Forward Assault

Forward Assault
Новое за сентябрь 2017
Категория: Игры, Боевики, Приключения Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
Forward Assault is a tactical fast-paced modern action FPS. This tactical FPS shooter has 2 exciting multiplayer game modes, including Bomb Defuse and Team Deathmatch, with custom ranked games.

Play with teammates as you plant or defuse the bomb in Bomb Defuse. Start with handguns and knives and earn your way up to fully automatic assault rifles and sub machine guns. Guard your teammate and counter the enemy as they plant or defuse the bomb.

Rank up in Ranked mode and rise to the top by winning matches with your teammates. Earn credits and gun skins as you climb to show off your own style.

Create your own private matches to play with friends and the way you want.
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