Four Last Things

Four Last Things
Новое за январь 2018
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Приключения 299 р. Оценка пользователей
Pilfer from poets, bargain with bishops and serenade the local simpleton on your hapless quest for absolution. Four Last Things is a point-and-click adventure game made from Renaissance-era paintings.

It's kind of like if Monkey Island had been made in 16th century Flanders, by a time-travelling Monty Python fanboy...

***In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God saw all that he had made, and it was good. Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

'Ooops,' said god, seeing he had created a fool. But before he was able to remedy his error, man spoke;

'No backsies!' he chirped, and scuttled off into the forest.***


-Pointing and Clicking
-Renaissance Artwork
-Classical Music
-Sinful Behaviour
-Pie eating contests
-Detailed, Interactive Game World
-Simple Visual Interface
-Friendly, logical puzzles
-Moments of Surprising Profundity

“Four Last Things is an impressive – and impressively funny – adventure that pulls off its Monty Python-esque humor with gusto.”
90/100 –
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