Silly Sailing

Silly Sailing
Новое за январь 2018
Категория: Игры, Гонки, Симуляторы Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
Compete against other sassy sailors in this silly sailing game. Use your rudder and sail to find the perfect wind in this tropical paradise.

Race against other players and find out who's the silliest sailor.

Unlock continuously sillier ships (and shoes) and after a while even ships (and sofas) with multiple sails.

Behind the silly exterior exists a somewhat (not really) realistic sailing simulation.

Ships with:
- Surprisingly silly ships!
- Sassy sailors!
- Sturdy steering!
- Supernatural seas!
- Sustainable silliness!
- Savvy seafaring!
- Suspenseful sounds!
- Sudden sand!
- Spontaneous seagulls!
- Smooth scrolling!
- Shiny sausages!
- Shaky sealegs!
- Salty shores!
- … stop reading this and play the game!
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