[Premium] RPG Onigo Hunter

[Premium] RPG Onigo Hunter
Новое за май 2017
Категория: Игры, Ролевые игры, Приключения 399 р. Оценка пользователей
Become the best hunter in the world! Get the new hunting RPG at 38%OFF (USD 7.99-> USD4.99)!

While investigating ancient ruins, the King has completely disappeared. His daughter, whose position as Princess is under threat, makes a request for help. The main character of the story, a fledgling hunter, takes on this request, and sets off on a quest to find the King...

- Set traps to capture monsters!
- Combine captured monsters, and turn them into equipment and items!
- Aim to become the strongest hunter by taking on requests at the guild
- Change your equipment to change how you look
- A whole range of achievements to complete
- Monster Catalog and a skill list!
- This premium edition offers 1000 in-game points as bonus!

* The game can be played in its entirety without the need for in-game transactions.
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