (game variants)
· Pennsylvania (map)
· Germany (map)
· …Extra content is added regularly!
• Solo play against up to 4 AI players.
• Multiplayer support
· Online Play (WiFi, 3G, 4G) against other iPhone, iPad, Mac (non-exhaustive list).
· An unparalleled online player community with tens of thousands of live opponents.
· Pass-and-Play with up to 4 live opponents (can include AI players too).
· True cross-platform: players can challenge each other on other supported platforms including Mac, iPhone, iPad.
• Detailed, interactive, turn-by-turn, in-game tutorial.
• Contextual in-game notes to help you master all the maps.
• Online and offline Hall of Fame.
For more information, please visit
Find all the latest news for Ticket to Ride Digital on Facebook, Instgram, Twitter and Youtube !
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
Also, according to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play online games with Ticket to Ride or use the chat in the Online lobby.
Languages available: English, French, German

Hills Legend
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Развлечения 75p. ► 15 р. оценка пользователей 
По старой легенде под одним из храмов существовал подземный ход, ведущий к сокровищам. Но однажды, при проведении земляных работ, были нарушены стены монастыря и было принято решение засыпать ход камнями и залить бетоном. Пещерные ходы остались не исследованы.
По легенде существовал еще одни вход в пещеры из подземных корпусов богодельни. Даже в наше время это местечко неспокойное и не располагает к прогулкам. Но я планирую удовлетворить свой интерес и проверить легенду о сокровищах...
По легенде существовал еще одни вход в пещеры из подземных корпусов богодельни. Даже в наше время это местечко неспокойное и не располагает к прогулкам. Но я планирую удовлетворить свой интерес и проверить легенду о сокровищах...

Colt Express
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Стратегии, Настольные 229p. ► 149 р. оценка пользователей 
*** HAPPY SUMMER! Download Colt Express at a very special price from June 22 through 5 July***
The game officially transposed from Colt Express, the famous train robbery boardgame. Plot your scheme step by step and dive into the action to loot the wagons. But watch out, you are not the only Most Wanted Man with the intention to become rich today : you might have to rethink your strategy…
Play solo, with friends, family and worldwide in multiplayer!
*** Touch Arcade 4,5/5 ***: "The art is fantastic, the gameplay mechanics work great, and there's plenty of content to keep you playing the game for a long time to come."
*** Pocket Gamer - Silver Award ***: "A great boardgame that plays with all the pace of the best mobile titles."
At the beginning of the round, each player will successively plan an action from his action deck, ranging from moving around to luring the train marshal or looting the passengers. When each player’s masterplan is complete, the action starts and the players' set of moves will progressively unfold before you. But getting rich and not getting shot by your opponents are not always compatible objectives, and you might have to rethink your plan on the move…
Find the right balance between caution and greed to come out as the richest outlaw of the far west!
Live the adventures of 6 outlaws in Story mode through 30 captivating chapters, each with its own plot, set of rules and achievements.
Complete a bandit's story to unlock new multiplayer modes and comic books about the intricacies of the desperados' life in the Wild West!
Play online with players from all around the world, climb the leaderboard and become the most wanted player feared by every outlaw of the land!
Collect skins for your heroes and environments for your adventures by completing special objectives!
To sum up, the game features:
• A wild west themed universe inspired from the original board game, digitally modernized
• A tactical and action-packed gameplay, for intense and unpredictable games
• An extensive Story mode following 6 characters, each with his own objectives and quirks. Available offline and saved the next time you log in.
• Numerous exciting game variants to unlock in Story mode.
• An online Multiplayer Mode
• A worldwide Leaderboard, updated and available in real-time
• A friendlist, with the possibility to play with your friends
• Collectible skins and environments to customize your adventures
• Many Achievements to accomplish, punctuating your exploration of the game
You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
Languages available: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
The game officially transposed from Colt Express, the famous train robbery boardgame. Plot your scheme step by step and dive into the action to loot the wagons. But watch out, you are not the only Most Wanted Man with the intention to become rich today : you might have to rethink your strategy…
Play solo, with friends, family and worldwide in multiplayer!
