Inky Caps Clash

Inky Caps Clash
Новое за октябрь 2016
Категория: Игры, Семейные, Развлечения 75 р. Оценка пользователей
Who will win the match? The team that paints more ground when the music ends!

Inky Caps Clash is a local multiplayer family game in which players compete for territory either individually or teaming up. Cover the ground in your team's ink by clashing into adversaries, making the most out of the environment and power ups!

Play with bots or friends! Mix humans and bots on the same team! Configure your match with up to four players or remove mushrooms for a face to face match. It's up to you!

- 3 vs 1: play against a team of bots... or your three kids!

- 2 vs 2: who will do the dishes? The team that loses the next match, that's who!

- 1 vs 1: now it's personal.

- free-for-all! Inky Caps Clash in its purest form! Run, dash, clash and stun your enemies. Paint more ground before the music ends to claim the victory!

Please note: 4 player matches require large screens or tiny fingers : )
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