Rusty Pup

Rusty Pup
Новое за апрель 2019
Категория: Игры, Приключения, Головоломки 529 р Оценка пользователей
The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup - A fiendishly dark puzzler.

"Patience is needed to crack the heart of Rusty Pup, but we suspect it could end up joining the likes of Psychonauts and Conker’s Bad Fur Day as a cult classic." - Jump Dash Roll

"I'm going to admit, an ending hasn't made me that emotional in a long while! ^_^;" - Ryusui

From the original creator of Conker's Bad Fur Day comes a delicately told tale of a dog that thinks it's a toy or is it a toy that thinks it's a dog?

Lost and alone in a richly detailed world, you must help lead our sad pooch back home again......Just in time for tea. Designed to test every ounce of your mettle.

Not for the faint-hearted, explore this dark and dingy labyrinth. Avoid its pitfalls, exploit its treasure, relish its marvels and so save those souls from a fate worse than death.

Over 30 unique mechanics - Light the way, drop in shadow, lay a scent, break his fall, grab a friend, fill that belly, make a bridge, set the fuse, plant a bomb, trap the monster, be his eyes and his heart, feed him up, wind that clock.

Afraid of the dark, afraid of the depths, afraid even of his own shadow, Rusty needs his master. Resources abound, find them fast and forge new paths... Keep him on track but don't dawdle too much, lest time catches up.

And yet, this little pup has a mind of his own, so keep one eye on your friend but stay mindful of the daunting tasks that lay hidden ahead of him.

Push him or cajole, trap him or avoid, awake or in slumber, Rusty will usually do as he is done by. Usually!
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