*** Touch Arcade 4,5/5 ***: "The art is fantastic, the gameplay mechanics work great, and there's plenty of content to keep you playing the game for a long time to come."
*** Pocket Gamer - Silver Award ***: "A great boardgame that plays with all the pace of the best mobile titles."
At the beginning of the round, each player will successively plan an action from his action deck, ranging from moving around to luring the train marshal or looting the passengers. When each player’s masterplan is complete, the action starts and the players' set of moves will progressively unfold before you. But getting rich and not getting shot by your opponents are not always compatible objectives, and you might have to rethink your plan on the move…
Find the right balance between caution and greed to come out as the richest outlaw of the far west!
Live the adventures of 6 outlaws in Story mode through 30 captivating chapters, each with its own plot, set of rules and achievements.
Complete a bandit's story to unlock new multiplayer modes and comic books about the intricacies of the desperados' life in the Wild West!
Play online with players from all around the world, climb the leaderboard and become the most wanted player feared by every outlaw of the land!
Collect skins for your heroes and environments for your adventures by completing special objectives!
To sum up, the game features:
• A wild west themed universe inspired from the original board game, digitally modernized
• A tactical and action-packed gameplay, for intense and unpredictable games
• An extensive Story mode following 6 characters, each with his own objectives and quirks. Available offline and saved the next time you log in.
• Numerous exciting game variants to unlock in Story mode.
• An online Multiplayer Mode
• A worldwide Leaderboard, updated and available in real-time
• A friendlist, with the possibility to play with your friends
• Collectible skins and environments to customize your adventures
• Many Achievements to accomplish, punctuating your exploration of the game
You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
Languages available: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Боевики 75p. ► 15 р. оценка пользователей 
A-2481 — the horror game — одна из немногих игр, которая действительно заставит вас по настоящему испугаться.
Задумывались вы когда-нибудь над тем, возможно ли управлять разумом человека на расстоянии? Реально ли это? Вот и нашего героя игры посещали те же мысли. Журналист небольшой провинциальной газеты находит обрывки информации о секретном военном бункере времен СССР, под кодовым названием «А-2184». Где по всей видимости проходили в обстановке полной секретности такие исследования. Не колеблясь ни минуты, вы решаете отправиться на поиски ответов, для своей новой статьи!
Задумывались вы когда-нибудь над тем, возможно ли управлять разумом человека на расстоянии? Реально ли это? Вот и нашего героя игры посещали те же мысли. Журналист небольшой провинциальной газеты находит обрывки информации о секретном военном бункере времен СССР, под кодовым названием «А-2184». Где по всей видимости проходили в обстановке полной секретности такие исследования. Не колеблясь ни минуты, вы решаете отправиться на поиски ответов, для своей новой статьи!

Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Настольные, Карточные 229p. ► 75 р. оценка пользователей 
*** HAPPY SUMMER! Download Splendor at a very special price from June 22 through 5 July***
The OFFICIAL digital adaptation of the best-selling board game Splendor.
In Splendor, you embody a rich merchant during the Renaissance. You will use your resources to acquire mines, transportation methods, and artisans who will allow you to turn raw gems into beautiful jewels, attract nobles and earn prestige.
Press Reviews and awards:
** Spielbox: ""The app is a sparkling jewel…""
** Pocket Tactics: ""... I’m not sure there’s a better looking board game app on the market.""
** Pocket Gamer: ""... it's a sure-fire winner.""
** Forbes: ""...high replay value. Looks and sounds great, plays smoothly...""
** Play Board Games: ""The Splendor App is pretty splendid...""
** Purple Pawn: ""The quality of the tabletop-to-mobile adaptation is first-rate.""
** Honor: Best Board Game App 2015 (BoardGameGeek)
** Received the award of the Golden Geek Best Board Game App 2015
The digital version of Splendor faithfully adapts all the various elements of the Space Cowboys’ award-winning board game:
- Fast and easy to learn, yet hard to master.
