Tower One: Sky Defense

Tower One: Sky Defense
Новое за март 2018
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Развлечения Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
Shoot enemies down and defend the Tower!

General alert! They are swarming our sky!

A massive attack took us by surprise! Enormous quantities of enemy jets, choppers and bombers are coming from all sides to wipe out your secret defense tower. Do your worst to destroy all the invaders. In truth – it is a suicide mission, so fire at will and stand to the end!

Upgrade your gear!

Employ your own tactics and use various weapons, as each situation might require a specific solution! Set the sky on fire, destroying the intruders with the experimental arms. Do whatever it takes to inflict the maximum damage on the foe!

Strengthen the tower!

Discover special upgrade modules and put them to the test at once! You are the last line of defense against blasting bombs and rockets. Stand your ground by whatever means necessary!
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