Break Free:Out of the Darkness

Break Free:Out of the Darkness
Новое за ноябрь 2017
Категория: Игры, Развлечения, Ролевые игры Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
Help the mysterious critter escape the depths of the cave!
There will be many obstacles blocking your escape, and you must stay ahead of the giant spider moving at you quickly from behind. It's time to test your endurance!
Are you ready to start your adventure?

- Fast-paced gameplay with smooth touch control
- 14 unique and challenging levels; each level contains a new theme
- 2 endless game play modes: Adventure mode and Outlast mode
- Utilize help from other riders and boosts to progress through the game
- Rich quests and plentiful rewards

The journey will be a variety of unexpected challenges, but also full of excitement and surprise.

For more details, please check our Facebook 
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