- Lavish graphics and cards, true to the original game.
- “Renaissance” graphical and musical ambiance.
- Solo mode, pass & play and online multiplayer (2 to 4 players).
- An exclusive game mode: scenario-based “Challenges”.
- Historically-accurate background stories for Challenges set in the 15th to 16th centuries.
- Multiple types of Artificial Intelligence, based on unique strategy behaviors instead of difficulty.
- 3-minute step-by-step interactive tutorial to learn the game and digital interface.
- Achievements board.
- Worldwide leaderboards and rank system by connecting with a Days of Wonder account.
Splendor introduces a special game mode called Challenges. Challenges are based on historical events and anecdotes of the 15th and 16th centuries, setting up a real scenario in various places across the world. They teach you advanced techniques and offer rules variants. They put the player in unique situations with a goal to reach. Either earn a certain number of points or pick up a special card combination, in a limited time or limited number of moves.
Become a game expert and achieve 48 challenges along the trading routes of the world (Madrid, St. Petersburg…), not to mention duels facing great historical figures such as Charles V or Marie Stuart.
Languages available: English, French, German
You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
We want to know what you think. Please send your feedback, ideas, and comments about the Pandemic: The Board Game app to: support@f2zdigitalmedia.com
The OFFICIAL digital adaptation of the best-selling board game Splendor.
In Splendor, you embody a rich merchant during the Renaissance. You will use your resources to acquire mines, transportation methods, and artisans who will allow you to turn raw gems into beautiful jewels, attract nobles and earn prestige.
Press Reviews and awards:
** Spielbox: ""The app is a sparkling jewel…""
** Pocket Tactics: ""... I’m not sure there’s a better looking board game app on the market.""
** Pocket Gamer: ""... it's a sure-fire winner.""
** Forbes: ""...high replay value. Looks and sounds great, plays smoothly...""
** Play Board Games: ""The Splendor App is pretty splendid...""
** Purple Pawn: ""The quality of the tabletop-to-mobile adaptation is first-rate.""
** Honor: Best Board Game App 2015 (BoardGameGeek)
** Received the award of the Golden Geek Best Board Game App 2015
The digital version of Splendor faithfully adapts all the various elements of the Space Cowboys’ award-winning board game:
- Fast and easy to learn, yet hard to master.
- Lavish graphics and cards, true to the original game.
- “Renaissance” graphical and musical ambiance.
- Solo mode, pass & play and online multiplayer (2 to 4 players).
- An exclusive game mode: scenario-based “Challenges”.
- Historically-accurate background stories for Challenges set in the 15th to 16th centuries.
- Multiple types of Artificial Intelligence, based on unique strategy behaviors instead of difficulty.
- 3-minute step-by-step interactive tutorial to learn the game and digital interface.
- Achievements board.
- Worldwide leaderboards and rank system by connecting with a Days of Wonder account.
Splendor introduces a special game mode called Challenges. Challenges are based on historical events and anecdotes of the 15th and 16th centuries, setting up a real scenario in various places across the world. They teach you advanced techniques and offer rules variants. They put the player in unique situations with a goal to reach. Either earn a certain number of points or pick up a special card combination, in a limited time or limited number of moves.
Become a game expert and achieve 48 challenges along the trading routes of the world (Madrid, St. Petersburg…), not to mention duels facing great historical figures such as Charles V or Marie Stuart.
Languages available: English, French, German
You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
We want to know what you think. Please send your feedback, ideas, and comments about the Pandemic: The Board Game app to: support@f2zdigitalmedia.com

Pandemic: The Board Game
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Симуляторы, Настольные 229p. ► 75 р. оценка пользователей 
*** HAPPY SUMMER! Download Pandemic at a very special price from June 22 through 5 July***
As skilled members of a disease-fighting team, you must keep four deadly diseases at bay while discovering their cures. Travel the world, treat infections, and find cures.
