
Новое за июль 2017
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Приключения Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
BotHeads just wanna fly fast.
Maybe do some loops and bounce off a spring.
Spin around to a great song and rack up some points!

BotHeads is an atmospheric and physics heavy arcade adventure game by the creators of Hanger & Hanger World. Guide your little flying robots through a beautiful handcrafted world filled with things to fly past or bounce off.

As you keep playing the game your old paths will light up the world and help you find your way - creating a unique background for every player.

"It's like an amazing dream where Sonic The Hedgehog, transformed into a flying robot, is trapped in badlands filled with weird monsters and cats with laser eyes."

Oh – and it features a brand new soundtrack by Boy vs Bacteria.
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