Tank Army - Fast Fingers Shmup

Tank Army - Fast Fingers Shmup
Новое за декабрь 2017
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Боевики 149 р. Оценка пользователей
Try a new kind of shoot 'em up!

The deadliest terrorist group has created a doomsday weapon. They have hidden it deep in the unknown area. A special force Tank Army is on duty to ease up the situation. Around the world hunting down mission has started. No place to hide. No time to lose. Find it and destroy it!


- Fun with a fast action shoot 'em up game.
- Quickly tap a tank to shoot at the enemies that advance along a wide front.
- Slide up and destroy all the enemies on sight with a powerful airstrike.
- Enjoy the exciting one minute stages that you can pick up and play everywhere.
- Surprise with the unpredictable bosses and enemies.
- Several kinds of tanks, items and support units are there to help you.
- Pay once and you get it all. No advertisements or in-app purchases.
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