You must work as a team to succeed. The clock is ticking as outbreaks and epidemics fuel the spreading plagues. Can you find all four cures in time? The fate of humanity is in your hands!
Pandemic: The Board Game is a family-friendly cooperative game. Simple to understand and lots of fun, Pandemic: The Board Game puts you in an apocalyptic situation where you must work as a team to save the world.
*How to play
In Pandemic: The Board Game each player has a unique role with different abilities. On a turn, players will have four actions in order to cure diseases and save the world. They can remove disease cubes from the board; fly to a city in need; trade cards with fellow players; and much more.
At the end of every player’s turn, new cities are infected with disease cubes and Epidemics may arise. You must fight to prevent the outbreaks before they spin out of control.
In Pandemic: The Board Game, there is only one way to win: cure all four diseases before you run out of time!
An award-wining board game and player favorite since its release in 2008, Pandemic: The Board Game is now available as a Universal iOS app.
-7 role cards with unique abilities
-Supports games for 2, 3, or 4 players, but can be played solo if you play multiple roles
-Pass-and-play multiplayer (2-4)
-Three difficulty settings make the game suitable for beginners, intermediate players, and experts
-Fully guided interactive tutorial; plus “Info Mode” for in-game reminders of the rules
-Full rulebook included for easy access and detailed reference at all times
-Animated interface gives clear indication of the game's progress and hotspots
-“Undo” system
-Adaptive soundtrack
-Complete implementation of the board game suitable for expert play
-Interface designed and tested for ease-of-use
-Supports landscape or portrait orientations (iPad only)
-Supports multitasking
-On the Brink expansion content available as in-app purchase
-6 new roles and 8 new events
-Play with 5 players
-Legendary difficulty setting for players with a deathwish
-2 events in player deck per player
You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
We want to know what you think. Please send your feedback, ideas, and comments about the Pandemic: The Board Game app to: support@f2zdigitalmedia.com
*Find Pandemic: The Board Game on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/PandemicTheBoardGame
As skilled members of a disease-fighting team, you must keep four deadly diseases at bay while discovering their cures. Travel the world, treat infections, and find cures.
You must work as a team to succeed. The clock is ticking as outbreaks and epidemics fuel the spreading plagues. Can you find all four cures in time? The fate of humanity is in your hands!
Pandemic: The Board Game is a family-friendly cooperative game. Simple to understand and lots of fun, Pandemic: The Board Game puts you in an apocalyptic situation where you must work as a team to save the world.
*How to play
In Pandemic: The Board Game each player has a unique role with different abilities. On a turn, players will have four actions in order to cure diseases and save the world. They can remove disease cubes from the board; fly to a city in need; trade cards with fellow players; and much more.
At the end of every player’s turn, new cities are infected with disease cubes and Epidemics may arise. You must fight to prevent the outbreaks before they spin out of control.
In Pandemic: The Board Game, there is only one way to win: cure all four diseases before you run out of time!
An award-wining board game and player favorite since its release in 2008, Pandemic: The Board Game is now available as a Universal iOS app.
-7 role cards with unique abilities
-Supports games for 2, 3, or 4 players, but can be played solo if you play multiple roles
-Pass-and-play multiplayer (2-4)
-Three difficulty settings make the game suitable for beginners, intermediate players, and experts
-Fully guided interactive tutorial; plus “Info Mode” for in-game reminders of the rules
-Full rulebook included for easy access and detailed reference at all times
-Animated interface gives clear indication of the game's progress and hotspots
-“Undo” system
-Adaptive soundtrack
-Complete implementation of the board game suitable for expert play
-Interface designed and tested for ease-of-use
-Supports landscape or portrait orientations (iPad only)
-Supports multitasking
-On the Brink expansion content available as in-app purchase
-6 new roles and 8 new events
-Play with 5 players
-Legendary difficulty setting for players with a deathwish
-2 events in player deck per player
You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigital
We want to know what you think. Please send your feedback, ideas, and comments about the Pandemic: The Board Game app to: support@f2zdigitalmedia.com
*Find Pandemic: The Board Game on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/PandemicTheBoardGame

Dinosaur Safari Pro for iPad
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Симуляторы 75p. ► Бесплатно оценка пользователей 
3 Еще Динозавры - велоцираптор, Инcekтoзayрyc и Саркозуxуc
Новый масштабное обновление -80% +6 new Дино С января 2013
APPLE iPhone Рекомендуемые всем мире в новых и знаменательных - Все игры !! HOT !!
