Lost Smile and Strange Circus

Lost Smile and Strange Circus
Новое за май 2018
Категория: Игры, Симуляторы, Приключения Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
Lost Smile and Strange Circus has been novelized and released on May 1st, and "CHERA -A Flower in the Dark-", a spin-off story of Lost Smile and Strange Circus, has also been released! Check out our official Twitter for more information!

There was a girl called "Noah". Her heart had been hurt so deeply that she lost her feelings.
One who extended a helping hand to Noah was a man who had a strange shaped head.

"Are you guys humans?"
'We're ones who missed to be a human.'

Noah met unique 'members' who were not humans at the mysterious circus.

The scar of her heart was getting healed little by little. However...

▼Official Twitter
Gorrilla tweets latest information, behind the scenes, artworks and so on.
Follow now!

-The operation/development cost of this App is provided by advertising revenue, to keep this App completely free download/play. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.
- Deleting the app cache or data, or uninstalling the app itself, can cause all purchased items and game progress to be lost.
- Note that we do not offer refunds for purchased items.
- If the app crashes, we recommended trying again after getting a stable network connection.
- This app makes use of advertising to enable us to develop and run the base app free of charge.

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*E-mail inquiries are available 24/7,
but note that replies on weekends and holidays, and after 7:00 PM, may be delayed.
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