Pit People®

Pit People®
Новое за февраль 2017
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Симуляторы 229 р. Оценка пользователей
Master Your Destiny in this Strategic Game of Positioning

A full cast of tragically unique heroes will rise together from the Pit. Master your destiny as you plot their course of action across an apocalyptic wonderland!

In our fast-paced, turn-based, co-op adventure you'll quest and explore, find awesome loot, customize your fighters, and recruit strange species. Rally your troops and steel your wits if you hope to survive a hostile world filled with sinister robots, deadly vampires and brutally adorable cupcake people!


• Single Player Mode

• 2 Player Co-op (local & online)

• Local 2v2 Arena

• 4 Players For 2v2 In the Pit (online)

• “Guidance” from a mysterious and power-hungry narrator (voiced by Will Stamper, "BattleBlock Theater")

• Signature Behemoth art style & humor
Последние новости
«Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist» – сиреневый туман… «Hero’s Adventure» – путешествие по Китаю «DinoBlits» – динозавры против млекопитающих «Tormentis» – блуждание по подземельям