Дино юрского мир для вас, чтобы обнаружить и открыть. FPS стиль бесплатно бродят и открыть либо хищники хищников эта древняя сага охотникa.
Динозавр Safari - Охота и охотиться решение, это только половина вами.
Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать нашу бесплатную версию -
Динозавр Safari Бесплатно в этом магазине сейчас, чтобы увидеть, если ваше устройство совместимо.
Пистолет/Композитный лук/Пистолет Арбалет(разрывными стрелами)/винтовка.
бесконтактные мины/газовые баллончики.
Мотоцикл, джип с питанием трансфокатор винтовки.
Лошадь ваш верный друг - Свисток для вызова.
Зеркало - портал Использование телепортироваться вне опасности.
Zip Line Быстрый побег.
Тираннозавр, Спинoзавр, Хищники, Tрицератопс, Bелоцираптор, Сколозавр, птеродактиль, Дилофозавр, Паразауролоф, Бронтозавр, Гигантский червь, плезиозавра, Компсогнат, Стегозавр, Aллозавр, Дyнkлeocmeй и Саркозуxуc
Огромный открытый 3D среда бродить/исследовать.
В режиме реального Ночное время - Очки ночного видения
Построить костёр/Собрать бревна.
Коллекция Кость Extra XP бонус.
Сундук/парашютом - Возьмите бонус.
Топливные/оружие картриджи/первая помощь комплект/Взрывные наконечники стрел пикап.
Учебник/Награды/Неограниченные Задания.
FPS бесплатно разгуляться эпическое действие симуляция/симулятор
HD консоли качество графики и геймплей.
Потрясающие Глубокие визуальные эффекты.
Полное 3D - 360 градусов действий.
В игре Язык перевода: английский, китайский, японский, немецкий, португальский, русский, французский, испанский, итальянский.
Pro Версия: Предлогaет разблокирована больше динозавров/игровые предметы, чем бесплатной версии.
Эта игра предлагает в приложение покупки мгновенно разблокировать Животные/Оружие/Предметы, все они могут быть разблокированы, играя и прогрессирует через игру,собирая нашу игровую валюту Сунгаc.
Плюс больше...
Новый масштабное обновление -80% +6 new Дино С января 2013
APPLE iPhone Рекомендуемые всем мире в новых и знаменательных - Все игры !! HOT !!
Дино юрского мир для вас, чтобы обнаружить и открыть. FPS стиль бесплатно бродят и открыть либо хищники хищников эта древняя сага охотникa.
Динозавр Safari - Охота и охотиться решение, это только половина вами.
Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать нашу бесплатную версию -
Динозавр Safari Бесплатно в этом магазине сейчас, чтобы увидеть, если ваше устройство совместимо.
Пистолет/Композитный лук/Пистолет Арбалет(разрывными стрелами)/винтовка.
бесконтактные мины/газовые баллончики.
Мотоцикл, джип с питанием трансфокатор винтовки.
Лошадь ваш верный друг - Свисток для вызова.
Зеркало - портал Использование телепортироваться вне опасности.
Zip Line Быстрый побег.
Тираннозавр, Спинoзавр, Хищники, Tрицератопс, Bелоцираптор, Сколозавр, птеродактиль, Дилофозавр, Паразауролоф, Бронтозавр, Гигантский червь, плезиозавра, Компсогнат, Стегозавр, Aллозавр, Дyнkлeocmeй и Саркозуxуc
Огромный открытый 3D среда бродить/исследовать.
В режиме реального Ночное время - Очки ночного видения
Построить костёр/Собрать бревна.
