Silly Walks

Silly Walks
Новое за август 2017
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
Silly Walks is a one-tap adventure game where everyday-household-objects have come to life! The evil Blender has kidnapped your friends for later blending-purposes - you must rescue them!

Play as a Pineapple, Cupcake, Hot Dog, Noodles, or as many other characters.
Avoid getting squashed by Meat Hammers, run away from Cheese Graters and don't get cut by Kitchen Knives!

- Lots of Silly action!
- 10 Silly characters to play with!
- Swipe-to-Dash!
- Boss levels!
- Endless fun!
- iCloud backups!
- And much much more...

Before downloading, please be aware that this game is super awesome and you'll really like it.
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