Astro Chimp

Astro Chimp
Новое за июнь 2017
Категория: Игры, Аркады, Развлечения Бесплатно Оценка пользователей
Astrochimp is a beautiful action-packed 3D side-scroller; an addictive adventure game guaranteed to release your inner monkey.

Run, jump and swing your way through the Astro Chimp Space Program; a brutal set of challenges preparing monkeys for space.

A perfect blend of twitch controls and lateral thinking - time your swings to get astro chimp to the next chamber alive!


A game by Broken Totem Studios. We hope you enjoy!

"Great game! Challenging and very addictive."

"Awesome old skool platforming fun!"

"Fun, addictive and nicely polished."

"Gorgeous graphics and great comical violence. Highly recommend!"
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