Коллекция Кость Extra XP бонус.
Сундук/парашютом - Возьмите бонус.
Топливные/оружие картриджи/первая помощь комплект/Взрывные наконечники стрел пикап.
Учебник/Награды/Неограниченные Задания.
FPS бесплатно разгуляться эпическое действие симуляция/симулятор
HD консоли качество графики и геймплей.
Потрясающие Глубокие визуальные эффекты.
Полное 3D - 360 градусов действий.
В игре Язык перевода: английский, китайский, японский, немецкий, португальский, русский, французский, испанский, итальянский.
Pro Версия: Предлогaет разблокирована больше динозавров/игровые предметы, чем бесплатной версии.
Эта игра предлагает в приложение покупки мгновенно разблокировать Животные/Оружие/Предметы, все они могут быть разблокированы, играя и прогрессирует через игру,собирая нашу игровую валюту Сунгаc.
Плюс больше...

Reckless Getaway
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Гонки, Боевики 15p. ► Бесплатно оценка пользователей 
Who’d a thought robbing the bank would be the easy part? Now comes the real challenge - to escape with your hard-earned loot having the fuzz hot at your heels!
Weave in and out of oncoming traffic; dodge, outrun or ram pursuing police cars
and just generally crash, smash and thrash your way through 16 varied levels.
Let’s face it: beating someone across the finishing line is a lot of fun,
but not nearly as much fun as tackling them into oncoming traffic to watch
chaos ensue. The Developers behind Reckless Racing now brings you Reckless Getaway!
- 16 eye-popping, visually amazing Tracks
- Simple and effective controls
- Unlock new tracks by being Reckless and earning stars
- Game center enabled, show you're better than the rest and complete all achievements!
- Astonishing physics brings chaos to another level
"Part of the Quality Index's Top 10 games list"
"July's game of the month!" - Appstore Arcade
"One of the hottest five games for July 2011!" - AppAdvice Daily
Weave in and out of oncoming traffic; dodge, outrun or ram pursuing police cars
and just generally crash, smash and thrash your way through 16 varied levels.
Let’s face it: beating someone across the finishing line is a lot of fun,
but not nearly as much fun as tackling them into oncoming traffic to watch
chaos ensue. The Developers behind Reckless Racing now brings you Reckless Getaway!
- 16 eye-popping, visually amazing Tracks
- Simple and effective controls
- Unlock new tracks by being Reckless and earning stars
- Game center enabled, show you're better than the rest and complete all achievements!
- Astonishing physics brings chaos to another level
"Part of the Quality Index's Top 10 games list"
"July's game of the month!" - Appstore Arcade
"One of the hottest five games for July 2011!" - AppAdvice Daily

Redline Rush
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Гонки, Симуляторы 75p. ► Бесплатно оценка пользователей 
From the creators of Offroad Legends, the next generation of endless racers is here!
"Imagine Burnout and Temple Run had a baby, and you’ll have a good idea of what this game is all about." -Supergamedroid
"It's a big heap of brainless, petrol-laced fun" - PocketGamer.co.uk
Jump into a super sports car and test your driving skills in this high speed driving game where you have to weave through traffic to escape the police. Avoid crashes, take down traffic cars, pick up power-ups and walk to the top of the leaderboard! This game will challenge even the most skilled arcade racing fans.
- Breathtaking visuals
- 10+10 sports cars
- 3 amazing tracks
- Epic crashes
- Challenge your friends
- GameCenter integration
Join the Chase! Welcome to Redline Rush!
"Imagine Burnout and Temple Run had a baby, and you’ll have a good idea of what this game is all about." -Supergamedroid
"It's a big heap of brainless, petrol-laced fun" - PocketGamer.co.uk
Jump into a super sports car and test your driving skills in this high speed driving game where you have to weave through traffic to escape the police. Avoid crashes, take down traffic cars, pick up power-ups and walk to the top of the leaderboard! This game will challenge even the most skilled arcade racing fans.
- Breathtaking visuals
- 10+10 sports cars
- 3 amazing tracks
- Epic crashes
- Challenge your friends
- GameCenter integration
Join the Chase! Welcome to Redline Rush!

Drop The Chicken 2
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Головоломки 149p. ► Бесплатно оценка пользователей 
FREE! For a limited time only!
Drop The Chicken 2 is a super cool, fully animated, addictive, and challenging puzzle game.
Our hero 'Chuck The Chicken' has been captured by the circus's evil monkey ring master and he must perform his way through each of the levels to win his girlfriend back.
Your mission is to cunningly plan Chucks journey to the dive pool while catching all the bugs along the way. Drag the acrobatic tools into place, swipe the switch and watch Chuck bounce off elephants, shoot out of cannons, do a trapeze act with monkey's and fly around the levels like a master acrobat.
Use a host of awesome new tools and animated circus characters in your effort to solve the levels and save Chuck and his girlfriend! Think before you drop and be sure to avoid the bombs, fire torches, lions and unicycle-riding, juggling bears along the way.
It's not going to be easy! This is one of the most challenging and hilarious puzzle games on the app store. There is no time limit, just awesome puzzles and weeks of entertainment!
• Exclusive to iOS and Apple
• 100 tricky puzzle levels over 5 stages with more soon to come
• 5 bonus levels & hidden easter eggs
• Game Center, leaderboards & stacks of achievements
• Great for all ages, easy to learn
• Very addictive, brain training game play
• In-game 'helping hands' in case you get super stuck
• Do awesome dives & huge splashes
• Really challenging & great fun
• Absolutely NO ads and NO restricting IAPs. This is a premium game title and we care about our fans (and chickens).
Finish all the levels in a stage to open the bonus levels where Chuck has the chance to have a feeding frenzy and gain some valuable extra points.
Finish all the stages and levels, and receive a free 'Certificate of Achievement' with your name and score and go onto the ‘Drop Master’ leader board.
We hope you enjoy the game!!!
Drop The Chicken 2 is a super cool, fully animated, addictive, and challenging puzzle game.
Our hero 'Chuck The Chicken' has been captured by the circus's evil monkey ring master and he must perform his way through each of the levels to win his girlfriend back.
Your mission is to cunningly plan Chucks journey to the dive pool while catching all the bugs along the way. Drag the acrobatic tools into place, swipe the switch and watch Chuck bounce off elephants, shoot out of cannons, do a trapeze act with monkey's and fly around the levels like a master acrobat.
Use a host of awesome new tools and animated circus characters in your effort to solve the levels and save Chuck and his girlfriend! Think before you drop and be sure to avoid the bombs, fire torches, lions and unicycle-riding, juggling bears along the way.
It's not going to be easy! This is one of the most challenging and hilarious puzzle games on the app store. There is no time limit, just awesome puzzles and weeks of entertainment!
• Exclusive to iOS and Apple
• 100 tricky puzzle levels over 5 stages with more soon to come
• 5 bonus levels & hidden easter eggs
• Game Center, leaderboards & stacks of achievements
• Great for all ages, easy to learn
• Very addictive, brain training game play
• In-game 'helping hands' in case you get super stuck
• Do awesome dives & huge splashes
• Really challenging & great fun
• Absolutely NO ads and NO restricting IAPs. This is a premium game title and we care about our fans (and chickens).
Finish all the levels in a stage to open the bonus levels where Chuck has the chance to have a feeding frenzy and gain some valuable extra points.
Finish all the stages and levels, and receive a free 'Certificate of Achievement' with your name and score and go onto the ‘Drop Master’ leader board.
We hope you enjoy the game!!!

Phantasy Star II™
Снижение цены
Категория: Игры, Ролевые игры, Развлечения 169p. ► Бесплатно оценка пользователей 
Эпохальная научно-фантастическая RPG от SEGA теперь доступна на мобильных! Играйте бесплатно в одну из самых прославленных игр того поколения.
Соберите команду из, казалось бы, несовместимых друг с другом персонажей, чтобы защитить некогда мирную систему Альго. Сражайтесь с роботами и мутантами, собирайте экипировку и разгадывайте тайну, которую скрывает одна из величайших RPG в истории.
Phantasy Star II входит в коллекцию SEGA Forever Classic Games Collection. Игра бесплатна. Это — настоящая жемчужина консольных игр, адаптированных для мобильных устройств.
• Больше 30 часов игры.
• 16-битные пошаговые битвы.
• Сражения с мутантами, роботами и прочими созданиями Моты, Дэдзо и Палма.
• Всевозможное вооружение — от лазерных мечей и огненных посохов до импульсных орудий.
• 8 персонажей с уникальными навыками и особенностями.
• ПОДДЕРЖКА КОНТРОЛЛЕРОВ: полная поддержка Bluetooth-контроллеров
• ИГРЫ ВЫХОДЯТ КАЖДЫЙ МЕСЯЦ! Загрузите их все!
• В Японии на PlayStation 2 было выпущено переиздание игры, озаглавленное как Phantasy Star Generation: 2.
• Текстовые приключения Eight Phantasy Star II транслировались японским игрокам по подписке SEGA Meganet.
• В США и Великобритании игра поставлялась вместе с руководством на 110 страниц и картой.
• Впервые выпущена в 1989 году в Японии, а затем в США (1990) и Европе (1991).
• Первая игра на картридже 16 Megabit.
• Первая 16-битная игра, выпущенная на Западе.
• Программистом игры был Юдзи Нака, создатель ежика Соника.
- - - - -
Политика конфиденциальности: http://www.sega.com/mprivacy
Условия использования: http://www.sega.com/terms
Данные игровые приложения существуют за счет рекламы; для продвижения по игре не требуется совершать встроенные покупки. Возможно платное отключение рекламы.
© SEGA. All rights reserved. SEGA, the SEGA logo, Phantasy Star II, SEGA Forever, and the SEGA Forever logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates.
Соберите команду из, казалось бы, несовместимых друг с другом персонажей, чтобы защитить некогда мирную систему Альго. Сражайтесь с роботами и мутантами, собирайте экипировку и разгадывайте тайну, которую скрывает одна из величайших RPG в истории.
Phantasy Star II входит в коллекцию SEGA Forever Classic Games Collection. Игра бесплатна. Это — настоящая жемчужина консольных игр, адаптированных для мобильных устройств.
• Больше 30 часов игры.
• 16-битные пошаговые битвы.
• Сражения с мутантами, роботами и прочими созданиями Моты, Дэдзо и Палма.
• Всевозможное вооружение — от лазерных мечей и огненных посохов до импульсных орудий.
• 8 персонажей с уникальными навыками и особенностями.
• ПОДДЕРЖКА КОНТРОЛЛЕРОВ: полная поддержка Bluetooth-контроллеров
• ИГРЫ ВЫХОДЯТ КАЖДЫЙ МЕСЯЦ! Загрузите их все!
• В Японии на PlayStation 2 было выпущено переиздание игры, озаглавленное как Phantasy Star Generation: 2.
• Текстовые приключения Eight Phantasy Star II транслировались японским игрокам по подписке SEGA Meganet.
• В США и Великобритании игра поставлялась вместе с руководством на 110 страниц и картой.
• Впервые выпущена в 1989 году в Японии, а затем в США (1990) и Европе (1991).
• Первая игра на картридже 16 Megabit.
• Первая 16-битная игра, выпущенная на Западе.
• Программистом игры был Юдзи Нака, создатель ежика Соника.
- - - - -
Политика конфиденциальности: http://www.sega.com/mprivacy
Условия использования: http://www.sega.com/terms
Данные игровые приложения существуют за счет рекламы; для продвижения по игре не требуется совершать встроенные покупки. Возможно платное отключение рекламы.
© SEGA. All rights reserved. SEGA, the SEGA logo, Phantasy Star II, SEGA Forever, and the SEGA Forever logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates.

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